Where does it say landowner tags are unlimited? I think they are limited by the number of qualifying landowners in a hunt area and by the quota for the hunt area.The root of the problem is the current flaws in the landowner license policy. Unlimited number of res/nonres landowner tags taken off the top of the pile prior to the public draw.
With that said, transferable landowner tags will impact both res and nonres, especially with the current system. As mentioned by the MDF and others, switching to transferable tags will promote more landowners to apply for these tags since tags are worth $ rather than having only a few tags available for their immediate family members. Outfitters will be highly motivated to work with every landowner in Wyoming that qualifies, given $ incentives to begin applying for these high value tags.
As all of us are aware, there are very few tags currently issued to nonres and these tags are highly sought after by Wyo residents. Even with the current system, there are a few elk units that don't offer tags to nonres because every tag is issued to nonres landowners. If landowner tags remain unlimited, with transferable tags there will be even fewer tags and units available in the public res and nonres draws.
Wyo residents also will be impacted. More resident landowners will apply for current unlimited landowner tags once they find out that they can sell tags to the highest bidder. Resident landowner tags are taken off the top of the available public pool of tags prior to the public resident draw. These resident transferable landowner tags will be sold to highest resident or nonresident highest bidders. Obviously, every new transferable resident tag gained is one less tag available to every resident in the public draw.
This is one of the biggest flaws in New Mexico and Colorado landowner tag system. Transferable tags are taken from both the resident and nonres public pool of tags and sold to the highest bidders.