PEAX Equipment

Excluding Hunting/Hunters from Wildlife Management - Episode 1 of 4

started the first of these 4 yesterday.

i think i fall in the minority here, but I view all of this as exponentially more threatening to hunting and our passions/traditions, whatever you call them, than matt rinellas rants about influencers and the likes of newberg and steve destroying western hunting. which so many seem to be latching on to as the new villain now.

there are real issues there that matt rinella is bringing up, no doubt. but when you think about what is going on in colorado and washington I coudn't even start to care about what matt rinella has to say is the biggest problem in hunting.

i'm on record as saying it before on this forum. if you don't think your state is going to have these problems and you're more worried about joe schmo and his bros finding your deer spot because they were motivated by steve rinella to apply out of state, then you need to get your head out of the sand.

runaway wildlife commissions seeking to upend your way of life - coming to a state near you.

in fact, i even think people like newberg and steve rinella are a part of what we need to help fight these problems. showing the world how amazing hunting is, the food that it provides, the adventure and unique joys of nature that just don't exist outside of hunting, need to be shouted from the mountain tops. it's amazing how often I hear about weird, hippy dippy, urban centered and generally left leaning types showing interest in hunting. and how did these types probably start developing this curiosity? i betcha you could source it back to steve rinella or joe rogan in one way or another. they are the types that voted for wolves in colorado. the more people like that that start to hear and see what people like steve rinella or randy have to show them and have it resonate with them because they are powerful well told messages by great story tellers who have massive reach, the more we will be able to turn the tide on wildlife commissions turning into animals rights boards.

i'm becoming very worried about what hunting could look like in colorado in the next 20 years. on my scale of concern, matt rinellas points don't even register in comparison.
Absolutely agree. Count me in that minority also. I talk to hunters all the time in Colorado who are in complete denial that this is happening. This isn’t some crazy right-wing fringe conspiracy theory. Anti-hunting, animal rights activists have gained enough political influence with the ruling party in Colorado to completely remove hunters/hunting from wildlife management.
I think that would make matters worse. I don't want King County voting for the commission. I'd rather take my chances with a new governor
Ya, that is probably correct. Guess I'm just grasping at straws to find solutions to an obviously biased system. I cant help but to think any new governor Washington will put in place will be any better. They will probably be worse (not sure how that is possible). Its dis heartening to see our hunting heritage being slowly dismantled piece by piece while they tell you it is not, and all we can do is petition deaf ears it seems like. I also wonder where all the hunting coalitions are in this. There are obviously well funded and organized anti hunting groups that seem to have limitless funds to keep all this tied up in endless litigation. As someone else noted above it would behoove us to get our house into order and quit bickering amongst each other while we still can.
started the first of these 4 yesterday.

i think i fall in the minority here, but I view all of this as exponentially more threatening to hunting and our passions/traditions, whatever you call them, than matt rinellas rants about influencers and the likes of newberg and steve destroying western hunting. which so many seem to be latching on to as the new villain now.

there are real issues there that matt rinella is bringing up, no doubt. but when you think about what is going on in colorado and washington I coudn't even start to care about what matt rinella has to say is the biggest problem in hunting.

i'm on record as saying it before on this forum. if you don't think your state is going to have these problems and you're more worried about joe schmo and his bros finding your deer spot because they were motivated by steve rinella to apply out of state, then you need to get your head out of the sand.

runaway wildlife commissions seeking to upend your way of life - coming to a state near you.

in fact, i even think people like newberg and steve rinella are a part of what we need to help fight these problems. showing the world how amazing hunting is, the food that it provides, the adventure and unique joys of nature that just don't exist outside of hunting, need to be shouted from the mountain tops. it's amazing how often I hear about weird, hippy dippy, urban centered and generally left leaning types showing interest in hunting. and how did these types probably start developing this curiosity? i betcha you could source it back to steve rinella or joe rogan in one way or another. they are the types that voted for wolves in colorado. the more people like that that start to hear and see what people like steve rinella or randy have to show them and have it resonate with them because they are powerful well told messages by great story tellers who have massive reach, the more we will be able to turn the tide on wildlife commissions turning into animals rights boards.

i'm becoming very worried about what hunting could look like in colorado in the next 20 years. on my scale of concern, matt rinellas points don't even register in comparison.
Amen, we need more people on our side desperately. The woods are crowded, its frustrating.. however we are a minority of the population by large.
Our ungulate population in NE Washington has fallen drastically in the last few years. Virtually no animals seen out in the woods, the majority are within shouting distance of lowland agriculture. My buddy and I went for a side by side ride Saturday, we saw 2 live deer, one muley doe and one whitetail doe and in areas of good visibility in probably 60 miles. We did see lots of wolf tracks in the snow following the roads. Came into one clearcut and saw ravens, told Steve to stop, something was dead. Sure enough, very fresh wolf kill of a whitetail doe. Kind of think that predators are taking more animals than hunters in this corner of the state.IMG_0528.jpgIMG_0529.jpgIMG_0530.jpgIMG_0531.jpgIMG_0532.jpgIMG_0534.jpg
started the first of these 4 yesterday.

i think i fall in the minority here, but I view all of this as exponentially more threatening to hunting and our passions/traditions, whatever you call them, than matt rinellas rants about influencers and the likes of newberg and steve destroying western hunting. which so many seem to be latching on to as the new villain now.

there are real issues there that matt rinella is bringing up, no doubt. but when you think about what is going on in colorado and washington I coudn't even start to care about what matt rinella has to say is the biggest problem in hunting.

i'm on record as saying it before on this forum. if you don't think your state is going to have these problems and you're more worried about joe schmo and his bros finding your deer spot because they were motivated by steve rinella to apply out of state, then you need to get your head out of the sand.

