SB339 passes in Senate!!

WH-sorry, it would be Arizona where the elk are huge and Tom can move here but he won't be "shooting the hell" out of anything but yotes unless he gets drawn and that usually takes about ten years for a resident.
Actually I've had three elk tags in AZ the last Ten years. If the odds hold true, me and my $44 license and my $74 tag will be stalking Wapiti this Fall...........Majority of the people who wait ten plus years are putting in for hunts that offer 5-30 tags(early Rifle & Mzzld). There are execptions of course........
I put in for the same unit for bull every year. Used to get a cow just about every year but the points won't go towards a cow now. I had a bull tag five years ago and that was my last AZ elk hunt so let's say it takes five years for a resident to draw in a unit that appeals to the NR hunter. I don't know too many guys that get drawn for bull every 2-3 years so I will admit that AZ 204 is smarter than me.
Deep down, Tom's just chapped because of what it costs for him to execute 3 farm goats, a baker's dozen of piglets, and a captive red deer. Probably more expensive than my annual MT Sportsman's license.
Greenhorn said:
Deep down, Tom's just chapped because of what it costs for him to execute 3 farm goats, a baker's dozen of piglets, and a captive red deer. Probably more expensive than my annual MT Sportsman's license.

You could have a damn nice hunt in MT for less than some Texas canned hunt and still swing by the butcher's and buy a 1/2 of beef.
In eastern Washington we have general hunts for spike only elk, and branch antlered bulls are by draw only. I drew in 1996, the very first year that our state went to a point system, and haven't drawn since. If I don't get it this year, next year will be ten years without a bull tag. |oo
That is why I decided to go for the muzzleloader permit this year rather than the rifle....1 in 40 odds instead of 1 in 140. Of course, all these years I have only been putting in for the #1 hunt in the state, so it's my fault. If I wanted to just hunt elk I could have done so 3 or 4 years ago most likely.
Washington Hunter said:
JC, Won't you owe Mr. Taulman for that tag (if you do get it?)

I'll send him a thank you note.... If you remember, I have never understood why Taulman was the devil.... It seemed like greedy residents were a bigger obstacle to me.

And WH,
Why not drive 10 miles farther than Pullman WASHINGTON and start hunting elk EVERY year????

You can carry a nice bull tag every year OTC, and Ten Beers will even let you ride on the back of his ATV.....
Greenhorn, yep you're right, I can hunt spikes every year, so if I don't hunt it's my fault, and that is what I was saying (not sure what my point was though) :D

I thought non-residents had a better chance of drawing in AZ this year because of (A-hole) George Taulman's lawsuit against the state of Arizona. You're saying this isn't true? Are you saying residents of AZ will have preference in the draw this year??? :confused:
Look at the facts. Support the wildlife, don't support welfare hunting. Greenhorn taught me to stick up for hunting dollars being spent the right way.

What's the percentage federal land in these states and the percentage tags that get divided up resident and non-resident on that federal land? If its not divided right, then should it be made right? That would balance the support for the wildlife there, the federal land, which is substantial would be improved. RMEF wouldn't have to plant those elk weeds, there'd be plenty to plant, if the residents would pay a decent tag fee, like the animals deserve. That's my thought.
Jose, yes I do remember that you have been on Taulman's side all along. I have to agree somewhat just in that it seems the state of Arizona could have done more to prevent Taulman's lawsuit from ever going to court. If they would have just made it illegal to sell wildlife parts (I still don't get why they didn't do that) or set aside a full 10 percent of tags for non-residents (isn't that what George wanted to begin with?) then the state of AZ could have saved a shitload of money that was just thrown away on lawyer's fees. BUT, I still think George Taulman is a greedy bastard and deserves to be "accidentally" shot in a tragic hunting accident.

I think I will go elk hunting in Idaho next year. Thanks for the idea! :D
Jose-I don't think we are comparing apples to apples unless, god forbid, you are a resident of Arizona. If you do actually live here I would like to offer you a trip to one of our lakes for a little bass fishing and a few drinks so we can get to know each other a little better. Always nice to get to meet people face to face. PM me if you are interested.
I just took a little time and added up ten of my good huntng buddies bull tags over the last tens years (best I can remember). The average was a tag every 2.9 years. Most of these hunts are premium archery hunts, with a few rifle tags scattered around. Some of these guys haven't had tags in the last six years. Some drew back-to-back or say 2 out of three years. None the less the average was three years.

I drew back to back in 94-95 then again in '01. If I draw this year (hoping) that'll be four in eleven years. Like I said there are always exceptions.

If we can get back to a fair non-res quota and the money for tags up front (like ID,MT,CO etc...) I think the 3-4 years for an archery tag will be the norm.
AZ402, so what do you hunt the other 2-3 years when you don't have a bull tag?

Greenhorn, I'm chapped because there's no accounting system that I can see and this bill is going to make it worse. Charge whatever you want, give the tags to whoever you want. Forget about balancing the books, go for it. That's the kind of crap that leads to abuse.

I think the only place I'd want to live, if it weren't Texas, would be Alaska, at the moment.

Where are you from, Jose Cuervo? Kind of like the masked poster except its a booze name south of some border.
I hunt free roaming deer,turkey,bear,lion,javelina,birds etc.... Arizona has more than elk. I also apply out-of-state and I play by their rules and don't whine.

If you want abuse of wildlife get the feds involved if state game management. States have been managing "THEIR" wildlife for decades.
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