Spike vs. Branch Antlered Bull. Do you know the difference?


Active member
Sep 17, 2014

If anyone on this site knows the difference between a Spike Bull and a Branch Antlered Bull, could you please get in touch with Mr. Todd Reichert, and explain it to him?
It seems Mr. Reichert killed a 7 x 8 Bull, in a special zone that allowed only Spike Bulls to be taken. Mr. Reichert then, prior to field dressing the Bull, moved it to another area outside the hunt zone to begin butchering it.
Later, in court, the Judge ruled that Washington State's game regulations were too ambiguous in what the term "branch antlered Bull" means, so he was found not guilty.
The article also mentions all the super expensive Governor's tags in various States Mr. Reichert has purchased over the years.

I wonder what the arresting officer's thought on their way out of the courthouse. On second thought, I think I can imagine what they thought....
Note same guy who got busted a couple years ago trying to hunt elk with a helicopter in Washington on a governors tag.
I'll never understand their ruling... they CLEARLY define a true spike bull, the area was called a true spike bull only hunt.... so if his bull does not meet the definitions of a true spike bull who gives a hoot what a branch antlered bull is defined as.... smh
I don't know what is unclear. Here's how the definition reads:

True Spike Bull Restrictions: Bull elk taken in
these units (GMUs 251, 328-335) must have
both antlers with no branching originating more
than four inches above where the antlers attach
to the skull. Under the true spike restriction,
taking an elk that has two points on one
side or antler points within one inch of the
definitions regarding length of point, or point of
origination, is an infraction. All other types of
violations of the true spike restriction are subject
to current penalties and assessments.
Visible Antler: A horn-like growth projecting
I heard the hunter and the judge have scheduled a guided Idaho wolf hunt together. Some dude that goes by elkmagnet on his instagram account has been really successful lately.
This dude gives guys like us a bad name. He is a trophy hunter that has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on governors tags. The charges were dropped, so to me that says it never made it to a judge. Yet they say the prosecutor hasn't decided to appeal. I wouldn't be surprised if something else went on behind the scenes. Being from the Chicago area I'm all too familiar with political corruption
"To get Bullwinkle, besides the $50,000 he spent at the state auction, Reichert also bought 313 of the 2,746 raffle tickets (11 percent of the total) going for $6 each for an Eastern Washington elk permit. He won one. He used that raffle permit to kill Bullwinkle."

"The report says that the owner of the hayfield had given permission for the hunt to take place, and that Reichert told police that he had relied on the locals to tell him if they “were good to go” on the hunt, and they had said yes.

The report says it was up to Reichert to find out if that location was permitted for hunting branched antler bull elk."
Smart lawyering from the firm of Cuervo-Paime-Alott;)....and a friendly bench jurist.
That is a blackeye for hunters and the legal system. It is disgusting that a man blatantly caught poaching and trying to cover it up, gets a pass because of his financial status.
That is a blackeye for hunters and the legal system. It is disgusting that a man blatantly caught poaching and trying to cover it up, gets a pass because of his financial status.

That's pretty much the way it works.
I guess if you have the coin to buy those hunts, you have the coin to pay the best lawyers to figure out these loopholes. Either way, wrong on all levels.
I don't get it either. The text says that if it is not a true spike, it's an infraction. 77 years old and this is what he does for fun ...
They should see if this guy can tell the difference between a 1 pointer and a eunich.
we all know what a spike is and isn't , he knew it wasnt a legal bull ,which is why he moved it before gutting it ,Lame, old dude with money just lawyer' ed up and spun it , hes a JACKWAGON
Oregons Hunt regs make it quite plain for the new people
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