Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Anyone a coyote fanatic here?

It's been a few years since I purposeful hunted coyotes. I shoot a few around the house every year, but we have a real mole problem so we try and let the coyotes do there thing. Really the only time I go after them is when they get close to the house, the sheep or are in a real abundance.

Last year we had a real bad case of mange in the coyotes around my place. I shot every single one I saw with mange and then burned them. I haven't seen any with mange this year thankfully.


This guy was singing to me while I searched for a bull a friend had arrowed the day before. No luck finding the bull, and I think this guy and his friends likely had a good dinner for a few days.

If time allows I would like to call some coyotes this year and collect a few pelts for some projects. But time will tell if that happens or not.
I understand others may come back in. All that means is overall density in the region is temporarily lower. That’s a good thing for wild game. For sure, the dead coyotes, and their hungry bellies, won’t be coming back. So keep adding to that category any way you can.
I don’t think it’s quite that simple…if memory serves me they’re known to also increase their litter sizes when they’re pressured.

By all means, kill them, but I wouldn’t expect to make much of a difference. The most intensively hunted place I know of locally for coyotes is also the most coyote ridden place I’ve ever seen hands down. Nobody’s ever made a dent there that’s for sure.

If I was in this situation, I’d hit ‘em hard when the fawns and calves are dropping. From what I’ve read that’s your best bet to actually make a difference.
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