Caribou Gear Tarp

SF Giants Baseball?

We're winning games boys, darn right we are, why wouldn't we for friggs sake? What's really going on?

It's tough to be a player in modern day sports. So much competition. I watch my games and it's real easy to sometimes sit in judgement of some of these guys. Yet when you think of the levels each of these players had to jump up and then keep moving up step to step from Little League on all the way to the Majors, each and every player, even those not doing so well, beat the odds by proving their talent and skills out on the ol Ball field above many thousands of others. Then once they get there, they have to continue to prove their worth to the team, it is a business after all, and Stay Healthy! It ain't easy, i said that before, and i need to keep that in mind more often as i sit and watch as a student and Fan of these games.

We done took the series from San Diego in our House. Won 6 of last 8, Good on us. Mad Bum pitched a Fantastic game the other night, gave up only 3 hits i think, 8 innings of as Dominate of Pitching i've seen this Season. Arizona and the Dodgers are ahead of us though, not much really, they too are both playing good ball. Right now we are just holding our own for our time to bust a run, make a big move on this League.

A day off tomorrow? Who needs days off i ask? You guys nice enough to stop in for a look see what i put down here won't hardly talk or answer me none so i'm getting fair enough good at answering myself. The Giants need a day off dummy, they played a game every day, lots of road games, their last day off was on June 7th. "ok, ok sorry i asked".

Seems to me that Buster Posey has had a bunch of "scheduled" days off here lately and i'm starting to really get curious if he ain't the kind of hurt that needs more than a day off kinda rest. Buster just keeps doing his thing. He's not the huge impact player he might have been a half dozen years ago but he's still one heck of a nice piece to have on this team. I'm just guessing but i think the boy is hurting a lot more than he's letting on so for that and as much as i like watching them play, i'll not deny or begrudge him or the rest of our Team a day off. How nice of me, huh?

Best for last Boys, why wouldn't it be. Headlines, "Hunter Pence hit a walk-off double in the 11th inning". To Win today's game he did Boys! I'm hoping Hunter has a bunch more productive years for the Giants but it's pretty clear that his best is getting along behind him. I'm hoping Hunter can go out, retire, when he wants to and on his own terms but in the mean time, just bash that ball around the Park and continue to always try and beat your fastest time to first base, i really like that part, just like the Hunter we have gotten to know and respect.

Go Giants!.
Hi Baseball Fans. Big series in the mix starting tonight. The Giants are @ Arizona for three big games head to head and the Dodgers are playing Colorado. If you are a West Coast National League Fan, you'll be like me and watching both games as these ever so important contests play out.

The Giants will be going against Arizona's League leading starters Corbin, Miller, and then Godley with our no name rookie starters Suarez, Rodriguez, and then veteran Holland in the get-away-game. I put our lineups at fairly even but the edge has to go to Arizona's starters and the odds makers have declared them as the Favorite in tonight's game. Arizona has been playing Great Baseball, they just do what it takes to win games, can't take that away from them. Much looking forward to these three games, love for us to win 2 of 3, a great opportunity to move up in the standings, we'll just have to watch and see.

Not wanting to look ahead too far but after Arizona, the Giants will be doing 3 games in Colorado, freaking dog fight every time these guys play each other, then followed by 4 games back in our Park with always tough St. Louis crew. No easy stretch of games for the good guys, we're going to have to open a can of whoop ass and bring it, again let's watch and see.

You guys be extra safe out there, watching out for the other guy, this weekend. I almost got t-boned this afternoon by a guy who thought the stop sign he breezed through was not needed or something. He ran it as i was tooling down the highway and it turned out to be a "just missed" deal with major evasive moves on my part. i see this type of driving every year when all the fruits come from the valley up to enjoy these mountains and Lake over the 4th. Come, spend lots of money, have a great time with nobody getting hurt or worse, then go back home. lol

Go Giants!
"They kicked our butts. They came in here and beat us, straight up," said by Az's 3rd baseman Jake Lamb after being swept in their home court. How Nice! With the Giant's sweep of Az and Colo taking 2 of three from the Dodgers, the Giants crew moved up 3 full games in the standings, now tied with the Dodgers only 2 1/2 games behind Arizona. Could this be the big push we Giants fans have been waiting for? All we can know for sure is that the Giants are playing very well as a team right now and the better Teams in the game are taking notice.

