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Asking for advise

I built a small off-grid cabin on the top of a hill on a piece of property that I bought that connects to the family farm. As I was building it I thought I would put it on AirBNB for some money. The process of building and customizing it changed my mind and I started to think about all of the things they could mess up (lithium batteries, water system, etc) and it just soured the idea for me. I may build some at the bottom of the hill near the road to AirBNB but no one by my wife and I or family friends will stay in the cabin unless something drastically changes.
Thanks for the comments folks. As far as someone destroying our cabin. Obviously a deposit would be needed. And I would stay out there as a host. There is a lot to keeping a remote cabin going. And I could not trust a stranger with maintaining things. And would not expect them to. And having a good hot meal ready for hunters when they are done for the day. And just sitting around a campfire sharing stories appeals to me
I don't mind sharing with folks. And the land around it is fairly indestructible. The undergrowth will have no problem coming back yearly. And there is a lot of land. I am fortunate to have an inholding of 20 acres in the middle of nowhere public lands.
Just like most things. There is always a few bad apples in the barrel. It happens. But there are also a lot of folks around that are genuinely good people. I'm not particularly worried about the cabin being destroyed. It's made from logs and I don't expect folks to carve their names into it. And probably would be there to keep an eye on things. But the reality of being remote is that you have to have your wits about you. There is no immediate medical help. When that little float plane lifts off. Your on your own. If you have never experienced this it can be an experience in itself. It is for me every time I go out. Part of the package. And the animals there have pretty much never been hunted before.
Moose hunting is one thing. But personally, being out in wilderness like this is a true healing process for me. It's been mentioned that corporate groups can be safer. I have considered leasing to corporations that might use it for a perk for its people. There are veterans groups around. I've been involved in helping out the wounded warriors program before. Kids that are in need of guidance. Very nice to see how hunting can heal wounds of all sorts. This could be a great opportunity for folks like this.
Yes money is always a consideration. There is nothing wrong with making an honest dollar. I have spent thousands of hours freighting in materials with a snogo. And quite a bit just for the building materials. But it is a labor of love. But I also enjoy being around folks that are into hunting and the outdoors in general. I have lived in ak for 40 plus years and have had the great opportunity to see a lot of wild. In many forms. I now find myself retired and kinda looking for something new in life. And if I could pick anything in the world to do, it would have to be involved in the outdoors. It is a deep passion of mine.
In my mind. Having something family orientated would be unique. As a dad standing next to our son and calling in a huge moose was something I will always remember, so will he. Now it's our daughter's n wife's turn. If possible this would be a preference. I invited guests before and all have been cordule. And 2 or 3 hunters would be no problem. 20210411_112603.jpgAAB35075-5643-4767-8299-78D089BD06AA.jpeg28CE6744-C14D-4A7F-9F3A-5CDD5F870B1B (1).jpeg20210317_114745.jpg
I'm set up pretty good now. I have the generator shed set up to be a walk in cooler to hang game in. And have wheelers to be able to transport people n gear from the uninhabited lake 2 miles away that we land on to the cabin. So it's already turn key for doing this. And kinda just throwing around the concept. It does seem like it would be a great fit for me. I appreciate folks warning about keeping the place all to myself. And at one time would have never considered sharing. This is a big area and quite frankly, I may own 20 acres. But the public owns the rest. If I feel that there is abuse to the area I would stop immediately.
To wrap this up. If folks are interested I would appreciate visiting with them and getting their ideas. And believe it could be a win win for all involved.