runaway wildlife commissions seeking to upend your way of life - coming to a state near you.

in fact, i even think people like newberg and steve rinella are a part of what we need to help fight these problems. showing the world how amazing hunting is, the food that it provides, the adventure and unique joys of nature that just don't exist outside of hunting, need to be shouted from the mountain tops. it's amazing how often I hear about weird, hippy dippy, urban centered and generally left leaning types showing interest in hunting. and how did these types probably start developing this curiosity? i betcha you could source it back to steve rinella or joe rogan in one way or another. they are the types that voted for wolves in colorado. the more people like that that start to hear and see what people like steve rinella or randy have to show them and have it resonate with them because they are powerful well told messages by great story tellers who have massive reach, the more we will be able to turn the tide on wildlife commissions turning into animals rights boards.

i'm becoming very worried about what hunting could look like in colorado in the next 20 years. on my scale of concern, matt rinellas points don't even register in comparison.
Colorado keeps voting the way it does and there is no saving hunting there, it's done.
Our ungulate population in NE Washington has fallen drastically in the last few years. Virtually no animals seen out in the woods, the majority are within shouting distance of lowland agriculture. My buddy and I went for a side by side ride Saturday, we saw 2 live deer, one muley doe and one whitetail doe and in areas of good visibility in probably 60 miles. We did see lots of wolf tracks in the snow following the roads. Came into one clearcut and saw ravens, told Steve to stop, something was dead. Sure enough, very fresh wolf kill of a whitetail doe. Kind of think that predators are taking more animals than hunters in this corner of the state.View attachment 303971View attachment 303972View attachment 303973View attachment 303974View attachment 303976View attachment 303978
Sad to hear. Same thing going on for a lot of areas in NE Oregon.
Colorado keeps voting the way it does and there is no saving hunting there, it's done.

the majority of the population doesn't have very strong opinions either way. but they suddenly will when someone starts beating them over the head with targeted advertising and scare tactics.

we need more people informing and showing more people. colorado has one of the larger resident populations of hunters in the nation and a lot of non hutners that are supportive of hunting but know little about it. the more we can inform them, show them, and help them understand they can be less swayed by ballot initiatives that thinly that chip away at hunting and can help inform their legislators when wildlife commissions run amok.

there is hope, admittedly not much, but there is hope.
I cant help but to think any new governor Washington will put in place will be any better. They will probably be worse (not sure how that is possible).
Some speculate the AG Bob Ferguson is going to make a run for the governorship
the influencers are in full swing in the process of diluting the core and future core.
Some speculate the AG Bob Ferguson is going to make a run for the governorship
You're behind the 8-ball, he already declared.
It's Bobby boy vs Reichart (former moderate R representing eastern King and all of Chelan Co).
You're behind the 8-ball, he already declared.
It's Bobby boy vs Reichart (former moderate R representing eastern King and all of Chelan Co).
Yep, and if Ferguson gets voted in, which in all reality is controlled by 3 west side counties, it will further our issues.
Polaris Expedition, enjoying nature through a perceived reality.
FIFY. I think maybe driving around in a SxS counting the live deer you see and comparing with canine tracks in the snow might not be the most accurate way to collect data, but whatever. The fact that predators take prey, even more prey than humans, is not going to change the debate. It may actually weaken it to many people who's support we need. We need to find a better argument than "The woofs are eating our deer".
Will anyone be speaking at the commission hearing this Thurs for WDFW proposed predator hunt reductions? You can comment and speak via zoom.
Will anyone be speaking at the commission hearing this Thurs for WDFW proposed predator hunt reductions? You can comment and speak via zoom.
I recommend taking this convo over to:
Absolutely agree. Count me in that minority also. I talk to hunters all the time in Colorado who are in complete denial that this is happening. This isn’t some crazy right-wing fringe conspiracy theory. Anti-hunting, animal rights activists have gained enough political influence with the ruling party in Colorado to completely remove hunters/hunting from wildlife management.
Reminds me of the guy that was given the mic at a recent CPW meeting and spent 10 minutes yelling at the commission about Non-Res OTC tags, smh. I wonder if, in a few years, he will realize that whatever the new resident percentage is, zero divided by any number is still zero. If more hunters got just as excited about the bigger issues, we might have a chance to save hunting in CO.
Reminds me of the guy that was given the mic at a recent CPW meeting and spent 10 minutes yelling at the commission about Non-Res OTC tags, smh. I wonder if, in a few years, he will realize that whatever the new resident percentage is, zero divided by any number is still zero. If more hunters got just as excited about the bigger issues, we might have a chance to save hunting in CO.
This is exactly what I think of when I see the endless pages of comments on CO resident vs non-resident OTC tags. If only we had such passion for defending the institution of hunting and the NAM here in Colorado….
Absolutely agree. Count me in that minority also. I talk to hunters all the time in Colorado who are in complete denial that this is happening. This isn’t some crazy right-wing fringe conspiracy theory. Anti-hunting, animal rights activists have gained enough political influence with the ruling party in Colorado to completely remove hunters/hunting from wildlife management.
Don't get me wrong, Matt Rinella has expressed some very valid concerns. There are definitely hunting "personalities" who are doing more harm than good with the content they produce. I would also agree with his concerns over hunting becoming increasingly "pay to play". Where he loses me a little bit is when he starts claiming that informational "how to" content is the greatest evil the world is ever seen. Similarly I saw several comments on a recent GoHunt post all about how they're content will singlehandedly bring about the demise of hunting. I crafted my two cents and have attached the same. Enjoy! 😅(The screenshots may not be in order lol)


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