Madison Bumgarner takes the ball to the hill tonight for the Giants against Colo's Freeman. These guys are a recent rematch from last week when both hurlers turned in near perfect score cards and Bum chalking up a real gem with the Giants pulling off the near and hard earned victory. By this time next week, i expect that our other "Ace" Johnny Cueto will be back on the big club. As i mentioned a good while ago, his return will solidify future depth to our rotation which will surely come in handy before this season is over, and at least in my mind, make us the Team to beat in the NL West.

Austin Slater, a fine young Stanford product, has replaced Big Mac Williamson on the big club, most could see it coming. Mac couldn't and Slater had earned the chance and now is doing his best at the shot he is given. So far he's busted out 9 hits, some very clutch hits, in his 22 MLB AB's for a crazy Batting average of .409 and a OPS of 1.048. Way to go Kid, you're getting to be kind of handy to have around, now go get me a soda and a bag of seeds.

No one knows for certain just how their Team will end up this year but few i think thought that the Giants would be in the mix. Well they are and i'll again say they we can play with anybody. I don't bet on baseball but the way this Team is coming together has me wanting to look see what Vegas has the Giants chances of making the play-offs and what they put down as their chances of taking it all. With the way that most people not Giants Fans like to overlook our Team and the Fact that we always seem to be picked the underdog, we're in a good spot right now to surprise people. First though, we have to get through Colorado with a series win, no easy task. Looking forward to tonight's game. Go Bum, Go Giants!
There's no sugar coating it, Colorado took it to us like they had a point to make. Here we sweep Arizona in their Park and we go to Denver to get schooled. Really, 2 of the 3 games were up for grabs, very close, yet we got what the little bird left when he flew off the stick. I always have been one of those guys that when the game is over, i turn the channel and get on with what's next. I rarely dwell on losses, after all we play 162 games a season and very few teams will lose fewer than 62 games a year. This past 3 game series loss, getting swept, has found me being disappointed, lingering more so than what's normal from me.

A lot of it has to do with changes coming and trends that i'm seeing. Jeff Samardzija will be back in the rotation this week i'm not his biggest Fan. I could go on but it's mostly spilt milk, a guy just wanting to see his Team, after playing so good, play better. No getting around it though, Congrats are due to the Rockies, they are a tough & improved Team.

Back Home for St. Louie tomorrow. Go Giants!
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Since we last talked, the St Louie crew bailed out of town somewhat satisfied that they could take two of the 4 games in our Park. They are another always going to be there Team that plays us well though they can't say that they are better than us. Tonight at Home, our first game with the Cubs, again everybody seemed to match up well, another hard fought game we were elated to finally Win. We'll take it Thank You America! Again, really these games could go and have gone either way because both Teams played well and deserved to Win.

I had mentioned that i thought Buster Posey was playing hurt and that he may be in need of more than just a day off to recover. Seems today's news was that he needs a cortisone injection in his hip area and though voted into the All-Star game by the "PLAYERS", he's going to gracefully pass on the trip, seek treatment and rest. I had mentioned quite a while ago that Posey was not hitting well but still carrying a .300+ BA. He's steady been going down in both Avg. and in hitting line drives, no wonder if he's in pain from that hip, this induced slump is not like him at all. GWSoon!

Did you guys see Hanson score from first base when the pitcher tried to pick him off? a Very rare occurrence, the ball went out in foul territory so Hanson took second then third, but kept going though the ball was headed back in. A ton of hustle, a good throw, and a suburb slide making it close at home gave the Giants Fans a "This Game is Tied!" exclamation that lasted into the extra innings and to the comeback "W". Congrats kid, you done something exciting to see and not often done.

