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SB339 passes in Senate!!

When did the states have the right to violate the constitution?

I think the courts point out when that happens, even if the senate and the house pass a law. Its the courts that say whether its constitutional or not. Its the checks and balances system the US has.

That will still apply, won't it?
436 U.S. 371 (1978)
Docket Number: 76-1150

October 5, 1977

May 23, 1978

Subjects: Civil Rights: Residency Requirements

Facts of the Case
In its licensing system for elk-hunters, the state of Montana required nonresidents to pay a substantially higher fee than residents for a hunting permit.

Question Presented
Did the Montana law violate the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the Constitution as delineated in Article IV, Section 2?

The Court affirmed the right of Montana to charge higher fees for out-of-state elk hunters. Justice Blackmun found that the Privileges and Immunities Clause only applied to activities which bear "on the vitality of the Nation as a single entity." Since elk hunting is a recreational activity and not fundamental to the survival of nonresidents of Montana, Blackmun argued that it did not fall within the scope of the protections guaranteed by the Constitution. "Equality in access to Montana elk is not basic to the maintenance or well-being of the Union," he concluded.
So there Tom. Is your last name Taulman? You might as well get used to losing this arguement as it is in the best political interest of every state to protect it's rights and the House should pass it with ease. Better tell George to get ready for a new letter to his clients and I hope Arizona gets challenged again and this goes to the Supreme court where it should have gone in the first place. Then USO can pay our legal fees.
Oh brother.
Tom are you on the same planet?
You really are a selfish SOB.
If it bothers you that much to pay extra to hunt out of state,

That's not it, I'm on the planet, try again. You don't know me at all, I'd give you the shirt off my back. I hunted two other states last year. You don't seem to get it.

We'll see what happens next, this issue has a long history! Good luck on your upcoming hunts, draws, etc.
I saw the pictures of your Antelope in Wyoming. Do you have any other shirts? That one doesn't look too good, I doubt anybody will want it.
I gave it to a guy in Wyoming, it wasn't to stinky, but it was wool. Better to leave the wool one in Wyoming, heck its supposed to be 85 here today, I didn't check though.
Tom, The $28 tag you're talking about is not for a game-farm elk. These are wild elk and therefore nobody supports them. The $28 doesn't guarantee that you will be filling your freezer with elk meat. Success rates here in Washington are around 10% in the best units. With that kind of success rate the average hunter will kill one elk every 10 years. Now other states may have a little higher success but not much, maybe around 20%. But the point is when your purchase a tag you are not purchasing meat. I'm sure you already know that but just wanted to be sure.
What does Washington do to encourage hunters to improve the habitat? Its a seperate topic, but that's what the question is about. To phrase it another way, what does it take to support the elk, or whatever, you harvest? We should support the habitat enough for what we shoot and then some, that's the idea the question is meant for us to think about, even discuss.
Actually Tom, in this state people want all the prime habitat for themselves, whether it's for houses, apple orchards, alfalfa fields, golf courses, dairy farms, doesn't matter. Most people are greedy and don't care if the elk have a place to live. If it weren't for hunters I doubt there'd be any elk left in this state. It's so bad here that the elk have to be fed almost every winter.
I just looked for info. and this came up.

It says $15/day for backyard deer feeder and 50 tons / day to feed the elk at some wildlife refuge there. Got any pictures of that, wow?

They were looking for money for it that year. They ought to raise the deer and elk tag to pay for it maybe? Something like that.
An elk eats about 30% of what a cow eats. A cow eats $1.35 per month worth of feed off of Public Lands. Therefore, an elk eats about $0.40 per month of FREE feed. There is no better economic use of grass/forage on public lands than feeding WILD animals.

The only value of the $0.40 number is to reimburse private land owners when they start belly aching about the Elk eating their feed.
I sure as hell don't want my hunting dollars going to a feeding program. Let 'em starve. There's are reasons they have to use supplemental feeding programs, and they usually have to do with degraded or lost habitat. If folks think that deer and elk will be fed every time there's a bad winter, they'll never feel the need to address the real issues.

Well, do people plant stuff for them, like those RMEF tiffany weeds or whatever. There ought to be a hunter type Johny Appleseed program, is there? Every hunter plant some good stuff on a scouting trip? Is there a web page for upgrading the mule deer habitat? Anybody know? If they paid out of their pocket for hay, and you showed them how to do it cheaper with better habitat, why would they not choose that, the better habitat?

You got a reference or something, you sound pretty positive Oak?

Then, it wouldn't be 50 tons/ day, wow!
I just figured you had one for any and all of that stuff. You're studying all the good books and all.

What should people do for mule deer habitat? I guess that's the most crutial thing to know something about?
Alot of people do alot of different things.
go find the pics Moosie put up of the deer hunters of Idaho planting bitter brush.
check out all the other things DHI has done.
thats just one club, there are many different clubs, alot of us are members of several.
Do you think the money we pay in fees is all that we do?
We residents are here on the ground helping in many different ways,
And not just with wildlife, alot of people volunteer to help with hunter ed and a ton of different programs.

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