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Thanks for the comments folks. As far as someone destroying our cabin. Obviously a deposit would be needed. And I would stay out there as a host. There is a lot to keeping a remote cabin going. And I could not trust a stranger with maintaining things. And would not expect them to. And having a good hot meal ready for hunters when they are done for the day. And just sitting around a campfire sharing stories appeals to me
I don't mind sharing with folks. And the land around it is fairly indestructible. The undergrowth will have no problem coming back yearly. And there is a lot of land. I am fortunate to have an inholding of 20 acres in the middle of nowhere public lands.
Just like most things. There is always a few bad apples in the barrel. It happens. But there are also a lot of folks around that are genuinely good people. I'm not particularly worried about the cabin being destroyed. It's made from logs and I don't expect folks to carve their names into it. And probably would be there to keep an eye on things. But the reality of being remote is that you have to have your wits about you. There is no immediate medical help. When that little float plane lifts off. Your on your own. If you have never experienced this it can be an experience in itself. It is for me every time I go out. Part of the package. And the animals there have pretty much never been hunted before.
Moose hunting is one thing. But personally, being out in wilderness like this is a true healing process for me. It's been mentioned that corporate groups can be safer. I have considered leasing to corporations that might use it for a perk for its people. There are veterans groups around. I've been involved in helping out the wounded warriors program before. Kids that are in need of guidance. Very nice to see how hunting can heal wounds of all sorts. This could be a great opportunity for folks like this.
Yes money is always a consideration. There is nothing wrong with making an honest dollar. I have spent thousands of hours freighting in materials with a snogo. And quite a bit just for the building materials. But it is a labor of love. But I also enjoy being around folks that are into hunting and the outdoors in general. I have lived in ak for 40 plus years and have had the great opportunity to see a lot of wild. In many forms. I now find myself retired and kinda looking for something new in life. And if I could pick anything in the world to do, it would have to be involved in the outdoors. It is a deep passion of mine.
In my mind. Having something family orientated would be unique. As a dad standing next to our son and calling in a huge moose was something I will always remember, so will he. Now it's our daughter's n wife's turn. If possible this would be a preference. I invited guests before and all have been cordule. And 2 or 3 hunters would be no problem. View attachment 305068View attachment 305069View attachment 305070View attachment 305071
I'm set up pretty good now. I have the generator shed set up to be a walk in cooler to hang game in. And have wheelers to be able to transport people n gear from the uninhabited lake 2 miles away that we land on to the cabin. So it's already turn key for doing this. And kinda just throwing around the concept. It does seem like it would be a great fit for me. I appreciate folks warning about keeping the place all to myself. And at one time would have never considered sharing. This is a big area and quite frankly, I may own 20 acres. But the public owns the rest. If I feel that there is abuse to the area I would stop immediately.
To wrap this up. If folks are interested I would appreciate visiting with them and getting their ideas. And believe it could be a win win for all involved.
I would just add a word of caution. Now that this idea has been posted on the inter web. There is a fine line with hosting friends to hunt and outfitting. I would make sure you know where that line is with the state.

It could end up bad for you and a potential Lacey act violation seeing those animal parts could be crossing state lines.
I have considered leasing to corporations that might use it for a perk for its people. There are veterans groups around. I've been involved in helping out the wounded warriors program before. Kids that are in need of guidance.
Once it becomes that type of public venue, especially if any money changes hands, then you are subject to a multitude of additional legal, regulatory, and other requirements. Your intentions are honorable and generous ... but could likely result in the old adage, "No good deed goes unpunished!"
Obviously access to the cabin would be an additional cost to the guests and you could recommend air services that you have used or know fly the area. But, How would you access it to clean and inspect after a guest leaves and before new ones arrive? If you have to have a bush flight after every group of guests to clean I don’t think you’d make much money with the cost of access.

Personally, I think renting it out and having to worry about it would take the relaxation and enjoyment out of it when I did get to visit.
Would this be considered outfitting? Seems like it could be if you're advertising it as a hunt, and providing a service to hunters for money.
I know the rules concerning guiding and outfitting. And renting a cabin out. I would be out there also, as a host taking care of the cabin. Nothing more than a remote bed n breakfast. Except I may not serve breakfast. I would probably have a nice meal to share as I will be cooking for myself. Folks would probably need to like moose and salmon though
I'm not intending to guiding or transporting any game. All self guided and pack your own game out. Simple. As for as transportation. We use a commercial pilot that has been doing this for 40 plus years. So if folks would like to take a tour over Mt Denali or go bear viewing they could. I am very familiar with the rules. And have things in order but thanks for your advice
I'll be getting back to the folks that have shown interest soon. Talking things out with myself beautiful wife. I believe that this could be a good fit for us. And help other folks too. Certainly nothing wrong with that
Looks like a great place!

I am visiting Alaska again this summer with my family and am working towards setting up my first moose hunt for 24 or 25.

Being a contractor and avid outdoorsman/hunter, and having completed a similar project, albeit less remote, in Idaho, I would eventually like to work towards something similar to what you have achieved with the remote cabin.
Maybe I could pick your brain some time.

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