Caribou Gear Tarp

See? It IS the economy, Stupid!!

Leftylock, yep choices have to be made. That is why I chose to get a skilled trade when I was 13 years old. Why? Because I knew that there was a slim chance of a college education in the future. (I did have 1 semester before lack of transportation and a growing family caused that to stop)

I also saw where people made the welfare rolls their way of life. Funny thing is they live better than I do unless they do drugs or alcohol.

I also have helped out at a downtown mission for the homeless,taken holiday baskets to needy people and not so needy people. My wife was once in charge of a food pantry at church and she saw plenty of abuse. Plenty of people worm their way around to get a handout.

The thing is that most of the ones that really need it are mostly too ashamed to ask for help.
If I was Tim, I wouldn't answer any thing you had to ask gunner...
You never answer, well at least with a straight one any way, any thing put to you that is even remotely tough....
Well, unless you can cut and paste it from some meaninless place you dig some of your stuff from...
As it goes, with the abortion/no aboartion issue, I think I would set an amount of kids some one can put on welfare, and if they hit that quota, both of the biological parents get fixed...
But oh, the poor libs think that is to harsh, much better to take an innocent and have them sucked out into the sink than to have the "Misfits" held at least some what accountable for their actions.
Of course and I will make this a big one....
There are alway's exceptions to the rule, so before you get on your high and mighty horse and start with the playground bully routine, the exceptions would have to be looked at before action was taken... ;)

Besides, what gives you the right to question any one with any thing, until you answer those questions you have brought upon yourself?

Your brow beating and bullying mean nothing if you can't back yourself up on any thing you post...

How is it I stabbed Moosie in the back?
Wow Buzz you're my hero...

"Before you bust my balls, I didnt take a freaking dime from anyone or take out a single loan for College, my folks didnt pay a dime for my degree either. I did it the old fashioned way, by PAYING MY WAY and working."

I went to collage got a degree, worked part time to pay for living expences, worked full time in the summer to pay tuition... and got out of school with out owing anyone a friggn dime either... So you're not quite as special as you would like everyone to belive. My brother AND my sister did exacly the same thing... none of us are all that bright, but we had a little ambition and knew what we wanted in life...

BTW Buzz who is suckling off the goverment titty the most here... you or me? Where does your pay check come from???

Growing up we didn't didn't have much, my parents both worked for peanuts and still managed to raise three kids. HEll I grew up in a fuggn trailer... We didn't have four fuggn tv's, cable television, cell phones, four cars, a fridge full of crap... we lived off wild meat and vegi's grown in our garden. Pop was a luxuary and usually came in the form of Shasta or Western Family... I didn' get to do a lot of things my friends did, because my parents couldn't afford it... We made due, and didn't cry about it.

Sob story, boo hoo, one right after another. Why should it be my problem that people don't want to be held accountable for their actions? Most all of them put themselves in those shoes.

I knew lots of single parents that put their life on hold and went back to school... If you want it bad enough you can do it! As a matter of fact out of the 35 people in my graduating feild 5 had a family and most were single parents... so Chas it can be done, its all a matter of ambition.

I get sick of hearing the argumet that some people just aren't smart enough... BULL SHIT!

I've run into very, very, few people that couldn't be taught some sort of skill, or could have gone to school. I know a few highschool dropouts that are millionares now...

I see these worthless people day in and day out. The contribute absolutly nothing to society except a black eye. I get so sick and tired of listening to them say, oh I didn't mean to screw my life up but it happened. Sure shit happens , thats life. If you can get yourself into that mess get yourself out. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and wating for someone to help you out and HELP yourself...

Like I said progams should be there to help people SHORT term to get on their feet and thats it.

Oh by the way I lived on $8 an hour and still managed to save enough for my tuition for one semester... I paid for the second semester by working during school... boo frign hoo.

