Seeth's unexpected FULL fall of "good" hunts

Great bull, great story. Congratulations to your wife on one hell of an adventure

Sorry I said all those mean things when you were teasing us.
Count your blessings. You've got a great hunting partner! Congrats on your hunts and thanks for taking us along!
Congrats. Props to the Mrs. On persevering that was a gut check
Gut check, mental check and physical check (I've heard over a hundred times about how sore her hands and knees are from slivers and bearing on them many times over the trip). She showed her displeasure many times over the hunt yet didn't give up.
Gut check, mental check and physical check (I've heard over a hundred times about how sore her hands and knees are from slivers and bearing on them many times over the trip). She showed her displeasure many times over the hunt yet didn't give up.
Ready for the next one now.
We are almost in Omaha traveling back and about to stop for lunch.

We stopped and got the chance to meet @Stocker passing through along I-80. Pleasure to meet a fellow HT'er. Confirmed that he isn't a creeper, the stache is definitely gone, and maybe a future hunt trip with he/his wife might be due to happen soon.
Awesome to meet you guys and see the trophy’s headed back home with you!
While riding shotgun, I had a chance to mark up the events on onX. To some, maybe the visual will help you visualize the events a bit better.

Screenshot_20220926-135650_onX Hunt.jpg

Wind was almost due west this entire time.

Yellow is her/my movement, from bottom when we first spotted the bull waking up from his bed to the moment she shot.

Teal is the bulls movement for the 3rd encounter. Bed to where he stole those cows to a here he wallowed to where he spoked with the cows. Encounter 1 almost happened exactly where he met those cows. Encounter 2 would have been just north of the "on" text at the top.

Blue is the bulls movement after being spoked to coming back to the shot spot.

Red is after the shot. It's 260 yards long.

Teal and blue spotter is where my cousin was for both encounters, pretty much same spot. Perfect position to call him right past us.

Green is cow group movement from right to left.

Purple is the lady hunter and where she went. That dark green on the satellite is all 6 to 24 inch tall grass....Zero cover