PRIDE Month Celebtrations at Public Land Management Agencies

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Yes, because " global warming" is racist and usually only affects lgbtqia2s+ poc and minorities.

Not that many will actually get beyond the poo flinging, but:
Climate affects disaffected & disenfranchised statistically more than it does the middle-class or well to do.

Pollution is similar: For generations, the idea of the "wrong side of the tracks" was born out of the understanding that the polluted, less desireable places were reserved for the poor and disaffected rather than those who could afford the "right side of the tracks." You see this repeatedly in places like MI where communities of privelege have fantastic parks, access to rivers & urban fisheries, etc. Look at the google maps images of the Huron river. Even the satellites tell this story.

As for LGBTQ+ & Climate, that community has a 20-22% poverty rate which is higher than say, your basic suburban Chad and Charlotte who cheer & captain the swim team.

Perhaps it's a bit disingenuous to make these claims without recognizing that the problems that people face in Detroit and Flint aren't that different than Williamson, WV or Anaconda, MT but at the same time, Anaconda gets superfund site funding to clean up their area, and Detroit gets to learn how to urban garden while dodging stray gunfire.

It is absolutely true that some demographics are more predisposed to poverty, homelessness and the essentially forced settlement in polluted areas which does 100% mean that they are affected far more than those of us with a nice house and such; but race & sexual identify aren't the only primary causes of who is affected the most by Climate Change - just that those communities are far more impacted than the median.
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Not that many will actually get beyond the poo flinging, but:
Climate affects disaffected & disenfranchised statistically more than it does the middle-class or well to do.

Pollution is similar: For generations, the idea of the "wrong side of the tracks" was born out of the understanding that the polluted, less desireable places were reserved for the poor and disaffected rather than those who could afford the "right side of the tracks." You see this repeatedly in places like MI where communities of privelege have fantastic parks, access to rivers & urban fisheries, etc. Look at the google maps images of the Huron river. Even the satellites tell this story.

As for LGBTQ+ & Climate, that community has a 20-22% poverty rate which is higher than say, your basic suburban Chad and Charlotte who cheer & captain the swim team.

Perhaps it's a bit disingenuous to make these claims without recognizing that the problems that people face in Detroit and Flint aren't that different than Williamson, WV or Anaconda, MT but at the same time, Anaconda gets superfund site funding to clean up their area, and Detroit gets to learn how to urban garden while dodging stray gunfire.

It is absolutely true that some demographics are more predisposed to poverty, homelessness and the essentially forced settlement in polluted areas which does 100% mean that they are affected far more than those of us with a nice house and such; but race & sexual identify aren't the only primary causes of who is affected the most by Climate Change - just that those communities are far more impacted than the median.
So becoming LGBTQ+-_= is a poor financial decision?
Here is a link the environmental justice mapping tool that was created as part of the Justice40 initiative.

Here is a link to a DOI press releases. press includes info about Justice40 projects and other bipartisian infustructure spending spending related to President Biden DEI executive orders.

These press releases identify projects by funding source. Not every project is EJ related. But the Equity Action Plans from most agencies are in alignment with the Presidents Justice40 initiative. That means 40% of resources go to underserved or EJ communities. examination of the background information and administration orders on these initiatives recommend LGBTQIA community, racial disparity, and other under served communities are intentional designed to be dealt with indirectly due to health and other disparities related climate change and other EJ issues.
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So becoming LGBTQ+-_= is a poor financial decision?


This seems to intimate that being gay is a choice. It most certainly is not unless your a college student who is interested in just trying it once or twice, according to my extensive studying of the genre.

Being gay is like being born Black or Guatemalan. You don't have a choice in it. What it does mean is that being part of a disenfranchised group increases your risk of being thrown into poverty. Kids get kicked out of the house for coming out, etc. They don't have a support network to help them transition into functional humans, so they fall between the cracks and end up in situations where poverty is their only reality. Climbing out of poverty isn't easy, regardless of who you are, and when you deal with the stigma of being gay or trans or whatever, on top of the normal hurdles associated with rising ut of poverty. In fact, because of society's attitudes towards LGBTQ+, they are far more likely to suffer from mental health issues, increased risk of suicide, etc. That's a massive chasm to climb out of to simply get to the same starting blocks that someone who grew up happy & in a well-adjusted home.

I've always found this to be a good representation of the difference between equality and equity:

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Look here @Harold357, until what you do in your tent at night is affecting our public land air/water quality, wildlife populations etc. you will never convince most of us here that it has anything to do with proper natural resource management. Stop trying to convince everybody that this tail needs to wag the dog.

You keep talk about awareness, but that seems to be more of a code word. I think the word you really want to use is acceptance. Awareness does not equal acceptance in the real world. Unless your head has been disconnected from your shoulders, we are all very well AWARE of the PRIDE movement in America. (Why do you always capitalize that, wait I forgot. AI)There are many things that people are aware of, but are not accepting of. I know that’s apparently a very difficult concept to grasp but try hard and you’ll understand why you will never get a sweeping endorsement from everyone here.

Sexual orientation is social politics, not resource management, regardless of how hard the administration keeps trying to make that square peg go into that round hole.

How is this not locked yet?
Keep it open this thread got me through a long work day! Maybe the LGQ……. whatever it is can help keep mule deer on the landscape
I'd say they're certainly more affected than a board full of people who can apply to multiple states for $1000 premium hunting licenses.
I'm not even sure how we got to this point...

I'd say "climate change" affects hunters/fishermen more than your average gay person living in the middle of NYC. But what the hell do I know.
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