Seeth's unexpected FULL fall of "good" hunts

Needed @seeth07 to help me this morning. My shooting was awful should have had 8 and at home already but here I sit with four hoping a couple dumb pairs come drop in
My partners couldn't shoot this morning. Sat with my wife who got one of the mallards, I got 2 mallards and one of the teal and the goose. The other two guys did a lot of missing lol
I have a girl youth hunting at my house. She unfortunately didn't see anything this morning and based on trail camera activity nothing was moving anywhere. I joked that maybe she should sit with me on the couch stand. Dad said no.

Should I send dad this photo?

A few nights ago I decided to take a walk down memory lane to check conditions at the very first spot I've ever really actually waterfowl hunted. Season is closed this week but wanted to just check the walk in to the "launch" spot and what the water level was like and the general "openness" of the potholes you can someone see from the dike. I was impressed. Even more impressing was the lack of human sign at the launch. Season was open for ducks for 9 days before this close and there was maybe 2 or 3 people that launched, thats it.

Well I scouted tonight that spot. Got the kayak out and did a 1.5mile trek through cattail hell. Hunting a cattail marsh isn't for the feint of heart. Results however? Absolutely fabulous. It's amazing what 8 years does to one. None of the holes I knew existed anymore except the main front one. As I expected there was little evidence of use, just two spots in the main front hole where I could see a boat was slid in and cattails knocked down for shooting. That main hole had about a dozen mallards in it, over 200 coot, some woodies and even some wideon. I pressed further to where I knew a good hole used to exist 100 yards past this main hole and found myself in a sea of thick cattails. I pressed further but went a bit off angle trying to stay in water Rather than pushed up mounds of cattails. All of a sudden I could hear quacks. Ok head that direction. Get to where I can see it opening up. Holy smokes, meca! Found em! Whispered to them that I'll see them Saturday morning and snuck back out. I don't think I'll be able to sleep until then!!!
Well I didn't want to but when you use waders as often as I do, especially in sub freezing Temps for most of the season, it was time to try them because I'm getting sick of waders only lasting a season plus.
I’m not one to talk. I’ve got more Sitka stuff than I will use in a lifetime. I think the only thing I’m close to kinda wearing out are pants but I must have 6 pair at least. 🤦‍♂️
I’m not one to talk. I’ve got more Sitka stuff than I will use in a lifetime. I think the only thing I’m close to kinda wearing out are pants but I must have 6 pair at least. 🤦‍♂️
How about you share the love on that “influencer” discount code?
How about you share the love on that “influencer” discount code?
I got a discount, helped swallow that 1k price tag a bit lol

First impressions:
1) super comfy. Fit is great and goretex fabric is super flexible. Full range of motion in everything I did. Certainly not used to that with waders
2) insulated boots were fantastic. I stood in thigh deep water that was probably 40 degrees and only had one pair of good merino socks on. Feet never got cold, maybe even a little too warm when moving around.
3) my thighs were freezing. I just had long underwear on. A very good pair but it wasn't enough. Need to wear a good solid pant in addition for those cold mornings. It was 28 degrees at launch.
4) the suspender latch is amazing. I didn't thunk much of that feature but LOVE IT!
5) the two zippered front pockets and hand warmer pockets performed as expected. They are super high on the waders rather than just above waist. I wasn't so sure about that fact but didn't mind it. I can see the benefit if I was standing in waist deep water.
...I got up out of the blind to take a pee here comes a wood duck. It barrels right into my deeks in a dive bomb and makes a very large splash touchdown. Clearly something is wrong. I'm no where near my gun but I decide to send my dog. A chase insues and my dog is victorious returning to me the prize.

Yes that's right. I'm such a damn good waterfowler that I can take a zero duck, no ducks even in the sky type morning and magically produce a duck on the strap without even firing a single shot. ;)

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