So long TV - Hello Amazon

While I'm happy you will have more freedoms and such, what you have now done is just moved the cost burden to the consumer rather than you paying it yourself. I already have cable TV so I was able to watch you as an included cost in my cable bill. Now to watch I have to pay for cable AND Prime or wait for how ever long it takes to publish on YT. While I get why you did it, it's not all roses for everyone. I myself already have Prime as well, but instead of you paying the Outdoor channel and making them money which you covered before, now we cover it for you AND you still make money and so does Amazon now. :O

Another "stir the chit" post from Garrett. Funny stuff. Below is my best attempt to reply with humor.

Free content, respect for people's time by removing commercial breaks from content, and that has you complaining? Not a surprise.

Someone making a financial decision to not have a cable package or Amazon Prime might have to wait a few weeks to get it for free on YouTube. Damn, the world is coming to an end.

You choose to pay for cable. In the real world, they call that a "personal problem." If you so choose to keep your cable package, good for you.

You have a charitable inclination to the outdoor networks, feel free to make the donation. I'm not so inclined.

I'll go the route to provide more content, to more people than the shrinking audience that is traditional TV (especially outdoor TV), and be able to tell the story how I want, rather than how I am told.

Most likely, you've mistaken me for someone who gives a chit about the "problems" you mention.
That was a rather polite post from Randy to our MN member. If it were me I would have probably told the griper to go chop a hole in one of those frigid MN lakes and jump in head first!
Great for you Randy! It sounds like a great move for you. I will be happily waiting for the YouTube version.

I am not a fan of Amazon and here is why. They employ no one in my community, they pay no taxes in my community, and they give no charitable donations to my community. They do absolutely nothing for my community. However, they draw a lot of money out of my community. Remember when everyone hated the big box stores because the profits left the community? Amazon, in my feeble mind, is way worse. This should in no way be construed as a criticism of your moving to Prime. It sounds like a lot better deal for you and I am happy you did it!
Congrats on the move Randy. I don't blame you one bit for trying to cut costs any way you can, especially when the move might actually make the content available to more people. We cut the cable years ago, so I've been watching your show strictly on Youtube ever since you started your youtube channel. My wife has been talking about getting Amazon Prime. If she does, I will enjoy not having to wait for things to be posted on youtube.
Another "stir the chit" post from Garrett. Funny stuff. Below is my best attempt to reply with humor.

Free content, respect for people's time by removing commercial breaks from content, and that has you complaining? Not a surprise.

Someone making a financial decision to not have a cable package or Amazon Prime might have to wait a few weeks to get it for free on YouTube. Damn, the world is coming to an end.

You choose to pay for cable. In the real world, they call that a "personal problem." If you so choose to keep your cable package, good for you.

You have a charitable inclination to the outdoor networks, feel free to make the donation. I'm not so inclined.

I'll go the route to provide more content, to more people than the shrinking audience that is traditional TV (especially outdoor TV), and be able to tell the story how I want, rather than how I am told.

Most likely, you've mistaken me for someone who gives a chit about the "problems" you mention.

It's interesting when you point out the bad, people label you and tell you if you don't like's your problem...and they even spell your name wrong on top of it :)

I guess by pointing out the obvious I'm a pot stirrer....who knew...
My family and I have enjoyed watching your show on Amazon over the holidays - even more so now that we are planning our first western hunt together. (We are Tennessee hillbilly folk.) Thank you for the great family friendly content and we look forward to more. As I like to say to my wife when Randy does something like save a puppy or otherwise prove his high ethical standards in the field, "Randy Newberg is a great American." Keep it up, sir!
It's interesting when you point out the bad, people label you and tell you if you don't like's your problem...and they even spell your name wrong on top of it :)

I guess by pointing out the obvious I'm a pot stirrer....who knew...

No; you didn't point out the obvious, but rather that you're self centered and are looking out only for yourself like a lot in our society unfortunately are doing nowadays, rather than the good it will be for Randy and over 80% of his audience. If you already have cable and Prime like you stated, it doesn't sound like you're hurting too bad, so either enjoy the show and lots of other stuff that Prime includes or drop it and watch him for free later on youtube as a part of your cable subscription.
Another "stir the chit" post from Garrett. Funny stuff. Below is my best attempt to reply with humor.

Free content, respect for people's time by removing commercial breaks from content, and that has you complaining? Not a surprise.

Someone making a financial decision to not have a cable package or Amazon Prime might have to wait a few weeks to get it for free on YouTube. Damn, the world is coming to an end.

You choose to pay for cable. In the real world, they call that a "personal problem." If you so choose to keep your cable package, good for you.

You have a charitable inclination to the outdoor networks, feel free to make the donation. I'm not so inclined.

I'll go the route to provide more content, to more people than the shrinking audience that is traditional TV (especially outdoor TV), and be able to tell the story how I want, rather than how I am told.