So the new guys, This is your chance. Lucky for you that you are playing for the Giants Org and being coached by future Hall of Fame Coach Bruce Bochy. He will be sure to give you plenty of opportunity's to succeed, that's just the way he is, sometimes to a fault. He will work you in the games, give you your chances. Now suck it up, rub some dirt on any bruise or such that you might have, and continue to get out there, make plays and have good AB's, to help this Team get where they want to be when the regular season is over. Go Giants!
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Can you feel it? Hunting season is coming Boys. I just returned from a daylight walk, my first this year. There was a time when i had miles of traps to run, get everything done before 8:00 am breakfast and then on to the daily ranch chores my Grandfather was sure to have planned for me, my Uncle Russ, and my Great Uncle Joe. I still have those old traps but those easy miles are long past me now. This mornings walk was up the street a block or so and back. I had to quickly find a place to sit on my return, my back was a barken bad. Sit down or fall down, it didn't care which. But it was a walk, hunting season is coming and after over 50 years of hunting bucks, i still do what i can to get in better shape before the season. I'm down 15 pounds too. It is what it is but i can feel it, Buck season is coming.

Hey, the Giants took 2 of 3 from the Cubby's, a very good Team. Busted up Buster lined a shot off the wall just out of reach of their right fielder for a 3 hit day and the walk-off in the 13th. Another hard fought series. I swear it seems like every game, every AB, is like they were playing Post Season Ball.

My internet provider blinked off my internet service yesterday morning thru the afternoon into the evening. I couldn't watch the Giants Game and i wasn't a happy camper. Frontier is the provider, shitty outfit in my book, especially these last few years. Calling them is a waste of time with the run-around. Around my house, i plan my days/nights around the games, it's no time for the net to be down.

Next up, 3 games with the A's, the All-Star break, then 3 more games with the A's. I'd settle right now with a split if i could. Few Teams are playing better Ball than the A's are right now. It is amazing how well they do, the competitive Team that they put on the field, with the relatively low cost Team payroll they maintain. The A's prove every year that it ain't all about the money when it comes to putting together a Baseball Team. They win for less and they are getting used to it. I hope we win the series, 4 of the 6 or better, but i'd take a split right now if offered. Go Giants!
If i had my druthers, there would either be no all star game or if there was, it would be after the season. I say this because as a fan, i don't like the week long break without any games. Guess it's kinda like a drug addict that needs his fix. I'm Jonesing bad! lol

We are now a good bit past the halfway mark to the season. The Giants are playing well enough baseball but they need to take it up to the next level if they want to find themselves involved in this years post season. It's tough. The National League West is under rated in my book with the Dodgers, Rockies, Arizona all fighting it out for the top spot, and even the Pad's will spank a team that goes there looking for a easy series. All i can do is watch and see. That's about all any of us fans can do, root for our Teams and hope for the best.

One reason i may not be sounding so optimistic here is that i just read of the Dodgers picking up hard hitting super star infielder Manny Machado with his .315 BA and 65 RBI's in a trade from Baltimore for minor league prospects. Like the Dodgers needed another stick in their already powerful lineup. I often wish that the Giants would go after a big name solid player before the trade deadline but usually there is only talk and speculation, maybe some minor moves but for sure nothing that will deplete our minor league clubs of top prospects or that is very costly. It's just not the Giants way to go out after the big name players that have been putting up big numbers. I'd love to see us land a player of Machado's caliber but i fear that we're going to have to get er done with what we have and like it.

Can we do it? Can we get into post season? With the long odds against us and the other 3 really tuff Teams in our division, yes, i still believe that we can. IMO, this Team is as good as any of the three Giants teams that won their recent World Champ Crowns at the City by the Bay. In some ways, i believe this Team could even be better. Some guys are going to have to get hot though, Belt, Posey, Cutch, Longo, and others. Be nice to see some of our guys have career years which so far, ain't happening. Don't count us out just yet Boys.

Go Giants!
In the post before the last one i did, i said that i'd be happy with a split in the 6 games with the A's, played 3 before and 3 after the All Star Break. I got to thinking about those words later and it is just not like me to settle for losing anything when it comes to athletic competition so i must have really been extremely impressed with what little i've seen and read of the A's Team this year to say something like that.

