Caribou Gear Tarp

School/Mass shootings what's the answer?

Yes of course.
Because everybody needs a 30 or 40 round magazine for hunting.

Have you lived your entire life with a profound misunderstanding of the most elementary concepts of the constitution or is this a symptom of old age?

If you want to make a case for why the Second Amendment is no longer relevant, and why it should be repealed, I will disagree with you but is your right to believe that. But stop being either blatantly ignorant or willfully deceptive. It is either showing of your lack of intelligence, or an insult to ours.
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Yes I do I shoot 3 gun compition I start a stage with up to 40 rounds in my rifle up to 27 in my shot gun and 30 in my pistol.
Promote Sheriff Reserve Deputy opportunities to teachers interested. State/Federal funding to cover reserve academy expense. Make adjustments to accommodate the duty time requirements. Quarterly firearms qualification and enhanced active shooter focused training.

Nothing is perfect. Everything has it's issues though... This is what I believe would best serve the schools and communities as a whole.
This is not a problem caused by a single issue and it can't not be fixed by a single cure. Will take multiple things changing. We need to educate adults and kids better about weapons. We need to get back to strong family values and caring for others. We need to hold parents not doing their parenting jobs responsible. We need to make schools and other areas not soft targets. We need to hold accountable people who fail at taking notice when warned about potential problems. Above all we need punishment swiftly for crimes. When your guilty and it's obvious it shouldn't take a 3 year trial and end with a life sentence. Swift trial, found guilty, swing by a rope, Done.
I do believe if any gun is banned or limited we are opening the flood gates to loosing more and more til we have no guns at all.
I do believe if any gun is banned or limited we are opening the flood gates to loosing more and more til we have no guns at all.
I do understand and accept your belief and the slippery slope concern. However, consider that for decades there have been firearms limitations in place and the ensuing "no guns at all" movement has garnered very little to no support. I agree that no one single "cure" will remedy the firearms violence continuously occurring, but some common sense (whatever that may be agreed upon) limitations on firearms, together with the strict enforcement you expressed, appears to be widely accepted as an element in mitigating the violence to some extent. I believe that we ... that being you, I, and the NRA ... all need to be part of the solution and quit kicking against viable proposals, some of which are part of an increasing movement of young people who are going to vote in the blink of an eye. It would not surprise me to soon see some of those articulate, confidently impassioned young people standing up for firearms limitations in the halls of state legislatures and Congress. Now is the time to work on reasonable solutions before emotional movement overcomes common sense.
I regularly despise Fox News. Actually, most "conservative" media is garbage. But it's pretty obvious that this "grassroots" student protesting stuff is being propped up by the standard leftist crowd, including most media. Any counter voices are mostly suppressed. And I think there's some pretty obvious bigotry aimed at rural culture, as usual.

I'm anxious to see if this actually translates to the election outcomes the left is hoping for. It's pretty rare for a candidate to WIN by endorsing substantial gun control measures. I suspect the folks calling for Marco Rubio's head have more problems with him besides gun control.

The thing is, there are a lot of gun control measures I would be open to or even in favor of (universal background checks with exceptions for relatives, MSRs and 15 Rd mags being classified as class III weaponry, gun-violence restraining orders). I just don't trust that it would stop there. And it bothers me that the focus on guns has snuffed out the opportunity to discuss what's going wrong in our anti-parent, anti-family culture. It bothers me that we can't have a discussion about what can be done when someone shows signs that they need to have their access to weapons restricted.

TLDR version: I'd be more open to gun control if I thought proponents would consider other options and stop looking down on a culture they don't understand.
I'd be more open to gun control if I thought proponents would consider other options and stop looking down on a culture they don't understand.
Be careful with the argument that "I don't accept your opinion because you don't understand." It oft establishes the clear line of divisiveness.
Be careful with the argument that "I don't accept your opinion because you don't understand." It oft establishes the clear line of divisiveness.

