Caribou Gear

Save Western Wildlife

Going to their website told me all I needed to know about them, seems really similar to lots of other groups I'd never support.
Going to their website told me all I needed to know about them, seems really similar to lots of other groups I'd never support.

Why didn't I think of that. After checking it out, I agree with you 100%. Group that use shock and hyperbole to raise money don't get a lot of respect from me.
They sure like to compare IDFG and wolf lovers to terrorists. I've had discussions with a couple of the members before. Some tend to be SFW loving and RMEF bashing folks. I wouldn't send them a dime.
This clown has some great youtube videos. I propose we lock him in a cage with Nabeki and see if they can finish each other off.

Knowing what I know now I think KIFI should be ashamed of themselves for even running this story.
Knowing what I know now I think KIFI should be ashamed of themselves for even running this story.

That was my impression as well, must have been a really slow news day on this side of the state.

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