Caribou Gear Tarp

SO, WHO all is going to...


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
This Cali hunt trip.... IS there a master list ? WHEN are the dates again ? Not that I can go, BUt I wanted to know who the lucky SOB's ARE
I'll be there! June 7th-9th So far I have received deposits from:
California Hunter

I want to point out that this is a great deal and won't be available again probably ever. Now is the time to do it if you can. The more the merrier. I will be raising my regular prices in June as my lease on the ranch is going up substantially.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-06-2002 19:34: Message edited by: bigtusker ]</font>
There is one other "non-HuntTalker" who wants to go with his son if no one else signs up. I'll let him know on Wednesday.

C'mon, Moosie - if I paid for half your hunt fee, would you go????? (Would that work as an incentive for the wife? "Look, Honey - I can go for half price?") ;)
CALI.. WHo's going to pay the other 1/2 ;) HAHA . I actualy have a few thigns in the works on other stuff.... So I'm guessing even if the trip was free the time jsut isn't there ... :(
Ah, it's only a weekend, Moosie. But that is okay...just more hogs for the rest of us. We'll think of you while we're whacking and stacking them. (yeah, right. :rolleyes: Maybe while we're drinking that beer after a day of spot, stalk and shoot.) :D
Good Luck to you all that are going on the hog hunt.It should be a blast for you guys.Whackem and stackem guys.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-08-2002 18:55: Message edited by: Kraven ]</font>
Since they are a game animal here, I don't think you can hunt them at night. A half hour before sunrise and a half hour after sunset are the normal hunting hours. In some areas, you can't even hunt varmints at night. I believe this restriction on night hunting varmints is to reduce poaching of game animals.
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