I'm all for abortions, those children haveing children just drag our society down even further... BTW my wife and I don't plan on having children, adopt a child yeah maybe, but if we were to happen to have a child, I know we could care for it... and not have to suckle off the titty to make it work.
Give me some time guys. I will respond at greater length when I have a bit more time. I am in court most of today but I will try to get to it. Moral Misfit???? Please. Whatever anyone's morals are, I have more respect for them if they stick to them rather than modify them for each situation. More to come, trust me. I just love how this went from the economy to abortion. Only on hunttalk.
That was very well stated. I remember when going thru the halls of higher learning, I would be sitting with some of the other students...
They were complaining of how they would come up with the extra money to pay for this class or that extra thing, rumaging thru a pile of forms (grants and loans)....
I don't remember what brought it on, but when they asked me how I paid for it, I told them I would work a couple day's, then not owe any one any thing...
To many kids now day's think they are owed these forms of higher learning just because they exist.
After going back and seeing the level of kids going thru school, I came to realize then, that there are not to many children (gifted or not) that are ready for collage. The biggest share of them didn't take it serious, it was just a place to get away from home with out hanging out some where, to have new freinds to party with, and really not learn much.
I am all for people going to school, before a couple of you guy's that don't seem to understand...
I just don't think there are but a very small handfull of kids coming out of high school that are honestly ready to go to collage and get much out of it. A better place for most of these kids would be to be conscripted into some form of service that betters this country for a couple years. They need to get out away from mommas apron strings and see some of the world. Then they will be more ready to go back to school and actually have some what of an understanding of what they are being taught.
I would add that if those that don't agree with this aproach, never paid attention to those around them when they were in the halls of higher education, or just don't want to admit it. ;)
"I knew lots of single parents that put their life on hold and went back to school... If you want it bad enough you can do it! As a matter of fact out of the 35 people in my graduating feild 5 had a family and most were single parents... so Chas it can be done, its all a matter of ambition."

First, you don't have a clue about my life, my ambitions, or my circumstance. Don't generalize, catagorize, or try to pigeon-hole me into ANY of your mind-set image of " I see these worthless people day in and day out.".

Priorities override ambitions. You'd know this if your decisions revolved around more than just making sure your hair was parted perfectly!

"Oh by the way I lived on $8 an hour and still managed to save enough for my tuition for one semester... I paid for the second semester by working during school... boo frign hoo."

Congratulations! You're an adult. That made you answerable to who?? Yourself! Add a 5 yr old son and a 3 yr old daughter to your little world and see how fast your arrogance evaporates!

"I've run into very, very, few people that couldn't be taught some sort of skill, or could have gone to school. I know a few highschool dropouts that are millionares now... "

...and according to you this makes them successful?? BULLSHIT!
I have two full-grown sober, working children whom are happy, active, and know the values instilled allowed them the opportunities THEY chose!!

Sometimes it's NOT all about YOU!!


Glad I'm not the only one that had a situation similar to yours.

However, I know that there are people that have situations that wont allow them to pursue what they want, as Chas has stated.

As to the goverment titty, we're hiring any time you feel like applying...just bring your shasta drinking ass, a pair of hiking boots, and a 4-year degree in're in....climb on aboard the gravy train. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Oh, and judging by your chicken better toughen that up a bit.

Get used to east coast loud-mouths sitting on their asses flying desks telling you how easy your job is...oh, and catching flack from just about everyone.

Its pure glamour and gravy...I tell you what.

Here are the numbers from Montana...

Whatever happened to Tim's longer reply???

Poverty rate increases in Montana
Posted Aug 27, 2004 - 01:10 PM

HELENA - More Montanans are living in poverty and without health insurance, despite having one of the fastest-growing household incomes in the nation, the Census Bureau reported Thursday.

An average of 127,000 people lived below the poverty line during the last two years, or about 14.3 percent of the state's population, the bureau said. During the previous two-year period of 2001 and 2002, the average was 13.4 percent, or about 118,200 residents.

At the same time, the bureau said, nearly 154,000 Montanans were without health insurance during 2002 and 2003. That represented about 17.3 percent of the population and an increase of almost 25,000 from the average for 2001-2002.
The definition of poverty used by the Census Bureau varies with family size. The line for a family of four is $18,810, and is $12,015 for a two-person household.

Steve Seninger, director of economic analysis at the Montana Bureau of Business and Economic Research, said a state's poverty level is a good indicator of "overall economic hardship."

"It shows what kind of pressures are going to be put on a state's social programs," he said.

For example, with the state's cash assistance program sporting a $22 million surplus, the rising poverty level would place greater demand on the use of that money, said Seninger, who also is director of Montana Kids Count, an organization that tracks the economic and social well-being of children and their families.

He said the agency counts as uninsured only those who have gone without coverage for an entire year, but the Montana Bureau of Business and Economic Research surveys count people without insurance for even part of a year.

By that measure, Seninger said, a study done last year showed 173,000 uninsured Montanans, about 20,000 more than the Census Bureau estimated.
Gunner does it say anywhere in the constitution that those people have to live in one place? Why can't they move to where there is actually living wages paid out? Once again the only people holding them down is themselves.
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