SB 298 - Crossbow bill rears its ugly head

Looks like no scopes now and you can buy the permit someone just shit this guy down please
I would think by allowing the commission to set/adopt rules no scope is an option. But they would be the ones to say what is or isn’t allowed. This amendment also doesn’t not pull the denial issue mentioned above, doesn’t define what a qualified disability is, no xbow education, and also removes requirement for the companion hunter.
I’m not against veterans or disabled individuals, but this is not right. They can use a rifle for 5 weeks in Montana and/or the black powder season. I really wish we would shorten seasons and go to pick your weapon.
In my opinion they just need to shut this down for now. Get some of our state conservation groups together with fwp and have them implement something. Im not against a crossbow it just needs put in properly. I think it should almost be a tier and if the person is able use the draw lock. The crossbow should only be for very few that it’s the only option
This guy is out of his mind
Idk, I think Molnar was going to blast it and the committee decided to take a vote next week on it with the amendment(s) instead of having Molnar blast it as originally drafted to the Senate floor.
I am from ohio where Horton crossbows were from so we have had very crossbow friendly regulations for a long time. I have just gotten use to it is an option for archery season. I just read an article from Meateater that put it in perspective that it isn't a bow that have to move to draw but most people don't shoot more than 40 yards. Great for kids and older hunters and busy ones taking care of the kids and parents. I like some of the regulations that restrict the technology that people worry about 100 yard 3 inch groups. New york has axel to axel has to be 16 inches maybe 17 when uncocked. Yea it isn't a bow but it isn't a rifle either. I have seen a lot of good from crossbows (kid participation) and if they allow for more harvest than desired change the length of season. NY limits use to just the last two weeks of the archery season and seems to work really well.
Here's the link to the legislative portal:

Use the tab to hit the whole.committee.

Be polite & firm.
Here's the link to the legislative portal:

Use the tab to hit the whole.committee.

Be polite & firm.
Thanks Ben. Message sent to the committee opposing.
I believe this is being discussed in the Senate F&G committee again today. This bill has many issues, but this part seems especially ridiculous. Under the denial of a crossbow permit section-

"If the commission denial is reversed but the applicant missed the archery season during which the permit was applied for, the department shall issue a permit of the applicant's choice for the next available season without reducing the number of permits available."

Nowhere does it say the permit has to be for the same species or anything like that. Maybe this whole bill is just Molnar's attempt to acquire a sheep tag.
Senate F and G has passed this out of committee. I believe it was Senator Fuller who made the comment that if you’re disabled enough to need these accommodations, the individual should need to be accompanied by someone in the field to help recover the critter. He also stated this was not in the bill.
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