As it turned out, a split would have indeed been better for our side. We lost 4 of the 6 games, some very close games, both of the last two were great come-backs for us that eventually went into extra innings. Though we lost both those extra innings games and because so the series, no way can i now believe that the A's are a better Team than the Giants. This series like others against good Teams were evenly matched, they just had a bit more luck. And so it goes,...

We now find ourselves again 5 games behind the Division leading Team, now it's the Dodgers, and it's seriously looking like they are going to be tough to overtake. We gained a few games on the leader and then we gave them back. I guess we didn't "give" anything, they were taken fair and square. With about a third of the Season left, we had better get after it. Lots of games left but time is running out.

Up next, starting tomorrow, 2 games up in Seattle Washington. It just seems we go from one playoff caliber Team to another and then another. The guys who put the Giants schedule together must have been Dodger fans! lol

go Giants!!
Hi Guys, no, i still haven't given up on our Giants. I did just now get back from a 8 day stay at Enlo Hosp. in Chico, put there by a nasty bad infection, and just caught the very end of the game tonight against Houston where we had them down 1-0 with 2 outs in the 9th. Houston won 3-1, major sucks that did, some not so good kinda welcome home.

I have some catching up to do, lots of places. I'll get back to you, Go Giants!
Hi Guys, i'll get to the Giants and my thoughts on them in a bit but first, a couple things.

I just now got to see episode number 6 on the Desert sheep 2017 hunt on Randy's utube channel. If you haven't yet got to see the series, i recommend that you start at #1 and go thru them as you can. I wish there were more of this type of content being put out, by anybody, very Top rated show, highly recommended. my thanks!

One of the side effects of getting well at a good Hospital is that they can find out about other things wrong or potentially wrong with you while you are there. This has happened with me and because so, i'm to travel to see a "good" cardiologist comming up next week. Just before surgery on my recent trip to Enlo Hosp. in Chico Ca, my heart rythem changed from a normal sinus to a A-Fib and stayed that way until after i was discharged. The nurse taking my info and monitoring my pre surgery vitals said that it wasn't so unusual but this time, it changed right while she was observing. So far from further testing while there, all i'm told is my heart could be a prize winner at the County Fair and there are a few valid concerns that need to be addressed. They say, my Nurses, i had better travel to keep this appointment as a good cardiologist can be a hard guy to get in to see unless you are already a client of his. Don't like it but i'm going. This is round #2 with my heart, went thru something similar a couple years ago.

One might wonder if being i live in far north eastern Cali, if i'm in danger with all these Fires burning up the State. Locally around Lake Almanor, so far, i think we have been very lucky to not have had the lightning that by now, we normally have gotten in waves. We have not stormed at all, have had no more than a few drops of rain in a long time. There are no illusions here, this whole mountain range, where the Sierras tie into the Cascades, could quickly go up in flames from the multiple strikes of just one big lightning storm. So far, so good.

With all of the different ways i've learned and use to find places i'd like to hunt in areas that i draw good tags, i've so far found two spots i'd like to be opening day of this years Mid Oct Muley hunt a couple hours north of here. Both of those great looking spots are now in danger of being engulfed because of recent fires. When i was a kid, plan's A and B worked seemingly all the time. Now it seems i have to get down in the hard letters before anything good happens. lol

Things aren't looking so good for my Giants. Right now i'd like to see them finish strong.

I'd like to see more guys drinking coffee in the dugouts. Some of our guys seem moments away from being asleep.

I'd like to see fewer guys guessing at what the Pitcher is going to throw. See it, recognize it, pull the trigger.

I'd like to see more hustle from this Team. Errors happen, being lazy in professional Baseball inexcusable.

