Ithaca 37
New member
Look, you might as well try to get this straight. I'm not crazy about the wolf idea myself, but there's no sense bitchin' about it for the rest of your life. It's done, there's nothin' you can do about it, there never was anything you could do about it, and the only thing that can be done about it now is to get them delisted and control them at the level needed to keep them off the list. Which is what I've been saying ever since the beginning.
As for all your irrational, emotional distress over a few hundred wolves; you should just try to keep it in perspective. Even if there's a thousand of them in Idaho they're not going to eat nearly as many deer and elk as the ten thousand cougars we have already. And don't forget the bears either.
It's the irrational, illogical thinking of the WY legislature that's holding up the delisting now, and they're getting their screwball ideas from the cattlemen----like you.
Telling your little anecdotes about how many teachers at your school don't like wolves is never going to do any good.
You challenge me to back up what I say when you don't agree with me and I come back with plenty of quotes and links every time. I challenge you to back up what you say and you come up with ZERO, except an anecdote about your teacher friends.
Kinda one sided, isn't it? If I didn't come up with anything you, Lost and MD4M would be screaming your heads off.
Either admit you can't back up what you say with any reputable info or don't ever ask me to prove my claims again.
Ask those teacher friends of your how debates work. You lose every time.
And while you're at it ask them how to spell "Ithaca". You've looked at the word hundreds of times and you still can't get it right. What do you do at that school, anyway? I sure hope you're not one of the teachers!
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-11-2003 23:30: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
As for all your irrational, emotional distress over a few hundred wolves; you should just try to keep it in perspective. Even if there's a thousand of them in Idaho they're not going to eat nearly as many deer and elk as the ten thousand cougars we have already. And don't forget the bears either.
It's the irrational, illogical thinking of the WY legislature that's holding up the delisting now, and they're getting their screwball ideas from the cattlemen----like you.
Telling your little anecdotes about how many teachers at your school don't like wolves is never going to do any good.
You challenge me to back up what I say when you don't agree with me and I come back with plenty of quotes and links every time. I challenge you to back up what you say and you come up with ZERO, except an anecdote about your teacher friends.
Kinda one sided, isn't it? If I didn't come up with anything you, Lost and MD4M would be screaming your heads off.
Either admit you can't back up what you say with any reputable info or don't ever ask me to prove my claims again.
Ask those teacher friends of your how debates work. You lose every time.
And while you're at it ask them how to spell "Ithaca". You've looked at the word hundreds of times and you still can't get it right. What do you do at that school, anyway? I sure hope you're not one of the teachers!
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-11-2003 23:30: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>