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Screwing over the Non-resident (or not)?

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Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Since this forum and my emails are full of people arguing about the difference between resident/non-resident treatment, Marcus and I figured we'd do a quick Fresh Tracks weekly on the topic. Hopefully people take away from this video the laws that allows disproportionate treatment, the risks of being too dependent on NRs, and a lot of other issues that revolve around this topic.

Summary: We have a state-based system. Residents benefit from non-residents in many ways. Residents are Beneficiaries and non-residents are stakeholders (big difference). Wildlife is separated from the land, defeating the "I pay taxes on Federal Land" argument.

Anyhow, always a fun topic to see the comments and realize how much hunters do/don't understand the basics of the systems we have and the history of how we arrived at these systems for allocating wildlife opportunity in disparate manners.

You have to respect that big fin started this thread because we know where it’s headed.
More like he has balls with where this will head quickly. HT members are pretty set on how they feel about how Wyoming California treats the NR in regards to big game hunting. You see what I did there @BuzzH - Trying to help you out getting people to use a better example ;)
More like he has balls with where this will head quickly. HT members are pretty set on how they feel about how Wyoming California treats the NR in regards to big game hunting. You see what I did there @BuzzH - Trying to help you out getting people to use a better example ;)
Looks like you should be mad at the Dakotas. The only reason you are mad at Wyoming is they let you in and you want to go back.
Residents should get priority in their states. Just the way the game is, and should be, played. From paying for the roads, to managing the herds, the money to support the hunt comes from the residents.

'Course, I'm in New Mexico, where half of our tags go out of state or to the outfitted.

Idk squat about nonresident hunting… I stay in my own lane…

I have a freezer full of game and adding a turkey before long! How anyone could hunt 4 states for 12 different species spending thousands in the process just to struggle to eat all that is beyond me…
Unless you got thousands more to spend on a butcher and give away hundreds of dollars worth of snack sticks that is….

My brother in law does that— I love it lol
If You the NR wants to Play in the other 49 , You're going to have to Pay . I Only apply in states that I'm willing to Pay and it's not just the western states . Try going to Kansas , Ohio , Iowa . etc. just to whitetail hunt . I get it but I don't understand why the other Public Land users aren't helping foot more of the NR fees for other recreational use .
More like he has balls with where this will head quickly. HT members are pretty set on how they feel about how Wyoming California treats the NR in regards to big game hunting. You see what I did there @BuzzH - Trying to help you out getting people to use a better example ;)
Look Wisconsin screwing over the nonresident crossbow hunter

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