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Ryan Busse is a coward

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I made a few comments earlier today, on this thread, because I thought they were funny. Looking back at them, they were rude and mean. I've deleted them.

But I will always stand up for Tillamook, and I do not care what anyone says.
Under normal circumstances I try not to delete anything, but I really cucked myself out today too. sorry guys.
I think we are on the same page, I just have a problem with the above conclusion. Statistically speaking your comment isn't true. Cause of death might matter to you when you say "safer", but I don't think we should start parsing firearm death data by cause when we are really trying to address mental health (I guess we aren't really trying to address it as a society, we just like to use it as the cause we can agree on and walk away from the discussion feeling good). It is safer to be in a rural area if someone else has the gun, but much less safe if you live in a rural area and the gun is in your hand. The trend isn't new. Below is 2011-2020, but the same conclusion was reached in an analysis from the 1990's.

View attachment 279017
I'm in the dark...I feel safe.
So I'm new here so apparently there are personal beefs.

I became away of Ryan having seen a video where he and a few others stormed into a speech by Cliven Bundy. A stupid idea, IMO, because anytime Cliven is speaking, he looks stupid, so interrupting him seems counter productive.

So the OP called him a coward for not doing g a podcast. He said he asked. Which on tge podcast section there is an ask with no response.

Then Mr Newberg jumps in to show him a screen shot of a interview that's never been aired, followed by an explanation and a shot at OP character. Kinda seems like me telling you all about my 420" bull, then posting screens hots of the hooves,but so be it.

OP counters with that while Mr Newberg might not have released tge podcast out of sensitivities, Ryan Busse was out selling books.

I looked. May 22 was Uvalde.

I googled Ryan Busse, Uvalde

Starting May 25 Busse talked to Wash Post, CNN, Guardian npr, NBC, NY Times, Economist, in roughly one week's time, each time of course there was a plug for his book.

Mr Newberg seems to be genuine in his desire to not seem to be promoting his site off tradgety.

Pretty hard to extend that credit to Ryan. I don't know if that cowardice, or grifti g, or extremely bad form?

I also noticed no one seems to want to touch him claiming he is unaffiliated in the copper bullet meetings? He sits on a board, how does he claim that?

Anyways, thanks for letting me join, I just like to try to simplify things down, and 22 pages was a long read for me👍
after all these pages I just wonder about the players on here if its political beliefs or about the money. I really am not sure.
So I'm new here so apparently there are personal beefs.

I became away of Ryan having seen a video where he and a few others stormed into a speech by Cliven Bundy. A stupid idea, IMO, because anytime Cliven is speaking, he looks stupid, so interrupting him seems counter productive.

So the OP called him a coward for not doing g a podcast. He said he asked. Which on tge podcast section there is an ask with no response.

Then Mr Newberg jumps in to show him a screen shot of a interview that's never been aired, followed by an explanation and a shot at OP character. Kinda seems like me telling you all about my 420" bull, then posting screens hots of the hooves,but so be it.

OP counters with that while Mr Newberg might not have released tge podcast out of sensitivities, Ryan Busse was out selling books.

I looked. May 22 was Uvalde.

I googled Ryan Busse, Uvalde

Starting May 25 Busse talked to Wash Post, CNN, Guardian npr, NBC, NY Times, Economist, in roughly one week's time, each time of course there was a plug for his book.

Mr Newberg seems to be genuine in his desire to not seem to be promoting his site off tradgety.

Pretty hard to extend that credit to Ryan. I don't know if that cowardice, or grifti g, or extremely bad form?

I also noticed no one seems to want to touch him claiming he is unaffiliated in the copper bullet meetings? He sits on a board, how does he claim that?

Anyways, thanks for letting me join, I just like to try to simplify things down, and 22 pages was a long read for me👍

Thanks for actually looking.

Welcome to HT.

BHA, or anyone associated is gonna get you attacked.

You'll figure out the Montana cabal.

Dude in Laramie, just acknowledge as the greatest, smartest, most knowing, or expect his "open minded" and "thoughtful" opinion.

@Big Fin is a good dude, but he really doesn't like it when I take shots at him. But he's welcome at the house anytime
I didn't go back too far to read, anyone wishing to summarize in ten words or less is welcome.

I read the Busse article when it came out. He's milking the bad guy turned good angle. Everyone loves it when someone from the other tribe comes over. He re uses bad data too, I mean he's a smart guy, he must realize that when you include 19 year olds and call them children you're going to push data in a certain direction. It's just like lumping suicide and homicide together.

Murder is down in 22, but still far far above pre Floyd numbers. 60% of firearm murders the perpetrator was black according to the justice department. My county of 300,000 has a murder rate like northern Europe.

Busse reminds me of that former wolf trapper who wrote a book.
say Busse invited you over for dinner would you be willing to let him change your mind? You get to say your piece but you actually have to listen to his.

would Busse let his mind get changed?

it does go both ways
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Just pointing out facts, every President in modern history save Trump was pro-gun control, lol Nixon wanted to ban all hand guns, as did Eisenhower
Is Trump the only one to actually ban firearms via Executive Action? I know nobody has done it since Reagan (Clinton's gun ban was a legislative bill), but I don't know if a President before Trump banned guns via Executive Action, or if Trump's the only one to do that.
I think that proponents of an "assault" weapon ban are doing it to reduce the frequency and death toll of mass shootings.

Every society deals with mental health challenges, we are not unique in that regard.

Can anyone find another country where a music concert concluded in a mass shooting with 60+ fatalities?

If there another country that has has even half of the school shootings that we have experienced.

In at least two of those shootings when law enforcement officers arrived, they did not enter the school to engage the shooter. I wonder why they were so reluctant?

violence in the USA is an issue, but subverting the 2nd Amendment will not stop it. It goes deeper than the tool used. Until we address that, fussing about tools is useless

also, at the end of the day (and when it was written) the 2nd Amendment is about protecting the citizenry from tyranny. So to me, an important aspect is the history of democide in the World and how we ensure it will NEVER happen here

Many countries have killed millions of their own citizens

yeah, I know, it can 'never" happen here
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