Caribou Gear Tarp

Retirement Gift Ideas?

Nick has the idea. But dang 25 years and retiring? Must be good at it. I’ve passed 43 years and still working
I got a Go Away Party. I left early my last day and missed it.
I called in while I was on vacation and quit. Had to go back 6 weeks later to turn in my equipment and unlock my toolbox. They had a cake ready to go before I went home. Cat has a retirement plan that you can pick your retirement gift from a door prize book. No desire for a watch or a ring so I took a really nice set of stainless cookware.
If they have a wood stove at this cabin and use it for heating the cabin as well as asthetics, how about getting his 5 cords of cut, stacked, and split firewood. If he doesn't have a wood shed how about getting one for him and a couple cords of wood delivered that is ready to go?
I see lots of knife ideas which is something I would have suggested also. I got a Ruana 5AD knife when I retired and I love it and use the heck out of it. Get him a size that would be a good every day carry knife for any task that might present itself. Opening packages, cutting cord, cleaning a fish, or any other tasks where a knife might be helpful to include personal protection.
I love the Ruana knives I have which are the Steelhead and the 5AD. The Steelhead is a bit smaller and if I were to carry it every day, that would be the one I choose from these two. If I were to buy another Ruana considering it for every day carry, it would also include the Ruana Reliable and the 10B. Both would be great for that purpose.
I have received several retiremnt and awards gifts. Including, watches, knives, guns, etc. The ones that now mean most to me are the ones that were memory events: dinners with those involved along with some roast that were funny. Compiled books of memories we shared along our journey together. To me, I can purchase any item but I cannot replicate a wonderful memory. Memories last a life time and hopefully beyond.
are there any notable roadways he worked on or were specifically proud of?

A nice photo of that roadway in a rustic looking frame or something would be a nice touch and then you all could sign the back of it. And whatever you had left in the budget you could put towards a gift card or cash. It’s like a card but would last a lot longer. To me something that had meaning is gonna mean a whole lot more to me than something I could just go buy. I’m pretty picky when it comes to a knife, watch, or other small item that might never get used again.
I second this. A memento of his most notable project would make for a nice gift.
Thanks everyone for all the ideas.

We decided to go with a knife from the Montana Knife Company, plus a real nice custom plaque.
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