Caribou Gear Tarp

SF Giants Baseball?

Colorado Kid said, "Giants play the Dodgers the last 3 games of the season, I believe......we need them to sweep LA!! or at least take 2 of 3! Padres did us a solid last night! Hopefully that continues!! Good luck on your hunt and stay safe!! "

Thanks there Colo! Now i have double reason to see the Giants beat LA, not that i need additional motivation. lol And thanks for the well wishes, do appreciate them. Go Rox! I see where the Brewers could throw a wrench in St Louis's post season plans and the Rox might scoot in there that way as long as they keep winning. Just get there, how and why don't matter. Get there, you never know!

Zack said, "Can't believe I'm replying to a Battery Chucker thread....(for all the Jim Rome fans/haters)."

Zack, that one went right over my head, what's a Battery Chucker thread? That big young 270 lb kid SD has at first, how about a straight across trade, him for our potential Gold Glove all-Star slugging first baseman Brandon Belt? Such a deal i got for you!

Giants GM Bobby Evans, gone, grab some pine meat, outa here, see ya! The Giants need more changes than just their GM.
Colorado Kid said, "Giants play the Dodgers the last 3 games of the season, I believe......we need them to sweep LA!! or at least take 2 of 3! Padres did us a solid last night! Hopefully that continues!! Good luck on your hunt and stay safe!! "

Thanks there Colo! Now i have double reason to see the Giants beat LA, not that i need additional motivation. lol And thanks for the well wishes, do appreciate them. Go Rox! I see where the Brewers could throw a wrench in St Louis's post season plans and the Rox might scoot in there that way as long as they keep winning. Just get there, how and why don't matter. Get there, you never know!

Zack said, "Can't believe I'm replying to a Battery Chucker thread....(for all the Jim Rome fans/haters)."

Zack, that one went right over my head, what's a Battery Chucker thread? That big young 270 lb kid SD has at first, how about a straight across trade, him for our potential Gold Glove all-Star slugging first baseman Brandon Belt? Such a deal i got for you!

Giants GM Bobby Evans, gone, grab some pine meat, outa here, see ya! The Giants need more changes than just their GM.

The Dodgers have a 1.5 game lead with 5 games left to play..... all on the road. Rockies have 6 games left and all at home. In theory, there is your 1/2 game. All we need to do is make up that 1 game lead. The Rockies have 3 more with the struggling Phillies and 3 with the Nationals. I'll take the wildcard but would really like to see a division crown...finally!! GO ROCKIES!!
St. Louis loses, the Dodgers lose, the Rockies and Giants both Win! A red letter day!

How about those Oakland A's and their fans celebrating making the playoffs? Good on them! They did more with less, very few gave them any chance early in the season. Maybe their Manager should get some recognition eh?. My Bro-in-law is the big A's fan, not me, but i do pull for them because of a fondness i developed for them back when they were stacked and ol Billy Martin used to kick dirt on the umps he disagreed with. It was a different day...
Dback fan here. Just beat the Dodgers this weekend . I want colo. in..We walked them off tonight ,hopefully Grienke can shut em down Tomm. then you guys take care of em .BEAT LA.......................BOB!
The time has come. after typing this out, i'm beat from the last minute hundred things to do before i can go, i'm hitting the sack knowing i'm headed out for 3 weeks starting in the morning. I just can not believe how much there is to do before going away on a hunt. Oh well, it's all done. When i wake, i'm headed north for muleys.

Nature bob, i looked back at your posts #10 and #12 on this thread and then now these. You did not "kindly" tell us anything back then. In fact i found your comments to be rude. How about you stick with threads about your under achiever Az team with so much talent that sucked so bad when it counted. Your Team choked, they faded, just didn't show up! You got no right to brag your Team over another.

Rox Fans, i been pulling for you guys and you know the Giants have been trying. Good luck, see you when i get back!
The time has come.., it's all done. When i awake, i'm headed north for muleys.

If it weren't for the scouting, i'd say my trip up North after a muley buck was over too quickly. As it was, i got in 8 days of camping, glassing, and checking out some pretty neat spots in one of Cali's most historic and storied areas, the country near Glass mountain and Medicine lake, lava beds, tubes, and tunnels for miles, in the Far Northern part of the State. It's a neat and varied country.

I scouted several days on my own before hooking up with my ol hunting Pard and then scouted each day with him. We been getting it done all across the board, all the way back from when in High School. The second week of the season, if my hunt got that far, another dear friend was to join in on the fun.

