Yeti GOBOX Collection

SB 442 - Habitat and Access

Compromise his re election against who Knudsen? I don’t see GG losing to someone on the other side of the isle for a re election.
There are some subcurrents around the Flathead about how GG hasn't been good for Montana. With the Rs dominating both houses, there's very little risk in voting in a fact there's some upside because the potential veto threat could bring a modicum of balance to Helena.
Pretty amazing bill and story. I hope someday folks will learn from those who got it done, and how thankful we are that they did.

Hopefully the Governor takes this easy win and signs it. I would be very grateful, and it would color the way I view him in a more positive light. It's all upside and all it will cost him is his John Hancock.
@Ben Lamb Curious...since the budget was pushed through in rapid fashion like 45 days go, does any of that have to be revisited if GG signs SB442? It's not a ton of money going to Habitat Montana, but I got the impression that GG was allocating this marijuana money in other places.
@Ben Lamb Curious...since the budget was pushed through in rapid fashion like 45 days go, does any of that have to be revisited if GG signs SB442? It's not a ton of money going to Habitat Montana, but I got the impression that GG was allocating this marijuana money in other places.

The budget has not.passed yet. It has to be approved in the House again after the Senate amendments. So, if it goes to conference, then more shenanigans can be played but some of the priorities of the governor were funded (HEART fund & veterans) while.other budget items weren't included (Habitat Mt, roads).

If they are not successful in undermining 442 through SB538 and a couple other pieces fall into place then there will be funding available for all programs in 442.

So, in short - maybe, maybe not.
Thanks. That makes more sense. I guess I fell victim to an article that simply said HB2 had passed with dems upset that it happened so abruptly. At the time, I thought how could that happen, but since it hasn't happened fully, I'll just go back to my work now.
Still shows as pending, but I believe you. What is the justification? He doesn’t like seeing compromise? Should highlight to Montanans who’s giving GG his marching orders.
You should fix Washington, go give people financial advice, or better yet go tell people how to kill big mature bull elk. You don’t add much to Montana. Bummer he vetoed the bill but not surprising.
I just read his veto. He makes two points 1) the bill is missing an appropriation so it's unfunded which makes it useless. 2) basically "I don't like that this circumvents the General Fund" basically he's saying that every legislator who voted for this bill doesn't know what they're doing.

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