PEAX Equipment

Romney: "I don't know what the purpose is" of public lands

I hate to get involved in the political argument, but I have seen and know things that party voters schmooz over and deny the existance of.

1. Obama was elected by progressives, not Democrats. He is a socialist. Though gun owners always panic when a Democrat is elected president, there has never been any attempt by a Democratic president to disarm America.

2. Obama has disappointed Progressives because he is too eager to compromise with party voting Republicans. Related to his failures is the fact that the Republican agenda has been not to help him fix the problems this country has, but to see to it he fails, and make way for a Republican to be elected next time.
I heard Romney the other day accuse him of failure, but did not confess the hand that Republicans have had in orchestrating his failure.

3. Facism is control of the government by big business. People associate the word Facism with Nazi Germany, but it could exist anywhere that government and big business are in bed together. When you let big business do its thing (I learned in economics class that the purpose of any business is to make money) then you have to eliminate government controls. Think of the air you breathe and the water you drink and remember it is the government that protects the quality of those things. Remember the public land you hunt and fish on and remember it is BLM, USFWS, USFS that provides and protects that. Appreciate the living that a good many of you make for your families and consider your wages, protections, and fringe benefits that were won for you through collective bargaining. All these quality of life things that we appreciate place government controls on big business and make it more difficult for business to achieve its main goal of making money. When big business has its way the division between rich and poor widens and the middle class is weakened.

I heard a comment the other day on the radio that really makes sense. It explained why our government is so unable to work. It is because in an attempt to fix things we elect people that reflect the extremes of their parties. You wind up with far right facists fighting with far left socialists and nothing gets done because they are too far apart to get together. If we'd elect moderates from both parties they could work together and fix the country instead of battling political points of view while nothing gets fixed. Romney has been described as a political moderate, BUT it has been pointed out above by you guys how out of touch he is with what is truly important to the people on this forum, and I've pointed out his lack of honesty when it comes to his parties involvement in Obama failures. So, as much as I'd like to vote for a moderate Republican, I couldn't vote for him.
This post amazes me.To me, anyone but Obama is what this country needs.My opinion on the last post is that the republicans put the brakes on Obama ruining this country any further.Like his out of control spending and a health care plan that has made it impossible for companies to want to start hiring people.I thank God we put people in there to keep him in check.I'm waiting for the good times to roll again for this country,and it won't happen with a liberal as Pres.!!!!!!that is unless your looking for Govnt.hand outs,and the Robin Hood theory
I don't like either Rep. candidate,but their FAR better then what we have now
No, please, carry on.


Wouldn't it be fun? You're glassing down the hill for a big Ol Muley buck when out of the corner of your view you see something moving.

Dude I see a stripper
Right there at the bottom of that group of trees
Oh yeah awesome. Man that is the 5th one today sweet
Get the spotter on her
I cannot believe how many of the worlds problems we can solve here on HT before 10 am on a Saturday morning. Porn stars for congress and stocked strippers to motivate the DIY problem?
I'm not very interested in politics so if this is a dumb thing to say please excuse it;

But as public land hunters, wouldn't we rather have a democrat in office? I mean, my impression is that if republicans had there way, they would cut govmt spending on land management agencies, open public land to mineral interests, and stop designating new wilderness areas. As public land hunters we sort of need well staffed land management agencies to responsibly manage our public lands (i.e. prevent off road enthusiasts from tearing them up). We want roadless areas free from mineral extraction/habitat disturbance. And as far as I'm concerned for hunting, the more wilderness the better. That way I have the opportunity to get away from the crowds by hoofing it into areas with higher game densities.

I'm not very interested in politics so if this is a dumb thing to say please excuse it;

But as public land hunters, wouldn't we rather have a democrat in office? I mean, my impression is that if republicans had there way, they would cut govmt spending on land management agencies, open public land to mineral interests, and stop designating new wilderness areas. As public land hunters we sort of need well staffed land management agencies to responsibly manage our public lands (i.e. prevent off road enthusiasts from tearing them up). We want roadless areas free from mineral extraction/habitat disturbance. And as far as I'm concerned for hunting, the more wilderness the better. That way I have the opportunity to get away from the crowds by hoofing it into areas with higher game densities.


Yep dead on.
This post amazes me.To me, anyone but Obama is what this country needs.My opinion on the last post is that the republicans put the brakes on Obama ruining this country any further.Like his out of control spending and a health care plan that has made it impossible for companies to want to start hiring people.I thank God we put people in there to keep him in check.I'm waiting for the good times to roll again for this country,and it won't happen with a liberal as Pres.!!!!!!that is unless your looking for Govnt.hand outs,and the Robin Hood theory
I don't like either Rep. candidate,but their FAR better then what we have now

Ignorance among hunters always amazes me. People being flat out WRONG with ridiculous statements that anyone with "two firing brain cells" can look up the answer and know better. If you don't like Obama because he is black, then just say it. But don't try and make up lame excuses about "impossible" for companies to start hiring, when it is a flat out LIE.

The nation's employment sector continued to gain traction in January with 243,000 jobs added - far more than the 155,000 jobs economists were expecting.

It was the most jobs created since April of last year, when 251,000 jobs were formed. The unemployment rate declined to 8.3 percent, compared with 8.5 percent in December, hitting its lowest level in three years, the Labor Department reported Friday

We have lost too much Public Lands during Obama's term to drilling, pipelines, etc... But, it we do know his flaws, much better than the guy with the Swiss Bank Accounts, money hidden in Off-Shore Accounts in the Cayman Islands who thinks public lands in Nevada are a bad thing.

I'm not very interested in politics so if this is a dumb thing to say please excuse it;

But as public land hunters, wouldn't we rather have a democrat in office? I mean, my impression is that if republicans had there way, they would cut govmt spending on land management agencies, open public land to mineral interests, and stop designating new wilderness areas. As public land hunters we sort of need well staffed land management agencies to responsibly manage our public lands (i.e. prevent off road enthusiasts from tearing them up). We want roadless areas free from mineral extraction/habitat disturbance. And as far as I'm concerned for hunting, the more wilderness the better. That way I have the opportunity to get away from the crowds by hoofing it into areas with higher game densities.


Yep, you are absolutely right.

And yes, I support DinkShooter for President....

There is a lot of merit to his Platform (shoes)....
in the last Time magazine it said that during the past two years what we pay for healthcare has increased 5 percent each year, which is by far the lowest increase in the last fifty years. sounds better to me.
Hold onto your asses boys, and hunt-fish-etc as much as you can. I am damn glad I have had a chance to experience all I have - I would not now want to be a 12 year old kid who thinks this way of life is cool....If only wolves and politicians were really our biggest problems, the solutions would be way easier.....
Don't kid yourselves, if Obama is elected for a second term he will be coming after our guns.:D

Romney is accruing quite a list of sound bites we will get to hear again in a few months. Of course that is what the liberal media does to the R's...."gotcha questions".:D
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