So where are you going?!!!......

Seems like everybody is a buzzin' with plans!
.....good to know the sickness I have isn't isolated....but more like a friggin PLAGUE!!! :eek:

Heck......I'm already pullin maps on my 2004 Mountain Goat hunt I have for Alaska! :D

Moosie....everyone else can list all their stuff.....but you need to just list the elk....not enough webspace on here for you to list ALL you plans! :D

Sounds like the Selway will get hit hard this year!....I hunted the Selway/ Bitterroot Wilderness about 5 years ago and was not impressed, but that shows you the importance of knowing something about an area prior to arrival :rolleyes:

Uh...Delw.....can we get some kinda clock/timer/counter set up here on the board to count off the days as they pass until Sept 1 ?!! that would be cool as schit and a reason to check in often to see how much time is left! :cool:
I would love to go chase Caribou with my bow somewhere a few years down the road (2004-2005). Kind of a do a it yourself hunt. I guess if I start planning now (that means saving $) I could do it. I could use some info on where to start, if anyone wants so suggest something.


Tucson, AZ
Chris......Moosie is taking a bunch of folks from this board Bou hunting in 2004 I think......I know they are after bears in Canada for 2003, but you might wanna check with him on the 2004 trip...that gives you a couple of seasons to save up...
Hey DS, Where abouts did you prowl in the Selway? Was it that early rifle season? I have a little inside info, but I would like to cross check it with you so that I'm not being ill advised. I'll get in and scout it next summer, its only about 25 mile drive to the trailhead.
Ernie.....I did a fly-in to Moose Creek. All the harvest reports and intel for the prior 10 years said it was the place to 40% success rate with 66% of those being 6 point or better.....but it was a falasy....the ladt ranger at Moose Creek laughed......she said the bears and winter kill had pretty much slam dunked that area for a few years. It was pretty dismal.....covering 10 square miles and only seeing a couple of old elk tracks in the snow. We did get non res. bear tags for $25 and all 3 whacked us a bear...and the whitetails were crawling! it went from a trophy bull hunt to a deer/bear combo hunt in a hurry! of my most disappointing times elk hunting.

Had I had my horses in there(25 miles in).we possibly could have covered more ground and done a little better......but I knew there were just too many other places that had good numbers of elk to keep fooling around with that spot. It was a true wilderness fly-in with all the right stats to back it up.......just goes to show can't always believe the numbers...especially the ones that look too good.

I had a friend tell me just a few weeks ago that a hunat I have always wanted to do, the Wyoming Thorofare, was just this kind of trip. Highly overrated and numbers that were truer 10 years ago than they are is easy to get deceived by the promise of great hunts in the best areas.....but too many times, hoards of other folks had the same idea and got there first, thus changing everything..... :rolleyes:

...but Ernie......feel free to mail that "inside info".....I'll file it in my "Idaho File" ;)
Well DS, My plans thus far are as follows:

Colorado: Bull and cows if they offer it again. Hopefully the bull with the muzz. Rifle deer, Rifle or muzz antelope, turkey.

Kansas: Deer..haha yeah right. Only if I draw so I won't hold my breath.

I'm trying to see if I can do an outta state Bull Elk hunt. Hopefully wyoming?? Not sure yet on that one. If not maybe I could go after a cow with Elchaser and the boys..

That's about it
Thanks for the info DS. Did you guys foot hunt outta the strip there then? I have found that in the Selway and Salmon both the elk are mighty tough to find in the low country, especially anywhere near the airports. Unfortunately it held true for you.

Winter of 96 definitely hammered them in there, and yeah, the bears are too thick too. But, I still have hope. Huge number of elk are not what I'm going for, I'm looking into the places where all the smart elk get pushed and NO ONE gets into. Nasty shit. Add that to a possibly bugling bull and a high powered rifle. I have the best of hopes, as I'm sure you did before you got there! :D

I guess my real benefit is that I can scout it in a couple hours from here.

Thanks, since this isn't exactly going to be a yearly thing for me I will share my results if they are worth sharing, OR, maybe not, if they are NOT worth know what I mean? :eek:
Ernie......IT's ALL THE NASTY STUFF IN THERE!!! :D shit!..that was some bad ass country...and yes, we were on foot having to climb several thousand feet straight up out of the river each day.....after the second day no one had skin left on their feet, and it was the 4th day that we lost toenails......but your right....there were bulls some 10 miles from our strip, and an outfitter had tagged a couple for his clients that far away from us, but we realized it was too far in the heat to get it back without spoiling, so we had to hunt closer to our drop point, which was void pretty much of elk.

You may do very good!..lots of big elk if you can find 'em...which just had no chance to scout, and hit the wrong spot. Hell, it only make sense that bulls die of old age in there! :eek: ..if you get the chance to scout, you'll probably do great!

I'm not so sure about the Park, as I am being told it may be futile to go there in I am considering a couple of other places farther to the west. But Montanny has a dance card with my name on it, hopefully, since I'll have 2 points and a try, which gives me 3 chances.

Am I going alone.....nope,.....I am taking Jason Lee. I've hunted with him before and he is great to hunt with. Avid bowhunter and is in great shape......but he has never had the opportunity to hunt elk so I thought I would give him that chance.

If you have another suggestion that may be better than the Park idea for October .I am all ears.......but if it's a "hot tip"..shoot it to me in an e-mail ;) ....and you asked am I going alone?...does that mean your interested?
My buddie's and I have a little saying.

"Where ever big bulls are bugling... That's where we will gooooo."
"hunting plans"
if you check I think you'll find that is a misnomer, hunting is a "GIVEN"! :cool: (but I will give you this, you do have to "plan" the hunt)
As for me, fall 2003 will likely find me throwing-sharpened-sticks at elk in CO --however, I do plan on starting school in 2003, so that may alter my plans some, that being the case, then it'll be late-season rifle. And of-course there'll be a number of deer taken on the weekends, both whitetail & muley (they'll mostly be from hereabouts); and I'm sure some turkeys will gladly donate to my cause this fall, along with some upland & migratory birds.
But in the off-season (now there I go with the "misnomer," what 'off-season?' :D ) I will be found on the prairie trying to lower the prairie dog population ;)

Anytime spent planning a hunt, or hunting, is time well spent
Elk huntin 2003,
Ya, find the two BIG fu&%#@s that sliped away!
We should talk someday as i hunt in between your home an mine. Maybe meet at Stoner's for a beer an a burger
Send me an e-mail with your phone # and I'll give you a call, will be up there every day until Sunday at the day's inn for a class.. :D
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