
Lost my son to seizure in the night. Just awful. We had a chocolate Lab that developed seizures at age three. She managed to live with them without meds till she died of old age at 14 years. I would say on average she had one every five or six months. We always had a capsule of lorszapam in the medicine cabinet to shove up her butt if a seizure lasted too long. NEVER put your fingers in the mouth of animal or human during a seizure. They often bite their tongue and can bite a human finger plumb off. Don't worry about the tongue It's one of four organs that can regenerate (others are skin, liver, and ... believe it or not ... ear lobe).

Very sorry to hear about losing that beautiful young dog. My heart goes out to you. Really.
I would like to thank all of you. Bad enough our dog's go so young but she had 5 days to go to turn 4! That was really hard! Thank you all very much!
Man that stinks Don. I lost a 10 year old GR out of the blue in the middle of the night. It was awful. Sorry to hear it.
From the moment we first scoop them into our arms we are signing up for heartbreak. That’s just the bargain we make for all the joy dogs offer us. We hope for a long life and feel truly cheated when that doesn’t happen. She was a beautiful dog. So sorry you lost her too early.
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