SB 298 - Crossbow bill rears its ugly head

Hopefully with this many issues in it, they are able to see that on the floor and vote it down.
So this is the same bill that was tabled less than a month ago on a 10-2 vote by the Senate Fish and Game Committee members, and today this very same bill was passed out of committee by the very same Senate Fish and Game Committee members? What changed over the last month?

Were the amendments also passed or is it the original bill that is going forward?
It passed out amended. Sounds like if I heard correctly the version passed out would be only available to residents, removed the 10 bonus points to veteran, I believe there may only be capped to 500 1% of archery license sold. What they left in was no companion requirement with disabled hunter, if denied crossbow permit the department must issue any special permit of applicants choosing. I hope I’m not missing/forgetting anything.
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It passed out amended. Sounds like if I heard correctly the version passed out would be only available to residents, removed the 10 bonus points to veteran, I believe there may only be capped to 500. What they left in was no companion requirement with disabled hunter, if denied crossbow permit the department must issue any special permit of applicants choosing. I hope I’m not missing/forgetting anything.
"if denied crossbow permit the department must issue any special permit of applicants choosing"?
For real? wtf
Wasn’t even looked at or questioned. Hell there goes all the big three permits!
"If the commission denial is reversed but the applicant missed the archery season during which the permit was applied for, the department shall issue a permit of the applicant's choice for the next available season without reducing the number of permits available."

Does that mean the hunting permits wouldn’t be reduced, or the crossbow permits wouldn’t be reduced? You could make the argument that it’s hunting permits. Again, it’s written terribly.
"If the commission denial is reversed but the applicant missed the archery season during which the permit was applied for, the department shall issue a permit of the applicant's choice for the next available season without reducing the number of permits available."

Does that mean the hunting permits wouldn’t be reduced, or the crossbow permits wouldn’t be reduced? You could make the argument that it’s hunting permits. Again, it’s written terribly.
I would read that as hunting permits. Just my interpretation though.
Reads to me like it’s a stack on so could imagine about 320 guys in the breaks killings rams. So with that you’ll see me in the Pryor’s…… killings rams
When does this trash get voted on? I can’t believe those turds advanced this crap out of committee.
Was there a meltdown on here when Wyoming allowed crossbows?

It feel like this is not going to go over well in MT whenever it finally passes.
Meh. When you have had your nuts smashed in as many times as we have in the name of opportunity (in this case opportunities for the disabled and the liars and the cheats and Brad) you learn to like it.
Meh. When you have had your nuts smashed in as many times as we have in the name of opportunity (in this case opportunities for the disabled and the liars and the cheats and Brad) you learn to like it.
At least this session has been less contentious and hostilities have decreased, opening the door to more compromise in future sessions where they will continue to smash your nuts. 😀
Kenetrek Boots

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