
Side arm preference?

I stopped being impressed with a .44 mag with hollowpoints after shooting a couple wild hogs with them. They never penetrated the gristle plate on a big boar. We found them flattned out on the cartilage, in a perfect mushroom. Those were the standard Rem or Win HSPs. The softpoints or the Federal and Norma loads with just a dimple of lead exposed worked fine, as did hard cast bullets. The new Barnes and other premium HP bullets horpefully work better.
Also - I stopped carrying a handgun while hunting as I saw no need for it and it was just extra weight, unless I was handgun hunting, of course. I do sometimes carry a magnum handgun when bird hunting if there is a chance I might jump a hog. It will usually be a 4-inch .41, as I am partial to it and have 3 of them. I sometimes carry a 6-inch Model 629 Classic.
When I am back home in Montana (or any area with Griz) bowhunting I carry my Ruger Alaskan in 454casull with 300gr hard cast handloads. Whatever you carry you must shoot it regularly and be very proficient with it.
I used to carry a 3" 629 in a shoulder holster. I stopped carrying it about 10 years ago. I generally dont carry a handgun in the field with me anymore, to much weight. Sometimes on quick day trips I will carry my 1911.
H&K USP .45, not sure of its bear stopping ability but 6 more available rounds I can get off more accurately that with a revolver I'll take my chances, but I dont carry it much.
I know in the FPI tests a simple 40 cal outperforms a .357 mag in penetration and wound channel when going through 2 layers of denim and into ballistic gell. Add a glock to the mix and you get 15 rounds. So if you ever get attacked by a ballistic gelatin grizzly wearing 2 layers of denim go for the 40 cal.
For the Urban setting I carry either a G23 or G21SF, for the wilderness setting I prefer my SS Redhawk 5.5 44 mag w/ 230 HP's. The urban setting scares me more than out in the middle of no where!
In the field I prefer a stainless wheelgun in a magnum caliber otherwise its a small semi auto but its like the commercial used to say, don't leave home without it.
I live in MTs region 1 while bow hunting I carry my 629 classic in 44mag with 240 grain hard cast and my sawed off 12 gauge with 3'' mag 00 buck. My shot gun makes me feel good coming in and out of the dark by myself in the thick brush! My buddy shot a sow grizz at just under 10 yards with my shot gun and stoped her in her tracks! The sow came in to cow calls with her 300 lb cubs, they came in in a V formation. A worning shot was given at about 30 yards! Our Grizz and wolf numbers are through the roof. As our game numbers decrease, it seems these perdators hunger increases.
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A true Jedi like myself wouldn't think of needing a firearm. Between the Mind Trick and light saber, I'm comfortable defending myself from evil anywhere, anytime.

I can't imagine carrying a sidearm while rifle hunting...
Another vote for a S&W 329 PD. I heard a long time ago that you carry a pistol 99% of the time and only shoot it 1% of the time so get something you can carry on a regualr basis. The 329 weighs half of what the 629 does. It does help if you get the grips off of a 500 or a 460 as they have a wrap arround grip.
The last few years I've been carrying a glock 20 bow hunting. Didn't carry anything for a long time until a bear a few years ago kept coming in while a few of us were cutting up an elk after dark. Fishing and rifle hunting just a ruger MKIII 22.
I'm not for sure on this but I think if archery hunting in MT it is illegal to carry a firearm while hunting. If I can find it on the web or in the regs I'll post again.
Have always felt the need to carry a revolver when archery hunting. Have had the Ruger in 454, the Taurus in 480 Ruger as well as some 44 mags. Favorite is the Taurus Tracker in 41 mag, easy to carry and packs a hell of a punch. Standard is good, but it also used to come in a titanium model. Hardly even know its there, til ya need it.
I'm not for sure on this but I think if archery hunting in MT it is illegal to carry a firearm while hunting. If I can find it on the web or in the regs I'll post again.

That is not true.