Most likely, you've mistaken me for someone who gives a chit about the "problems" you mention.

Randy dropping the mic....

This response had me rolling.

Congrats to you! Sounds like a good move for you and the crew and certainly for us (well most of us!).
I dropped cable a year ago and have been watching your YouTube channel. I will give prime a try this week. I have a tremendous amount of respect for you and fully support your message.
Congratulations and good luck
No; you didn't point out the obvious, but rather that you're self centered and are looking out only for yourself like a lot in our society unfortunately are doing nowadays, rather than the good it will be for Randy and over 80% of his audience. If you already have cable and Prime like you stated, it doesn't sound like you're hurting too bad, so either enjoy the show and lots of other stuff that Prime includes or drop it and watch him for free later on youtube as a part of your cable subscription.

I'm not taking the bait, I"m lucky to have Prime and be able to watch him when they are released.
Great news on the move to Amazon/You Tube. I hope all like-minded programs follow suit.
I think this is a GREAT move Randy. I’ve never once watched your show on cable. In my adult life I’ve never had cable, will never have cable. Thank you for putting out such a high quality, commercial free show.

On another note, I have a daughter who’s nineteen months old. She rarely gets to watch TV, but on the occasions when she does, she has two options, Sesame Street, and your show. When we ask her what she wants, more often than not she shouts, “Elk!” Which of course means Fresh Tracks. Also, my wife is not a hunter, but she loves your show Randy. Besides Meat Eater, you’re the only hunting show I’ll watch. Thank you for all you do!
Good move Randy. Seems like you had your hands tied for the TV show, and that's a pain. Plus, if the show is going to reach more people online, then rock on!
I also have never watched your TV show and don't have cable. I'm strictly a YouTube viewer/subscriber. Everybody would rather spend their money on gear and tags than cable anyway!
Good move as the cable companies were making it harder and harder to get the outdoor channels. Wont be long and you wont be able to get outdoor tv at all. Amazon/Youtube is the future for now.
As someone who has Amazon Prime and never used it until now, I know I am really slow learner, and who has really enjoyed the YouTube platform. I think this is a great move and you can further tell your story without fear of censorship by the network executives. It is a move that needed to happen as cable/satellite is going by the wayside similar to print media. We wish you the continued success in the future endeavors and continue to tell your story, which is our story, that these public lands are ours and not to be squandered away by another government bureaucrat.

Kirk and Myrtie
While I'm happy you will have more freedoms and such, what you have now done is just moved the cost burden to the consumer rather than you paying it yourself. I already have cable TV so I was able to watch you as an included cost in my cable bill. Now to watch I have to pay for cable AND Prime or wait for how ever long it takes to publish on YT. While I get why you did it, it's not all roses for everyone. I myself already have Prime as well, but instead of you paying the Outdoor channel and making them money which you covered before, now we cover it for you AND you still make money and so does Amazon now. :O

The cost burden has always been shifted to the consumer in some way. Do you think every business that advertises commercially on TV doesn't have the cost of that advertising bundled into the product you buy? Not only that but you spend your time sorting through or watching commercial messages on top of the fee you pay for cable.

Now you have the option of getting the same content completely free on Randy's Youtube channel if you are willing to wait a couple weeks longer than those who pay for Amazon Prime. And no, having to wait for totally FREE content does not mean Randy is treating his viewers like second class citizens.

You mentioned that you already were a Prime subscriber so you evidently saw the value of that service before Randy made his move. Why in the world would you complain about Randy making a move that doesn't cost you a penny more than you are already spending before he makes that move? Why wouldn't you be happy that his business model now allows him to retain the cost of TV airtime, make some profit and produce even more content than he could budget before?

What other business model in the world provides a service without passing the cost on to the consumer? I know we all think Randy is a nice guy, but give me a break. Is he supposed to bear all of the cost of producing episodes and hosting a web forum we enjoy without profit?

What kind of work do you do for a living? I'm sure myself and others on this forum would be happy to have you provide a quality service to us, gratis. After all, we deserve it because we are entitled to it.

Congrats on the move, Randy! I don't have cable, don't have Amazon Prime yet, but I sure won't complain about waiting a few extra weeks to watch free episodes on Youtube! I hope some more of the money your sponsors pay for inclusion in your show starts staying in your wallet instead of flowing into production costs. Maybe Mrs. Fin will be able to afford more ingredients for those Pumpkin bars you were fantasizing about on our deer hunt! Here's hoping that 2018 will provide the profit that will justify you being able take one of those dream hunts that don't make financial sense to include as part of your TV production.
I've never been able to watch your shows on television. I've seen some of them on youtube and here on the site. We live in a remote area 40 miles from shopping so having Amazon prime with the free shipping is almost a necessity. Now I can watch your shows anytime. I also think it's a good thing to separate your show from the others that are passed off as hunting shows on the other channels.
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