Caribou Gear

Side arm preference?

I pack a S&W .44 six shooter. I figure that if I have to use it it will be in close quarters. I pray it does the trick. Although were I've been running around lately there haven't been a lot of bears, wolves, or cats. They are there I'm sure just not in the big numbers like some of the other areas around Montana.
Bought it many, many moon's ago when I was doing some long-distance driving around AZ.. No Grizz's, but there were some Desperado along those remote HiWays. Never found any reason to switch. Plain Jane Taurus .357, 4" barrel. 158 gr Win. HP Silvertips. No Desperado's to date, but a few jack rabbits instantly turned into un-discernable particles of YUCK ! Maybe a whietail this year. I'm getting bored with the Same 'O Same 'O..
Personally I carry a 10mm Glock model 20. Would probibly be light for a hard charging grizz, but there are currently some pretty hot 10mm loads on the market. also 15 rounds in the magazine at the carry weight of the Glock is a plus and it's a pretty easy pistol to shoot proficiently as well as quickly. Hoping to add a S&W 329PD .44mag to the arsenal at some point (but it may be a while at a grand), but for now feel pretty good about the glock. Just my 2cents. I also carry spray.
Bought it many, many moon's ago when I was doing some long-distance driving around AZ.. No Grizz's, but there were some Desperado along those remote HiWays. Never found any reason to switch. Plain Jane Taurus .357, 4" barrel. 158 gr Win. HP Silvertips. No Desperado's to date, but a few jack rabbits instantly turned into un-discernable particles of YUCK ! Maybe a whietail this year. I'm getting bored with the Same 'O Same 'O..

+1 On the Taurus .357 4-inch. Comfortable with it and shoot it well.
Ruger SS Redhawk .41 magnum in a Ringler Wyoming Combination Holster. It sits right on my chest and doesn't interfere with my backpack or binos.
Got around to picking up the polymer taurus 45LC/.410 "Public Defender" 2.5".

Really like it.


Found a holster that did the job for the anchor weighted judge I had prior. Was not worried about investing into a higher caliber holster until I found a design I liked.
This one was only some $25.00 (+,-) It houses the judge/public defender very well. Most importantly, it shields the trigger. Ya, ya, I know it has a thumb release trigger strap - though on occasion I have found that unsnapped whether my error or, well - my error. ;)

It is tough to find holsters for these as they hold a bit more design specifics to furnish the cylinder size... so figured I would share this here as well for those interested...
It is a Blackhawk nylon ambidextrous 3 slot pancake holster. Here is a link for good price: The one I have is a size 3.

Pic of holster with .45LC/.410

Anyhow, for what it is worth.
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Urban my 1911 is my go to, in the woods I carry a 4 5/8" ss 44 mag Blackhawk, I always keep my wooose Browning HP 9 handy around the house. There were so many great ones named but the 66 4" sure is a sweet easy handling all around wheel.
Really like my .40 for packin' in the woods. Similar to a .357 performance wise. It may not be a .44 mag or 500, but I get 17 shots in mine instead of 5 or 6. And it may or may not put a bear down on the spot, but it's sure gonna hurt a hell of a lot more than pepper spray. M2C
Recent small tool acquisition for late night gate ingress/egress lock-duty or bank deposit transport....

I carry a Tuarus 24/7 OSS Tactical .45. It is what I am the most confident in and can draw from a holster much faster then the larger revolvers. For bear I would have a can of spray as my primary though. For those considering upward ported barrels, they do hold the barrel down but will also blind you in low light conditions as the muzzle flash will be directed up in your line of sight, not out like normal. A few guys I know shoot in low light/the dark at a local range and all of them got rid of their ported barrels.
Im no gun pro , but Goldtip has the gun im looking to buy for Grizz protection out west , My logic is if have to use a weapon i want to inflict the most damage from one hit , The 454 with 300plus loads will knock down Brown bears, its been proven in alaska , Plus can also shoot 45s at home for protection . Hunt smart be safe and good luck
I hunt grizz country and a S&W 329 Air light in 44mag for bow hunting is a great light weight gun. Solid core bullets/skull breaker!!! If you have enough time to even get a draw on a grizz this would be the gun I would recommend. I trust it. Better put a box through any gun before getting out there because your mind will not go where it has not been in times of distress. In other words there is no substitute for practicing as most people will instinctivley freeze up or start blazing. If you don't mind the weight and size a SW 500 would put a thumping on most anything. Good Luck!!
I carry a whole S%^T TON of round house kicks in my holster!! Nothing gets past this guy! If by any chance something occurs in the home, I have a Ruger Super Redhawk in 44 mag. with a 9 1/2" barrel to great any special guests.
I used to carry a Ruger Redhawk .44 mag with the 8.5" barrel, but after having strokes, heart attack, broken back and Parkinsons, the weight became a bit much, so I now carry a Springfield XD .45 acp. It is just as accurate as the Ruger and about 1/2 of the weight. It's enough gun to finish off a deer, or even to kill one within 50 yards, and it's plenty to handle 'yotes and snakes, as well as the odd human every now and then as needed!!!!!!!
I carry a Glock 20 10mm in a Blackhawk holster 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time I have a S&W J frame 442 that I carry in my Badlands bino case. I used to carry a Sig P229R in 40s&w using an inside the waistband holster when I had my ccw, but I let that lapse due to Nevada not allowing it count as a background check.
i carry a taurus tracker .41 mag in titanium. very light to carry and I hope its enough if i ever run into a bear. the new .44 mag lightweights are nice.

if its heavy your less likely to be carrying it when you need it in the backcountry.
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