Seeth's unexpected FULL fall of "good" hunts

The sunset was way better than the duck hunting and we both got to enjoy our coffee while swearing at each passing flock. Go figure, they all still wanted to be where we sat yesterday on our creek. Our pothole marsh was not cool enough. Had we repeated the same setup and spot from yesterday, we would have got another limit. O well, at least I know where we will be on Tuesday morning (wife works tomorrow).

Did manage to catch two single dumb ones. Never have I shot a drake greenwing here in Wisconsin with so much plumage already. I'd say he is at 95 percent and damn tempting to send to taxi. I'll hold out for that true full plumage one I guess.

Well that was lame. Funny how it works. When you don't expect to have a good morning with ducks flying everywhere, you shoot a limit and when you go with high hopes, these dang ducks crush it.

We saw a grand total of 7 ducks - a single woodie, a pair of woodies (got both of those), a single mallard and a group of three mallards. Should have shot at the group of three mallards on their first pass - was 30 yards and a good shot but I held off hoping for them to give it right up. They never did.
Not hunting a line today with my blind grass touching my neighbors corn (whose property I can hunt too so like it really matters...)

Few ducks flying but not many. My small field with corn got combined yesterday and one of the first in the area so thought I could maybe draw a few in. Not looking good.

Just another good morning sunset, no ducks. I think next season I'm actually going to count the amount of sunrises and sunsets I get to see in a hunting season rather than tally the amount of ducks/geese/game I shot on my calendar at work. Or maybe do both. Point is I think my goal needs to be to try and beat the previous years number of hunts rather than quality of hunts.

Anyways, deep thought over. Enjoy this beauty!!!

Just another good morning sunset, no ducks. I think next season I'm actually going to count the amount of sunrises and sunsets I get to see in a hunting season rather than tally the amount of ducks/geese/game I shot on my calendar at work. Or maybe do both. Point is I think my goal needs to be to try and beat the previous years number of hunts rather than quality of hunts.

Anyways, deep thought over. Enjoy this beauty!!!

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@seeth07 I wholeheartedly agree with you. Keep track of your experiences, and the blessings that God gives us each day to hunt, and the rest of it becomes gravy. Seems like you have some great spots for all the ducks!
4 shots and just one dead duck. Not my morning. Been so good this year after a full summer of practice. Guess I was due just sucks because I found this little spot last night with about 50 ducks and they read the script and came back this am. I just didn't do my part.

He sure is a good one though. Mallards beauty is so under appreciated!

Raise your hand if your wife buys you decoys and it's not your birthday, anniversary, Xmas, etc. Best way to come home from work on a Friday!

She with her shoot like a girl involvement got a deal on them I guess, 60 percent off so she bought some stuff I've been mentioning all fall I should get more of!

Raise your hand if your wife buys you decoys and it's not your birthday, anniversary, Xmas, etc. Best way to come home from work on a Friday!

She with her shoot like a girl involvement got a deal on them I guess, 60 percent off so she bought some stuff I've been mentioning all fall I should get more of!

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