Sb 255


Jun 17, 2009
SB 255 has passed in the House with Amendments and has now been sent back to the Senate Floor to vote on the new amendments which add "fish" back into the bill. This bill has an estimated cost to the FWP of between 3.5 million to 3.9 million dollars each year. It establishes new criteria that the FWP Commission must follow before setting seasons and establishing regulations. FWP neither has the money nor personnel available to do the additional work required by this bill.

If you are a Montana resident hunter please email and/or call every senator and let them know your opposition to this bill.

May be one of, if not, the worse bill still left out there.
I agree, this is the worst bill we have left. Extremely damaging.

We have posted concerns on this one before. It is the fact that now all economic and social issues must be given the same weight as the biological issues when the Commission makes their decisions.

Guess who wants this bill?

Guess who is the sponsor?

Here is a link to the bill -

Here is a link to your Senators and Reps. Contact them if you have time, or phone the switchboard and leave your message. That number is (406) 444-4800.
How many vetoes will Guv give us? Besides the new even crappier SB255, tomorrow's hearings include:

HB 159
HB 541
SB 108
SB 136
SB 390
SB 237

what did I miss??

And I still gotta get an email off to Mr. Reid......

Gotta stay :mad: so I dont look like :(.
SB 255 has passed in the House with Amendments and has now been sent back to the Senate Floor to vote on the new amendments which add "fish" back into the bill. This bill has an estimated cost to the FWP of between 3.5 million to 3.9 million dollars each year. It establishes new criteria that the FWP Commission must follow before setting seasons and establishing regulations. FWP neither has the money nor personnel available to do the additional work required by this bill.

If you are a Montana resident hunter please email and/or call every senator and let them know your opposition to this bill.

May be one of, if not, the worse bill still left out there.

Ingomar, you need to read JB's data supported and fact filled rebuttal to the fiscal'll feel much better about the cost to FWP and sportsmen afterword.
Well, I emailed my Senator (Wagner)....again. Hope it does some good. Will email the Governor and ask for a veto if it gets to that point. Keep up the good fight all who are on the front lines.
Ingomar, you need to read JB's data supported and fact filled rebuttal to the fiscal'll feel much better about the cost to FWP and sportsmen afterword.

Yea, that was quite the detailed rebuttal, huh? A couple words longer and more detailed than "Because" but that's about it.
You may if you have time to send a message to all the members of the Senate. This can be done by doing the following:

The fastest and easiest way is to simply pick up the phone and call 406-444-4800 to leave a message. The problem is that you can leave a message for only 5 legislators at a time and since there are 50 Senators you would have to make 10 phone calls to reach all the Senators. But, if you call in and tell the operator that you want to leave a message for each member of the following 4 Senate Committees listed below, you will be able to reach all the members of the Senate. Call to kill SB-255, starting at 7:30 AM today!

Senate Business & Labor
Senate Judiciary
Senate State Administrations
Senate Taxation
If you wish to send individual Senators a message, here are the entire list of e mails.

All the R's

([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected])

All the D's

([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected]), ([email protected])
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SB255 with House amendments passed 2nd reading in the Senate today by a vote of 31-19. The 3rd reading has not been scheduled yet, so there is still a chance to kill this bill.

This is probably the worst bill of the entire session - it is an absolute disaster for the Commission. It will completely paralyze the Commission to the point that it will be impossible for them to function effectively. It is also going to cost nearly 3 million dollars of sportsman's license revenues over the next four years, along with the addition of 7 full time staff and numerous contractors to produce all the environmental and economic reports. Every hunting and fishing season will be required to go through this onerous process.

This bill must be killed!
SB 255 passed,as amended to include "fish", in the Senate today on a 26-23 vote. This is the bill that could cost the FWP between 3.5-3.9 million dollars per year!! It would require the FWP to follow a new set of procedures in the season setting/regulation process. A VERY BAD BILL!!


[email protected]

[email protected]
Thanks for the information, Ingomar. SB 255 may be the worst bill of this entire legislature. It will paralyze the Commission so that nothing will get done. Maybe that's the real intent of the bill.

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