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So where are we, what did we Lose?

Horn Seeker

New member
Dec 21, 2000
Billings, MT, USA
Just curious, it seems like due to a lot of hell raising, we've got about all of these stupid bills shot down? Which ones passed that shouldn't have? Seems all I've been hearing is "tabled, tabled, tabled!"....:hump:
We're still piling the bodies.

HJ 37 went down today as well - that bill would have set up the interim process for a Ranching for Wildlife committee bill.
SB 255, John Brendan's "Establish criteria for FWP commission decisions" that said the commission had to manage with social, and economic concerns, and would cost us close to $3 million over 4 years. It's sitting on the governors desk.

SB 237,Ron Arthun, Revise laws relating to brucellosis surveillance. Test and slaughter bill, cost $ 680,000 a year roughly. It's sitting on the governors desk

SB 136, Joe Balyeat, Revise residency requirements for hunting,
"Nonresident relative of a resident. It's on the desk

SB 135, Joe Balyeat, use of tracking dogs. On the desk

HB 541 Jeffrey Welborn, Exempt domestic livestock trailing from FWP regulation and MEPA. On desk.

SB 174, Gene Vuckovich,Prohibit state funds for movement or relocation of bison to Spotted Dog WMA. On the desk.

SB 212, Rick Ripley, Clarify FWP authority to manage wild buffalo or bison. On desk.

SB 348, Debbie Barrett, Revise funding for wolf management, is in Senate Free Conference committee. Today it will be heard. It will cost $800,000 a year.

That's the lion share of those we had concerns with.
Wow, from a purely selfish perspective I like SB 136!!! It doesn't even seem to put restrictions that your resident relative has to be out in the field with you!

Being born and raised in Montana and still having family living there would actually give me an edge over all the other nonresidents. Pretty novel concept!

Of course it would have been better if something like that would have been around when my dad was still alive so I could have gone hunting with him a lot more often that way.
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I am not ready to throw in the towel yet, but looking at what could have been, the shear number of bad bills and the strength of the opposition,,, we did well!
HB 363
HB 159
SB 207

Waiting to see what the final version of SB 348 looks like, but it still sounds workable.

11 bad bills got through is the preliminary count.
HB 363
SB 255
SB 207
SB 237
SB 174
HB 541
SB 233
SB 306 (vetoed)
HB 318 (vetoed)
HB 272 (vetoed)

HB 2
The weird and kooky cuts made by the majority will effect all of our families and will increase our local taxes for no reason. That means less time hunting and fishing as we work overtime to fund our children's healthcare, pay increased property taxes to fund schools, and take care of the elderly that cannot afford healthcare. HB 2 continues to punish state employees who have not had a raise in 3 years, and that means our biologists and wardens continue to do more work with less money.

Regarding the Warden and Biologist pay...I'd make sure to let the legislature know that there reaches a point where you just cant do more with less, eventually you have to do less with less.

Been fighting that battle at work as well...we just have to start doing less with less, no other options.

Its really too bad it will be at the expense of the publics resources, but maybe it will be a successful wake-up call.
At some point, the budgetary issues will need to be a top priority for hunters and anglers. I hope this session will be the wake up call that we need.

Thank you for all your hard work this session. Everyone who wrote, called, showed up and screamed made the difference this year. If not for the everyday outdoorsman and woman, this list would have been exponentially larger.
Ben - I think all of us should be thanking you. You keep us well informed of what's going on and when we need to be aware of bills and comments. I know I appreciate the constant heads up of the ins and outs of certain bills that I may not have kept up with otherwise. I owe you a beer or 3. You name the place and time and I'll be there. Cold ones on me.

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