SOLD: 22 acre lot near Bozeman

No not really. I could and pretty much only hunt DIY, public outside of my home property where I live.

I however would not be the type that would buy that property for that price. That is where the difference lies. The mindset of the DIY public land hunter is just not the same as the mindset of a person that would buy that property at that price. Again, I'm making generalizations here and you are just reading into this too much. No sense in derailing this further arguing with you, if you wish to continue, send me a PM.

No not really. I could and pretty much only hunt DIY, public outside of my home property where I live.

I however would not be the type that would buy that property for that price. That is where the difference lies. The mindset of the DIY public land hunter is just not the same as the mindset of a person that would buy that property at that price. Again, I'm making generalizations here and you are just reading into this too much. No sense in derailing this further arguing with you, if you wish to continue, send me a PM.

It's probably not the best to group the mindset of ALL public land, DIY hunters into YOUR own personal mindset/belief system. I could do the same by presenting the other end based on my own personal bias. That being said, the spectrum of DIY public land hunters just might surprise you. Of course, I could be 100% incorrect.

I'm not arguing just offering my own, personal perspective just as you were.
It's probably not the best to group the mindset of ALL public land, DIY hunters into YOUR own personal mindset/belief system. I could do the same by presenting the other end based on my own personal bias. That being said, the spectrum of DIY public land hunters just might surprise you. Of course, I could be 100% incorrect.

I'm not arguing just offering my own, personal perspective just as you were.
Take it outside!
Take it outside!
They’re both right. 😜

Bottom line is the commentary on this thread has been enlightening, but it generated no direct purchase interest that I’m aware of. But showings have been active and hopefully that turns into an offer from other marketing avenues at some point. If not, I’d be more than happy to hold on to this gem a few more years.
I was simply just making a generalization that the type of person that can afford a 600k, 22 acre parcel is the type of person that is likely to be hiring a guide rather than the type of person that is hunting DIY on public land. This forum is in general (again making a generalization) utilized and followed by the latter and therefore the targeted audience for his for sale listing is rather small on this forum.
This has nothing to do with hunting. This is the reality of real estate in Montana. Neither parcels in this thread are over priced. Bitch about it if you want. It don't matter. mtmuley
The reality is, whatever the buyer is willing to pay, that's the market price. And these ridiculously priced parcels are selling. Just hard for us MT raised folks on local wages.
I'm a born and raised Montanan. I get it. Not anything I can do about it. I make a great living working for a company building the equally ridiculously priced homes that are built on these parcels. mtmuley

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