Should the State of MT take control of Federal Lands ??

That's a negative on the fly by, Ghost Rider.

Incredibly destructive and short sighted effort, IMO.
Montana is already an indigent welfare state, relying on the generosity of good taxpayers in the other states to carry us. Now some nimrod wants Montana to incur the costs of managing, protecting, nurturing, and on and on ... taking on the financial burden now borne by federal dollars going to USFS, BLM, and other federal entities. The money from resources extracted would be mere pennies compared to the costs of "owning" the now federally supported lands. And once Montana paves, mines, clearcuts, and extracts all the pennies from the Bob, the Breaks, the Elkhorns ... then whatchagot?
In case you can't figure it out... "... I submit it’s the only solution to ensure we can educate our children, protect the environment and keep our energy independence.”

Many people are eying the resources in those roadless federal lands but are frustrated by fed control. Let them move to Texas.
Montana is already an indigent welfare state, relying on the generosity of good taxpayers in the other states to carry us. Now some nimrod wants Montana to incur the costs of managing, protecting, nurturing, and on and on ... taking on the financial burden now borne by federal dollars going to USFS, BLM, and other federal entities. The money from resources extracted would be mere pennies compared to the costs of "owning" the now federally supported lands. And once Montana paves, mines, clearcuts, and extracts all the pennies from the Bob, the Breaks, the Elkhorns ... then whatchagot?

Well then, the good people of Montana would just need more federal money. But by gawd they'd be independent! :hump:
In case you can't figure it out... "... I submit it’s the only solution to ensure we can educate our children, protect the environment and keep our energy independence.”

Many people are eying the resources in those roadless federal lands but are frustrated by fed control. Let them move to Texas.

Leave Mother Texas out of your bake sale problems.:cool:
Nothing good will come out of this. I don't want a bunch of state nincompoops taking control of fed lands. The state will go bankrupt trying to manage fires, etc and then will sell off the land to balance the budget. Guys like the Koch brothers are waiting and licking their lips.
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Nothing good will come out of this. I don't want a bunch of state nincompoops taking control of fed lands. The state will go bankrupt trying to manage fires, etc and then will sell off the land to balance the budget. Guys like the Koch brothers are waiting and licking their lips.

Well said.
Federal nincompoops with experience are probably going to be better than state nincompoops without it. If you have multiple agencies managing lands in the state, then at least if one agency messes up at least it doesn't effect ALL the public lands.
The state will go bankrupt trying to manage fires, etc and then will sell off the land to balance the budget.

It would not be a function of "If," rather "when." A dead center bulls eye on that statement.

Just firefighting in MT is a $100+million cost in some years, let alone many other costs associated with these lands (property tax payments to local governments, road maintenance, etc) . I suppose MT could always go to the Feds with hat in hand, asking for more public assistance to cover the cost of fighting fires and any other event/condition that requires cash outflows related to these lands.

Another disaster being cooked up in the domain of big egos and small ideas - The Montana Legislature.
Clearly, these people suffer from room temperature I.Q. As a great man from my home state , Samuel Clemens [a.k.a.] Mark Twain, once said, " No mans' life, liberty, or property is secure while the Legislature is in session".
This scheme seems to have started in Utah and is migrating north. Idaho put it through last session and has spent the off season researching it.
I'm sure the Montana Legislature has already solved all the rest of the state's challenges... Or maybe they don't want to gaze upon the havoc they've wrought and want some new territories to 'fix.'
The goal is to use this smokescreen as a way to give these lands to tycoons and developers thru the back door at firesale prices. Where is Teddy Roosevelt when we need him.
Lets elect Big Fin president in the next election, he is as close to Teddy Roosevelt as we can get today and a better option than any other. He will fix it.:D
This is not about state control. It's an effort to liquidate public lands. The people who are behind this simply do not like the idea of land being held in the public trust. Or wildlife, either, for that matter. In their minds, the private property is the only legitimate kind. That radical ideology is serious bad news for the future of hunting and fishing, if you don't happen to be rich.
Leave Mother Texas out of your bake sale problems.:cool:

Noharley, parts of Mother F'n Texas have moved up here to colonize, like the bloody fire ants. They are making large land grabs, closing off public access, building homes on public access roads, buying up certain elements of the legislature, moving hundreds of oil/fracking working families here (which will affect this next legislature, cause they are going to vote the way their employers paychecks tell them), etc...

This isnt a bake sale, its neo colonialism! Welcome To Montana, or as they are probably calling it - North Texas! ;)
We have our share of carpetbaggers, historically and presently. Sounds like you need to rail against your native sellers...and YOUR Montana elected officials instead of state M'fkn specific deprecation.
We have our share of carpetbaggers, historically and presently. Sounds like you need to rail against your native sellers...and YOUR Montana elected officials instead of state M'fkn specific deprecation.


But right. ;)

Wherever these nincompoops came from (In the case of the sponsor of this study, WA) they're MT's problem now.

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