Caribou Gear

Silencers, barrel length and cartridges

Robert N

Well-known member
Apr 16, 2020
Let’s talk silencers, barrel length and cartridges a moment in the context of hunting. This isn’t really a question per se…but rather just an open stream of thinking here.

I am super happy to say that I have two silencers (a Q Thunder Chicken and a TBAC Dominus CB)…and I’ll probably have a third in the not too distant future.

This was the first year I had the opportunity to hunt silenced and I gotta tell you, I don’t think I’m ever going back!

My primary hunting rifle at this stage is a Christensen Arms Ridgeline Carbon, 24” barrel in .308, topped with a Leupold VX3 3.5-10x40. 150 grains of bullet delivered at 2850 fps pretty much means anything this side of the Big 5 in Africa or the great bears is well hunted. Add the Dominus (7”) silencer to it and I now have a 31” hunting rifle. (!). That’s a loooong rifle…and the weight is around 9# scoped with the silencer on.

Getting the rifle back down to, say, 7# scoped & silenced I think is doable…5# naked rifles are definitely out there. Add Scope, rings and silencer to a 5# gun and we’re pretty much right back at 7#. But that also means a chopped down barrel…quite probably down to 16 or 18”. (*16” + 7” of silencer takes us to 23” OAL…I have plenty of 20” barreled rifles…but those aren’t designed for a silencer.)

Cut a 308 down to 16” from 24” and velocity loss will probably be in the 250-300fps range. (*I’m sure someone has done the experiments here) and now we have a 30-30 - which is fine for eastern woods hunting but rather neuters the .308 for longer shots. Maintaining the 308 velocity therefore means going to a heftier cartridge…300 PRC, for instance, to get the velocity back to what a .308 delivers in a 24” barrel.

Here’s the part that gets me: a 300 PRC in a 16” barrel is going to be super loud. The Dominus is right on the edge of hearing safe in my 24” .308…I’d be willing to bet that’s nowhere near enough silencer to shoot a PRC without plugs/muffs (*which is exactly the reason I wanted to get the silencers in the first place). The T-Chicken definitely suppresses more sound…but I have a very hard time believing it (*or just about any silencer) could suppress enough sound from a 16” PRC to do the job without plugs.

All of this circular logic rather takes me back to the beginning and makes the point of “there’s no free lunch”.

Thoughts? What are you guys thinking?
One of my rifles is a Howa Superlite 308 with the 20" barrel, with a Leupold 2.5-8 VX-3HD it weighs just under 5.5#'s. Used it with a Banish 30 in the short configuration on my goat hunt and it was right about 6.25#, pretty sweet to carry and shoot.
Think the medium capacity cartridges are the ones that work good with 18-20" barrel length and suppressors. The goal is to burn all the powder in the shortened barrel. Something like a 270 WSM, 300 WSM, 6.8 Western, along those lines, seem to work and not lose too much for speed. Any of the 308 derived cartridges would be ideal. Should have had my 338 Federal threaded, but that would necessitate another suppressor.....
How far are you planning on shooting? I would hunt with a 16" suppressed 308 without thinking twice. The wind may push it around a little but it would be a deadly combo 400 and in. I just rebarreled a rifle for exactly what you're wanting and landed on a 17" 22 creed that will wear a Ultra 7 100% of the time.
20" minimum for magnums

26" maximum for both standards and magnums

16.5" minimum for standards

Lots of 6" suppressor options. Some are light weight titanium as well.
You sure the suppressor will handle a 16” barrel in a .300 PRC? Usually manufacturers spec a 20” minimum for magnums and a can.

Definitely depends on the can, most Thunderbeasts are pretty tolerant but if I recall the Dominus has more restrictions than the rest.

My next hunting focused barrel will be in the 17-18" range I believe. I've "hunted" with a 24" barrel and 9" can. Crazy long, but it was a rancher style hunt, not a backpack hunt.

I want a 24-25" length max for an all arounder.
Are you saying you want to cut down the carbon barrel on your current rifle? I'm not sure if that is possible. I also have a 24" carbon barrel that I'd like to put a can on, but am a bit worried about length, less so weight.
I don’t like a barrel over 18” anymore. Silencer central told me I could go as short as I wanted to go with a 300 rum and their banish backcountry. The myth of unburnt powder making it to the can with 16”-18” barrels is just that a myth. Maybe at 10-12” you might see some. Have a 6.5-7PRC in the works right now 18” barrel
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Since getting a suppressor or two I’ve definitely changed up my barrels. I’ve shortened the ones I don’t want to get rid of to about 20”. I have a 338 weatherby rpm that’s 18”. With the can it’s about 26”. Definitely better than my 26” rifle with an 8” can. If I’m near the road I could do the long rifle. Otherwise the shorter rifles get the ride to the back country.
Velocity is affected but not as drastically as I would have guessed. I have video of my last elk down and the herd just sitting there not knowing what had happened. No loud report. Just a crack and that’s it. 30 elk just trying to figure out why their friend was on the ground.
Barrel length is really the thing holding me up on pulling the trigger on a seekins ph2, other than that it checks a lot of boxes off the shelf…
I don’t like a barrel over 18” anymore. Silencer central told me I could go as short as I wanted to go with a 300 rum and their banish backcountry. The myth of unburnt powder making it to the can with 16”-18” barrels is just that a myth. Maybe at 10-12” you might see some. Have a 6.5-7PRC in the works right now 18” barrel
I’d like to make a down payment on this gun
Are you saying you want to cut down the carbon barrel on your current rifle? I'm not sure if that is possible. I also have a 24" carbon barrel that I'd like to put a can on, but am a bit worried about length, less so weight.
No, I wouldn’t cut the barrel down. I’d just get a rifle with a much shorter barrel to start with.
One of my other rifles in the safe is an unthreaded Remington Custom Shop AWR in 7mm SAUM that comes in right at 6# naked. 22” steel barrel on that one. I could cut that down, but then, that rifles drives 1” 200 yard groups…and I kinda don’t want to mess with it.

I figure the best option would be to sell a few toys and just get a completely new dedicated lightweight silencer rifle.
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