I guess i need to back up a bit. This is/was the last trip that i'm going to take chasing Muley Bucks. The only points games i'm to play from now on will be for difficult to draw Sheep, Elk, and Antelope in my home State. It's getting so i can't even walk up a slight incline to retrieve a downed buck. It's time, i know it, my legs, hips, and back feels it, the Cardiologist says it's time, it's time. I'll draw a C zone Hybrid cross tag and hunt a close to home pet high mountain trout lake with fishing rod cast out and rifle close by, from now on...unless i draw sheep or Elk but those are still very long odds even with my max, i think it's 17 points for each. Took my first buck in1964, first trip up north was in 1970 and because of College football obligations, i didn't make my first out of state hunt to Wyoming until 1977. Between then and now, there have been many trips, many nice animals taken, almost all of which were taken on our own Public land without a guide or paying a trespass fee of any kind. It's entirely too late for any regrets. I went a lot but always felt that i'd like to go even more.

Once i hooked up with my Pard who lives in Oregon near K.Falls, we started looking closer to the country that had been recommended. While scouting, we were not seeing a ton of deer but we were seeing enough to keep us encouraged. One scouting day, there was a high racked 4x6 standing in the middle of the dirt two track we happened to be on. We later that same afternoon glassed up a couple nice fat 3x3's that i told my pard i'd shoot a buck like that if one could be found during the season. Though my pard loves to hunt and was in on my hunt from the beginning before i put in for the draw, his wife has not been well and i felt the sooner i filled out the better.

I took this nice fat 3x3 on the third evening of the hunt. He was big enough and offered me a shot i made the most of at 60 yds with my very first rifle, the 1969 Rem 700 in 25-06. We saw bigger bucks both before and after opening morning but he was the first to hang around once sighted, i was very happy with this guy, and the venison from him is truly exceptional. Much thanks to my old Pard, this last hunt with him truly was a blessing. For those interested, i hunted zone X-1 and would say that for a unit that can be drawn every other year, 2 year wait at the most, the zone is underrated.

Baseball and the SF Giants! Now that i have no dogs in this World Series race, i care little who eventually wins. I am though, going to see how our Team develops for next year. There is always next year right? Go Giants!Joey's 2018 X-1  3x3 muley.jpg
Good to see you had a successful hunt. Lets hope for better heath and some more hunts in the future
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Colorado Kid said, "Giants play the Dodgers the last 3 games of the season, I believe......we need them to sweep LA!! or at least take 2 of 3! Padres did us a solid last night! Hopefully that continues!! Good luck on your hunt and stay safe!! "

Thanks there Colo! Now i have double reason to see the Giants beat LA, not that i need additional motivation. lol And thanks for the well wishes, do appreciate them. Go Rox! I see where the Brewers could throw a wrench in St Louis's post season plans and the Rox might scoot in there that way as long as they keep winning. Just get there, how and why don't matter. Get there, you never know!

Zack said, "Can't believe I'm replying to a Battery Chucker thread....(for all the Jim Rome fans/haters)."

Zack, that one went right over my head, what's a Battery Chucker thread? That big young 270 lb kid SD has at first, how about a straight across trade, him for our potential Gold Glove all-Star slugging first baseman Brandon Belt? Such a deal i got for you!

Giants GM Bobby Evans, gone, grab some pine meat, outa here, see ya! The Giants need more changes than just their GM.

It all goes back to Giants fans chucking batteries at opposing players. chucker

BTW, congrats on the buck!
Ha! I noticed in that pic that i'm rocking my Giants Hat, How appropriate.

RRadar, Thanks, it was kinda nice. In the pic, can see "Medicine" Lake in the background. Funny but real thing that happened to me was when scouting camp sites before the season, i stopped in at a couple of near vacant ones at Medicine lake. From that night on until now, i no longer have to get up 4-5-6 times a night to pee. Now it's only once or twice, it's been hard to get a good nights sleep for at least a couple years. My Pard and i were jokingly discussing the merits of bottling the lake's water by the ounce and selling it as a "Native cure all, especially works well for weak prostrates". Hey, i'm here to say that, "it worked for me" and that's no joke folks.

Zack, OK, i vaguely now remember those days, i had just gotten my Plumbing Contractors Lic #'s after the Company i had worked for 20 years, off and on, went belly up. I was busy busy taking in all i could and not the best Giants Fan at the time. A few bad apples spoiled the barrel i'm thinking. Nothing like that in years or probably no more so than any other Park. Thanks for getting back to me.

I do remember well when Bonds was after the Single Season and All-Time Home run Records in away Ball Parks. They threatened to stop the games if people didn't stop throwing bottles and stuff at him out in left I laugh now but yes, that kind of Fan Participation can never be tolerated!

In the News, I see where there is talk of Trading M. Bumgarner to the Pitcher needing Yankees for a slew of their young talent. Their young talent is supposed to be better than our young talent. I wouldn't have said so two years ago but ol Bum has cost the Giants dearly these past two seasons, one year was his fault, the next not so much, and his stock is tanking with me. Trade Him if we can get what we want.
Ha! I noticed in that pic that i'm rocking my Giants Hat, How appropriate.

