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Score these rams

Man, IDK scores, but I'm going Cowboy and Lucky over Big Sexy. They both look like they carry more mass further around.
Man, IDK scores, but I'm going Cowboy and Lucky over Big Sexy. They both look like they carry more mass further around.
I agree. I don’t know scores, but the mass in the view from behind on Lucky is 😳
Wow, Im not a ram connoisseur but those look awesome. To the untrained eye, I think Big Sexy is my favorite with wide load giving him a run for his money. Cool photos, thanks!
I have no idea what scores mean or how they work nor do I care to, but Wide Load is the best. I give him a perfect 1 out of 1 on the binary scale of badass, with 0 being (hard) no and 1 being (extra hard) yes. Binary is the best. Good luck.
Pretty much what I was thinking.
Congratulations JM77
That's a big sexy ram and I'm glad I was wrong on the score!
Well done sir.
I was there, but the hunter in the above pictures is a very good friend of mine and @wyoboypt 's dad. Took almost a month to relocate the ram. I get to show him off here a little! We didn't think he'd break 180 either, by the way.

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