Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

So long TV - Hello Amazon

I haven't had cable TV in a couple of years. I never did anything other than a 'basic' package either. I wanted to watch Randy - so I purchased the DVD's, then episodes from the vhx channel.

We've had amazon prime for a number of years. I've enjoyed being able to watch shows there. I've loved the migration to the current distribution.

I know folks spending over a hundred a month on TV packages. I've never seen the benefit.

Congrats on the move. It is risky at this point - but in a couple of years the early adopters will be ahead of the game.
I love watching the day-by-day hunts and then the edited produced product at the end. The elk hunt in New Mexico with Cory was amazing and told a great story on how difficult hunting elk with a bow can be in the dry arid conditions. Keep up the good work Randy. One question I have is you never divulge the Unit(s) or places you hunt on the show, why? Just curious.

Keep the public lands public, I would like my kids to be able to hunt the way I've been able to hunt.
One question I have is you never divulge the Unit(s) or places you hunt on the show, why? Just curious
. I'm not Randy, but I suspect someone who hunts unit XYZ is going to be very unhappy with finding increased hunting pressure in his unit because Randy advertised he hunted unit XYZ on an episode. Also, I know he returns to many of the same units year after year if he can draw the tag. No reason to put added pressure on the exact spots he hunts.

With a little bit of work given the tools available through google earth and mapping software, it is pretty easy to cross reference clues in the footage to find exact locations if you have a general idea of where to start.
I love watching the day-by-day hunts and then the edited produced product at the end. The elk hunt in New Mexico with Cory was amazing and told a great story on how difficult hunting elk with a bow can be in the dry arid conditions. Keep up the good work Randy. One question I have is you never divulge the Unit(s) or places you hunt on the show, why? Just curious.

Keep the public lands public, I would like my kids to be able to hunt the way I've been able to hunt.

Thanks for the kind comments.

As to your question, I get asked that a lot. A few reasons below:

>----> 1. Our idea is "On Your Own," and we feel that research, networking, doing your own planning and scouting, is a big part of the On Your Own experience.

>----> 2. Out of respect for others who hunt/apply in those units, we feel it would not be good to blatantly give units. People already do a pretty good job of figuring it out.

>----> 3. Some of these hunts are places where we are asked to come as a guest and hunt/film with the person who invited us. When asked as a guest, the last thing we want to do is give exact information about the public land spot this person so kindly invited us to.

I already get plenty of pushback from people when we show up in a place they hunt. I am sensitive to their concerns and try to provide information about that state/region, rather than anything as specific as a unit, drainage, etc. We try to show how the state drawing system works, how the state-funded access programs work, show opportunities folks may not have thought of. We hope those tools give people the incentive, and the basic information, to fill in the rest of the plan from there.

Thanks for asking in a polite manner. Some have asked for that same information in emails and PMs and when I gave this reasoning they were not happy. Some have went so far as to contact my sponsors with the claim that part of my responsibility is to provide unit/drainage/coordinate information as part of my sponsor relationships.

I hope that makes sense why you will see things like "Central Montana" or "Western Colorado" or "XYZ County" or...... rather than specific units. Thanks for watching.
Big Fin, you should just start giving out the GPS coordinates of where you stop for a dilly bar on your travels. It wouldn't take long for them to quit asking for them after that and you may finally get the a little sponsorship by Dairy Queen. LOL
Im a creature of habit, hunt as hard as anybody, and seriously don’t give a damn (not even a little bit) where other people hunt even if they’re killing 180” mule deer or 85” antelope all day long; I still go to the same places I’ve always hunted which I found on my own. If I go to a new spot it will be a spot of my choosing and whether it produces anything worth shooting who knows, but I do know it won’t be a place I’m at because somebody told me to go there or because I overheard a couple guys talking about this awesome big buck hot spot. I’m a DIY public land hunter in every respect and a bullheaded SOB too.
Awesome. I'm happy for you and I think it will be an even better product for us as we will get to see more by your design and not from a cut-and-paste TV show design.
I am old school and only migrated to Netflix last summer, lol. I guess I will start using my Amazon Prime membership for more than two day shipping moving forward.

I get it, my kids don't even watch regular television...Good luck with the change as I am sure it makes economic sense.
Hi Randy,

I was watching the last show and thank you for letting us know at the end. At first I was wondering about what am I going to do, because of all of your tip, ex like the white tail in Se MT. I would have never known about that and I am going to try and get my friend to go with me next year. I am glad to see that you will have long shows on amazon. I am glad everything is going well for you and the show.
Thanks for the response. I was just curious. I respect why you do what you do and thank you for advocating for public lands and increasing access to public lands for all of us to enjoy. Being from NM I am always curious as to where you are hunting in you NM hunts and try to figure it out from landmarks I notice.

Keep up the good work. And may your 2018 bring you health and happiness.
Congrats Randy. It's been fun watching you turn this dream into a reality. Not sure it's been more of a nightmare than a dream sometimes :)
For me a Prime membership is a no brainer in terms of the savings you receive for the membership fee. Kinda like Costco I suppose.
Real First World problems for those complaining.
Well...just got done watching my first episode on Amazon (rifle elk CO with the tough pack out). My daughter looked at my wife and says “there goes dad for a while”, lol. I do have a few episodes to catch up on.

Good move Randy, I am a fan!
Wow, I had no idea outdoor TV was that difficult to navigate. In my naivety, I actually thought they made it easier and more cost effective to do a show. Sounds like they basically pick a few favorites and just promote them. Must be why I find so many of them insufferable. I used to lament not having cable access to outdoor and sportsman channel but it sounds like the best folks are all online (though I still enjoy the production quality of Jim Shockey from time to time).

I will do what I can to support your work. Thank you.
I've not had much use for my wife's Amazon prime I do! Just watched my first show and love the format.
Dropped TV about 3 years ago and solely watch shows on Netflix, Amazon, and YouTube. Been watching you for years and happy you finally came over to the DARK SIDE !!! Let the binge watching begin! :)
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