RRadar, Thanks, it was kinda nice. In the pic, can see "Medicine" Lake in the background. Funny but real thing that happened to me was when scouting camp sites before the season, i stopped in at a couple of near vacant ones at Medicine lake. From that night on until now, i no longer have to get up 4-5-6 times a night to pee. Now it's only once or twice, it's been hard to get a good nights sleep for at least a couple years. My Pard and i were jokingly discussing the merits of bottling the lake's water by the ounce and selling it as a "Native cure all, especially works well for weak prostrates". Hey, i'm here to say that, "it worked for me" and that's no joke folks.

Zack, OK, i vaguely now remember those days, i had just gotten my Plumbing Contractors Lic #'s after the Company i had worked for 20 years, off and on, went belly up. I was busy busy taking in all i could and not the best Giants Fan at the time. A few bad apples spoiled the barrel i'm thinking. Nothing like that in years or probably no more so than any other Park. Thanks for getting back to me.

I do remember well when Bonds was after the Single Season and All-Time Home run Records in away Ball Parks. They threatened to stop the games if people didn't stop throwing bottles and stuff at him out in left I laugh now but yes, that kind of Fan Participation can never be tolerated!

In the News, I see where there is talk of Trading M. Bumgarner to the Pitcher needing Yankees for a slew of their young talent. Their young talent is supposed to be better than our young talent. I wouldn't have said so two years ago but ol Bum has cost the Giants dearly these past two seasons, one year was his fault, the next not so much, and his stock is tanking with me. Trade Him if we can get what we want.

Giants fans are as bad as Dodger fans...
Hi Folks, I suppose it's well time to put this thread to rest. What started out as a Giants Thread, turned into a "what's on my mind" ongoing story, and thanks to all for letting me play along and having this nice Forum to vent what has been an emotional roller coaster these past 6 or 7 Months. All said and done, the Giants Team was not able to overcome lasting injuries to there #1, #2, and #3 Starting Pitchers, their All-Star Catcher, and just about every other starting player on the Team. They played competitive ball though, i'll give them that, and i enjoyed each and every Game.

I well remember the times after each hunt that i'd spend over at my Grandparents on my Mothers side. Grandpa took me fishing countless times from a toddler up thru High School and though i had school to attend, i also wanted to go with them on their yearly adventurous Mule Deer hunts both up in the Modoc country of Far NE Calif and the yearly month long out of State trips they took once Grandpa fully retired. When i was young, i'd ask my Mom to take me over to their house as soon as they returned so i could hear of the story, see the new rack of antlers to be added to the many others, and almost become a part of Grandpa's hunt as he'd tell the tale.

Then came a time when Grandpa told me that he wasn't going anymore, that he didn't feel up to it. From that year on till he passed, i took the biggest barley buck from behind my other Grandpas Ranch house on opening morning. I'd kill the blacktail buck, clean it, cut it to pieces and take it down off the hill to their house where Grandma and i would efficiently cut and wrap it for their freezer. Grandpa was a proud Man and never said to much about each gift buck i brought but Grandma made sure that i was made known of their appreciation. I never though much about it at the time but i was giving back... kinda similar to when i help each year with our local Hunters Ed Classes. It's not for wanted thanks, more of a feeling that i had/have a bill to pay and how it feels once the check has been cashed.

So now i sit here with things going on in my chest, little rumblings, eyesight failing, with a lower body and back that doesn't work anywhere near like it once did. I've known for years that my big trip days were coming to a end, and now similar to like Grandpa did way back then, i've decided that they have. There were no children born to me. Much like several of my best friends, it just didn't happen. It would be nice to have a Grandson, like my Grandpa had, to come visit and tell me of all of his goings ons, his hunting trips, his new firearms, his fishing successes, but i don't have such, it just didn't happen.

That's where you guys come in. That's one of the reasons i'm here, to follow along on hunts that i'm now too old or broken up to go on myself. As Grandpa did with me, he had questions and comments were given. I expect that i'll have the same with you guys. It's not easy giving up what one most enjoys in life but it is what it is. Thanks much from this ol Buck Hunter and again, my Thanks to all of you who have followed along on this "Giants Thread", it's been fun!

P.S. Congrats To the Redsocks from Boston. They were the Best Team in the Game this year and they proved it!

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Any optimism for whenever our next season is? Not a big fan of Gabe Kapler as he really did nothing with a pretty good Philly roster last year. Would have loved to see an old Giant like Mike Matheny get the job.
Very much not a fan of Kapler and so far not a fan of Farhan. Sad to have Bochy retire, Bumgarner walk away and be left with a young team with expensive vets at the same time. If you listen to KNBR, the "Prior" sound bite is from Kapler when he was with the Philles and put in a pitcher who didn't get a chance to warm up at all in the bullpen.

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