Sh*t our kids do

Seems like the place to post this rant. We are doing our Christmas with the kids this morning because we won't have time tomorrow to let then enjoy there gifts all day. What a bunch of cheap $*)Q!#@$ sh$t these toys are these days. Ten minutes in and shit is breaking. Even the "die cast" I bought. Hardly die cast more like bubble gum aluminum. Any of you guys have a better brand? I don't care how much more it costs. Pretty disheartening it doesn't even last 24 hours. I still have my and my brothers and my dad and uncles old die cast stuff that has been torture tested, little missing paint and that's about all. Maybe I should just start buying old stuff and painting it up for them.
Are they Ertl die cast tractors? I’ll go upstairs and complain to the designer if they are.
Some days, it's like pulling teeth to get this child to eat. Other days...View attachment 257449

He's about 1/3 of the way through the sleeve.
Our kids were like that too. It’s seem like they’d go a day or three without eating much but then they’d eat everything in sight and their clothes wouldn’t fit.
Our kids were like that too. It’s seem like they’d go a day or three without eating much but then they’d eat everything in sight and their clothes wouldn’t fit.
Some good friends of ours don't understand the struggle because their kids always eat anything in sight. Their oldest is 2 1/2 and can down half a pizza if they let him.
Are they Ertl die cast tractors? I’ll go upstairs and complain to the designer if they are.
Thought of you when I posted that. No there not but I have a hard time finding ertl die cast stuff anymore...nit sure who carries them these days.
My oldest, 47, had Tonka Toys. They are still in good enough shape to play with. My grandkids play with them every time they come up.
We have an old all-metal Tonka dump truck my kids still play with. Got it from grandmas husband who got it for his grown kids back in the day. It amazes me how well it’s held together, and even more, how easily it could cut a young kids finger off… 😅
Seems like the place to post this rant. We are doing our Christmas with the kids this morning because we won't have time tomorrow to let then enjoy there gifts all day. What a bunch of cheap $*)Q!#@$ sh$t these toys are these days. Ten minutes in and shit is breaking. Even the "die cast" I bought. Hardly die cast more like bubble gum aluminum. Any of you guys have a better brand? I don't care how much more it costs. Pretty disheartening it doesn't even last 24 hours. I still have my and my brothers and my dad and uncles old die cast stuff that has been torture tested, little missing paint and that's about all. Maybe I should just start buying old stuff and painting it up for them.

A family member got my daughter some Chinese plastic POS kitchen set a few years ago. While I was attempting to put it together with the screw holes non lining up and flemsy plastic crap breaking I carried the whole thing to the dumpster and pitched it.

Now when family asks what to get my kids I tell them that story. If they wanna buy junk it can stay at their places.
My boy will know how to write his name before he goes to preschool. In the snow, in pee!
My four year will run outside to pee. Doesn’t matter if it’s dumping rain, snow, whatever. He’s offended by having to pee in a toilet.

We were at my brother and sister-in-law’s baby shower last year, out on the back deck, which is elevated about 12 above the backyard. Big crowd, kind of formal, lots of old folks dressed up and out there talking. I look over, and my boy wedged himself between two of the old folks who were leaning against the guard rail talking, and has his dingle out, arcing a stream down onto the lawn, totally in his own world.
My four year will run outside to pee. Doesn’t matter if it’s dumping rain, snow, whatever. He’s offended by having to pee in a toilet.

We were at my brother and sister-in-law’s baby shower last year, out on the back deck, which is elevated about 12 above the backyard. Big crowd, kind of formal, lots of old folks dressed up and out there talking. I look over, and my boy wedged himself between two of the old folks who were leaning against the guard rail talking, and has his dingle out, arcing a stream down onto the lawn, totally in his own world.
What a fantastic visual you created! Only thing that could top it off is another old guy walking beneath the deck!!
My four year will run outside to pee. Doesn’t matter if it’s dumping rain, snow, whatever. He’s offended by having to pee in a toilet.

We were at my brother and sister-in-law’s baby shower last year, out on the back deck, which is elevated about 12 above the backyard. Big crowd, kind of formal, lots of old folks dressed up and out there talking. I look over, and my boy wedged himself between two of the old folks who were leaning against the guard rail talking, and has his dingle out, arcing a stream down onto the lawn, totally in his own world.
My kid does that to. We had to have a serious talk before he started kindergarten about how it's not ok to pee on the playground. He used to be outside playing and having a good old time, drop his pants and drop a deuce and go on about his day. The kid's feral.

We call him Ricky, because he's like having a pet raccoon. We recently found a half eaten pickle stached between the blinds and window in his room. He said he was saving it.
My kid does that to. We had to have a serious talk before he started kindergarten about how it's not ok to pee on the playground. He used to be outside playing and having a good old time, drop his pants and drop a deuce and go on about his day. The kid's feral.

We call him Ricky, because he's like having a pet raccoon. We recently found a half eaten pickle stached between the blinds and window in his room. He said he was saving it.
I'm glad mine aren't the only ones.

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