There was a Sat couple weeks ago, SF Giants honored and retired Barry Bonds Number. As some of you and i chatted early on in this thread, we have been around since the Mays and McCovey days. Really though, i didn't get to study those guys like i can these days never hardly missing a game and Barry interested me from the time he came from the Pirates. I saw his talent right off and became a fan. I'd watch him in his element, watch him have a interview after the game, saw the headlines the next day where Barry was printed out of context to make him look bad in the eyes of the East Coast readers. I couldn't believe the writer could make those headlines from what was said in that interview. No wonder Bonds got pissed at the scribes, i would have too, any one of you would. I watched Barry try and try again to be nice to the reporters only to get shafted in the pages the very next day, over and over. Many of them didn't like it that Barry was intelligent, could and did stand up to them. I knew Barry was in a fight that was going to cost him down the line. I never for a moment thought though, that those scribes who always looked for the worst to print, could also be the very same guys that could possibly deny Bonds his proper place in the Hall of Fame. Through it all, and there was a lot of it, Barry Bonds was the Best Baseball player i have ever saw and i'm so glad that i got to witness the guy do his thing. Better than Mays, yes, i think so, i believe that.

I'd like to see Bonds be the Giants New Hitting Coach. The one doing the job this year ain't been doing so well.

Go Giants!
Sage, they're done for the year! Time to get Buster his surgery. Why theyre send Samarga off to rehab is beyond me. It's time move move what we can, Cutch, Belt, Panik and let the kids play. I'd like to keep Todd Hunley because he can hit, he's a good backup to Buster and he's the only one they have that won't put up with others showing up our pitchers!
I kindly told You Fine Giants fans they were done 2 months ago........GO DBacks. ..OH! We will let You come to our beautiful city for spring training next year.......BOB!
Brian Sabean said it on KNBR yesterday, everyone is playing for a position on 2019 team. He also those core p,Ayre's haven't played up to there baseball card!!!
Sage, they're done for the year! Time to get Buster his surgery. Why theyre send Samarga off to rehab is beyond me. It's time move move what we can, Cutch, Belt, Panik and let the kids play. I'd like to keep Todd Hunley because he can hit, he's a good backup to Buster and he's the only one they have that won't put up with others showing up our pitchers!

You bet Sneaky, i agree all around and thanks for checking back. Buster having to have surgery was no surprise to me. had to be something like that. He could play, he just played with the pain and kept it to himself. Most of us could see it, would venture it's been that way since early last year and now it's just gotten worse. The "shark" had a piss poor year for sure, stole his money he did, walks around the dugout like he's something special is what buggs me.

Sneaky, where you live, did you ever run into a fine old Buckhunter named Elmer Raphael? If he's still with us he's got to be pushing 90 but he was a sort i don't doubt might still be around.

Through this part of the season, so far, i'm proud of The Giants. Yeah they lost way more games than they should have. Tuff to point exactly to one place but aside Buster having a good reason, they just didn't hit that well, up to their baseball cards, when they needed a hit. Can be as simple as that. But the reason i'm proud is that the Giants womped the dog snot out of the Arizona Diamond Backs during the whole season long series. We had their number, they couldn't hit us, we matched up pitching wise with our no names, and proved by winning more heads up games against each other, that we are rooting for and supporting the better Team! i loved that, we even just recently won another 3 game series against them,.. and we'll take our victories where we can get them.

I'm enjoying seeing some of the new guys get their chances. Seems like a fair bunch and we still have the names on contract, might make a fair Team next year. Finish strong Boys!
Well the Giants just got smoked again by the Rockies. That Colorado team, we always play them tough and we're even likely to be ahead of them late in the games, yet they always seem to do what it takes, to come back on us for the "W". I took a good look at their every day players again this evening, they are a tough bunch. Not just one, two, or three guys, their lineup is stacked with guys who can rip. Maybe not going out on a limb too far and seeing as our Giants gave the good fight with what they had, I'm going to be pulling for the Rockies here on out and hopefully come play-off time. I believe the only question as to how far they will go, will depend on their Pitching which is not near the best but much improved. Go Giants...and Rox!

Qs far as i'm concerned, i'd like to see all our new guys playing the rest of the season. We got some kids that can throw and some that can hit. It's their time, let them show us what they got!

So if any were wondering about my recent traveling to see Dr's, they got the upper chambers of my heart working again without kicking out a bloodclot. Took 10 days of not so nice meds, i haven't been on top of my game at all, but the Dr assured me that no matter which further steps we take, i'd be able to go on my draw tag muley hunt coming up this early October. That's what counts!

