Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Sheep question


Jun 26, 2015
Helena, Mt
Why am I only finding single rams? Is this the cause of hunting pressure and are they starting their search for ewes? Was seeing some small bands before the season opened, but since opening day it has just been individuals..Any and all opinions are greatly appreciated.
What unit? How many tags? Is there a fair about pressure from other general season bow hunters? In my unit a hand full of years ago they didn't start "chasing" the ewes unit the last week of October. We did have some cold fronts come through earlier in October and the boys were hanging with the girls during those times. When it warmed up they separated until the end of October. I guess they could be gearing up, but it seems a bit early. My 2 pennies.

The sheep rut here in Colo is generally in November into December. The rams are generally single to several until the rut starts. Generally speaking rams tend to stay together in bachelor groups and aren't solitary animals.. Once the rut kicks in they join ewes and rams are usually battling over ewes. In your case it's hard to say? What state and area are you talking about? Have there been any die-offs recently in that unit?
Unit is 482, the south side of the Missouri breaks in Mt, and yes there has been a lot of pressure 13 out of the 20 tags allotted have already been filled. The season is only two weeks old, now I don't know how many of those were filled during archery season but I assume not very many. No die-offs in this area..Thanks

Rams in bands when spooked generally stay even tighter in groups when spooked. Were you seeing many loners before hunting season?
I have no clue what the answer to your question is. Through July and August, then halfway through September, I saw singles, doubles and triples up to 7. Never more than 7 at once.

Are you using the river or driving and hiking?
With 13 of 20 tags filled, you still have about 85% of the mature Rams that we started with out there! Just keep after it, you'll find him!!
Just driving and hiking as I don't have access to a boat. Will be heading back up next week after the rain.. Thanks
I usually see the rams with the ewes in november , earlier they are in small groups or singles. This was before the die off in unit 213.
My free advice is less driving and more hiking. You also could use some help from here or find a successful local in the area. They are there as they have no where else to go.
I've always heard to treat it like venison. My ewe was amazing meat but I'm sure the ram can be a little tougher. I made steaks and sausage out of my ewe.
Easiest way I know is to use photobucket and then copy and paste the IMG code for each picture in your post.
Congrats, we ran close to 90 river miles on Sat. Kipp to Ferry. Pre-rut has started. We are heading up on Weds. for as long as it takes.
Would like to hear about the hunt.
I was served some Calif. Bighorn steak by BOY's dad while we were elk hunting in WY. The flavor was good, but it was quite chewy. As stated above, that's a problem I'd like to have...
Had barbecued backstrap last night, tasted a lot like antelope, which is fine by me. my son loved it but he will eat anything..lol

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