Yeah, there's definitely no trust there. For sure. But I'm not drawing a line in the sand, just explaining why I am hesitant about giving up certain rights to a bunch of folks who would look at me and my lifestyle with derision. I still wouldn't mind if some AR-15 features/combinations (really it's the mags that matter IMO) reclassified as class III weaponry, especially if we could exchange it for suppressors. But I think they would need to grandfather current owners. And I say this knowing full well how easily those items could be obtained illegally.
The writing is on the wall that changes are coming.

Fact is, for the majority of Americans under the age of 30, if they were to wake up tomorrow in an America where certain types of guns were illegal, that would not affect their American Experience in any negative way.

Gun owners, like myself, can try to explain the value of an armed populace in respect to tyranny, but those arguments are unconvincing, frankly. There are plenty of countries in the world where gun ownership is extremely limited, and those places don't seem any more volatile or prone to government tyranny than our own. Sure, 2nd Amendment advocates can point to historical examples, but 2nd Amendment opponents will just point to contemporary ones. It is not obvious at face value that an armed populace is "necessary to the security of a free State". Despite the value and wisdom of our constitution, that is just a fact in respect to the 2nd in the modern age. It's complex and nuanced and deep, but by many reasonable metrics the United States is not particularly free....

I'm not writing in support of any side, but any side that acts like the answer is obvious, is obviously not listening.
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JR, if AB3199 passes, you wont be able to do that anymore...

I was hoping for just outright donations since we need to raise over $300,000 annually for our two school district.

As for 3199, I'm hoping it dies a quick death. I was on the phone and sent emails this morning. Hopefully others are doing the same.
I was hoping for just outright donations since we need to raise over $300,000 annually for our two school district.

As for 3199, I'm hoping it dies a quick death. I was on the phone and sent emails this morning. Hopefully others are doing the same.

How in the world is a public school district short on money by 300k? I thought the lottery was going to save all the budget woes for public education...rolling my eyes

DU and CWA are lobbying hard against 3199. Does BHA raffle guns in CA?

To the topic, I think the school to prison pipeline is a serious consideration to factor in.
How in the world is a public school district short on money by 300k? I thought the lottery was going to save all the budget woes for public education...rolling my eyes

DU and CWA are lobbying hard against 3199. Does BHA raffle guns in CA?

To the topic, I think the school to prison pipeline is a serious consideration to factor in.

We're a very small district, but have ratings far above average because residents and parents step up for additional funding for great programs. It's pretty amazing actually, we live in the mountains just 15 minutes from Silicon Valley, but we have a very tight knit community that puts and incredible amount of volunteer hours and financial support into our two schools.

And we have teachers that aren't afraid to ruffle some feathers.

As for BHA, yes we have had gun raffles. Vista is giving us (as well as every BHA Chapter) a Savage in 6.5 man bun to raffle off. Weatherby has donated guns too. I do think this will be shot down, but anyone with an Assembly Member on the Committee on Governmental Organization should be lighting up the phone right now. There's no time to waste, this needs HR621 treatment.
Sheriff Cameron told reporters at an afternoon press briefing that Deputy Gaskill, a six-year veteran of the force who is in his first year at Great Mills High School, was able to contain the situation within 1 minute of the time the initial shot was fired.
Good to see quality response and immediate action taken by this SRO. Unfortunate how this situation is downplayed though that's the media dance.

For our most precious of all assets - our youth, we protect them less than a football game. Less than a flight from Missoula, MT to Bozeman, MT. There is opposition towards implementation of security features however, we publicly declare it a, "Gun Free Zone".
For those Who said if we just give up bump stocks it would pacify the left.

“Closing this absurd loophole will not by itself stop the next mass shooting tragedy. But this popular approach must be part of our larger strategy for ending gun violence," Wasserman Schultz said.

Who thought buying ammo would not be considered an absurd loophole.

Full article.