So long TV - Hello Amazon

I watched 3 episodes from the latest season on Amazon on Friday, killed a cow elk during a damage hunt on Saturday. Couldn't have done it without you Fin..;)
Congrats on the move and thanks for doing so! I cut the cord almost 3 years ago, because I was busy with young kids and didn’t watch enough TV to justify the extra $100 per month it cost me. I would watch OYOA/FT, MeatEater, and Jim Shockey. The rest of outdoor programming and the rest of TV in general is just trash, and I’m better off without it. I’ve got my fix from your podcast, the MeatEater podcast, and free content on YouTube. Your sponsors can count on getting my views on your new platforms.
When will this be available in Canada?
I signed up for an account only to find it is unavailable.

No say it isn't so! Well now I need to research this Amazon Prime and see what it's all about. My internet options are horrible here which I'm guessing this Amazon Prime thing is probably relying on. Watching videos and shopping on the internet isn't much quicker than the old dialup was. I get all the reasons behind it. I hope my internet options will improve in time so I can get caught up. So I guess I can pretty much cancel the extra I pay for the outdoor channels now. See i'm saving money now! Good Luck Randy
good luck

Good luck with switching over to amazon! I believe that this is a great move. My brother and sister have canceled there cable T.V. and now only watch on Amazon and U-tube. I think many people have made the move. I think that you will find many many more viewers on Amazon. Good luck and best wishes.
This is WAY better!!! On outdoor TV its the same ol same hunts. Each show is the same but different people. We have seen the "KING" most popular host play out and even old. Thank you for being real and showing hunts that average people can go on. You have inspired my 13 year old. We live in arizona and lo e it when you come here for the January coues hunt. My son wants to come dow. There next season and hunt with you. Good luck in the future and thank you for being average and showing you dont have to pays thousands of dollars for a good hunt, just need hard work..
So glad Randy made this judgment call. We have the My Outdoor TV app and honestly, so much of the content is cringeworthy we cannot watch it with wife and children in our home. When your 6 year old complains it isn't fair chase what he's know there is a problem. My 8 year old calls BS on most of the deer shows saying they are clearly shooting high fence stuff in Texas and no deer acts that way.

Putting Randy on Amazon was a great move. The family watches it all right there and we don't have to pay for a subscription to MyOutdoorTv that has so much content we dislike.

I very much appreciate that Randy made a distinction between his content and "the rest of outdoor content". Let Randy's values, production quality, and content stand on its own independent of an often silly outdoor sports network.
Cut the cord on cable TV 2 years ago and haven't looked back yet.. It's interesting the positive change I've experienced not being exposed on a daily basis to the messaging of Network TV. Looking forward to continued support on all your platforms BF!
I just wish you had even more episodes to watch - send your team along with some of these characters that draw these premium public land tags. What could go wrong...

Traditional TV is dying so fast and it is amazing to me how most people are oblivious to it. My two kids have not watch traditional TV in years.

There are a couple really good hunting shows out there but 80% of it is garbage and I cannot stand to watch it even if it is a cool species or area.

When the outdoor networks started pushing shows like Wild Board Fever and Pig Man I knew I was done watching them. These shows are embarrassing to anyone that is a sportsman/woman.
I agree with most of the comments already made. We cut the cord to cable about 8 months ago and have relied on amazon prime to watch your episodes.

I pretty much have stopped watching all outdoors shows except Fresh Tracks and Steve Rinella's show.
I have been with Direct TV since 1995, cutting the cord this month and going the streaming route. I am going to take some of the savings and buy an Amazon Prime membership. I look forward to watching Fresh Track Films.
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