Good luck to all you guys and gals out there with buck tags in your pockets. If they're legal and they look good but you're not quite sure, ground check em!
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Well the Giants just got smoked again by the Rockies. That Colorado team, we always play them tough and we're even likely to be ahead of them late in the games, yet they always seem to do what it takes, to come back on us for the "W". I took a good look at their every day players again this evening, they are a tough bunch. Not just one, two, or three guys, their lineup is stacked with guys who can rip. Maybe not going out on a limb too far and seeing as our Giants gave the good fight with what they had, I'm going to be pulling for the Rockies here on out and hopefully come play-off time. I believe the only question as to how far they will go, will depend on their Pitching which is not near the best but much improved. Go Giants...and Rox!

Qs far as i'm concerned, i'd like to see all our new guys playing the rest of the season. We got some kids that can throw and some that can hit. It's their time, let them show us what they got!

So if any were wondering about my recent traveling to see Dr's, they got the upper chambers of my heart working again without kicking out a bloodclot. Took 10 days of not so nice meds, i haven't been on top of my game at all, but the Dr assured me that no matter which further steps we take, i'd be able to go on my draw tag muley hunt coming up this early October. That's what counts!

Good luck to all you guys and gals out there with buck tags in your pockets. If they're legal and they look good but you're not quite sure, ground check em!


This may be my favorite post of all time!! This may finally be the year my Rockies win the West!! Go Rockies!!

And also glad to hear about your health!! Not much more important than keeping up with it!!

This may be my favorite post of all time!! This may finally be the year my Rockies win the West!! Go Rockies!!

And also glad to hear about your health!! Not much more important than keeping up with it!!

I will agree with this. This may be the year for the Rockies. They often play good in September and they can win the next two series they have to be the favorite to win there first division title. Go Rockies, Go Giants and beat the Dodgers.
Sage. Good to hear you are on the mend.
Hi Guys, Seemed to take forever but my Cali X-1 Muley hunt starts the 6th and i'll be pulling outa here next week for some early scouting. My Drs said do it, one even said it wouldn't be such a bad way to go and i had to agree. I know i'm "pushing it" but i been going all my life, there will be a couple other rock solid buck hunter Friends sharing a camp with me, and though not a great tag, there's as much excitement built up as any hunt i been on. I'm going!

Since the Giants traded Cutch, lost Dugger to injury, and shut down Posey, the season just doesn't have the same feeling for me. Believe it or not, i like watching the Giants young fellers show their abilities but i was pulling for Colo this past series when the Giants took some revenge for the ass whopping Colorado has been dealing the Giants all season.. Those Giants Wins sure didn't help Colorado's chances to the post season but the Rox are fighters, they are still in it.

Go Giants, Go Rox!
Hi Guys, Seemed to take forever but my Cali X-1 Muley hunt starts the 6th and i'll be pulling outa here next week for some early scouting. My Drs said do it, one even said it wouldn't be such a bad way to go and i had to agree. I know i'm "pushing it" but i been going all my life, there will be a couple other rock solid buck hunter Friends sharing a camp with me, and though not a great tag, there's as much excitement built up as any hunt i been on. I'm going!

Since the Giants traded Cutch, lost Dugger to injury, and shut down Posey, the season just doesn't have the same feeling for me. Believe it or not, i like watching the Giants young fellers show their abilities but i was pulling for Colo this past series when the Giants took some revenge for the ass whopping Colorado has been dealing the Giants all season.. Those Giants Wins sure didn't help Colorado's chances to the post season but the Rox are fighters, they are still in it.

Go Giants, Go Rox!

Giants play the Dodgers the last 3 games of the season, I believe......we need them to sweep LA!! or at least take 2 of 3! Padres did us a solid last night! Hopefully that continues!! Good luck on your hunt and stay safe!!
Giants play the Dodgers the last 3 games of the season, I believe......we need them to sweep LA!! or at least take 2 of 3! Padres did us a solid last night! Hopefully that continues!! Good luck on your hunt and stay safe!!

That's my Padres, always helping out the other NL West teams.

Can't believe I'm replying to a Battery Chucker thread....(for all the Jim Rome fans/haters).

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