
Seeth's unexpected FULL fall of "good" hunts

I was able to do a complete reshift of my vacation time with my boss and now rather than having to take off 4 days in early October (for heading out to WY for the rifle portion of my wife's tag) I'm instead going to use those vacation days for Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving week. The original plan was to just take off Wednesday and help my cousin with his daughters deer tag Wednesday-Sunday as needed. I can now leave Friday afternoon and help the entire 9 days of the season as needed. He saved his vacation as well and was able to shift to those days too. I don't think it will take a full 9 days to search and find a big muley on this hunt but its great to know we have all the time in the world to get it done. Can't wait to repay him for his help. I know the unit fairly well after my trip last year during 3rd rifle.
As I sit in my bow stand tonight, I'm watching hundreds upon hundreds of ducks pile into my corn field that was just chopped two days ago. I've never seen so many ducks this early before. Opener is sat. Could I really have a hunt in my own field on opening day and limit? That would be a first!!!!
Watched the ducks land and then just leave right now in my field. Getting the sxs loaded and going to head out and get the field set and ready to rock for the am so all I have to do is wake up, make coffee and walk on out to my layout blind! I won't sleep tonight, guaranteed!
Rushed home from work. Didn't even change. No boots, crocks will do. Mixed a cocktail. Dozen deeks in sxs. Don't forget all the spinners. Out to field and unload. Park sxs away hidden in treeline. Deeks set and spinners on. Whew, time to relax and enjoy the sunset. 5 mintues go by. Holy crap a duck already. Hey it's coming this way. Boom. Dead duck. I love this life. Typing this story. Crap here comes another duck, way high, not coming. Wait. Holy smokes. Dropping like a rock, mile high to 100 yards in seconds. Bang. Dead duck.

Raise your hand if you love field hunting mallards when they just absolutely give it up without even a pass to your setup? Just sexy is what it is.

2 more to go and I might make it back to the house to make supper before the misses gets home from work.
A flock of 6 gave me a chance but just wasn't right as they came in on my right and banked and as a rightie not the best to turn that way in the layout so I let them go hoping for another pass that didn't happen. Then 5 mins after close a flock of woodies literally landed on me while packing up the blind. Figures. All good fun though and glad I got out! So gorgeous tonight!
I'm beyond spoiled. I can on any given morning chose to wake up, load up the sxs with some gear and drive right to a duck hunting spot, unload, drive and park in the woods 100 yards away concealing the sxs, return to setup and then while drinking my cup of coffee watch the sunrise come up through the thick fog steaming from the warm creek water and surrounding wetland (wetland = really tall thick grass with barely any water in it this time of year).

Living a dream...

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