RIP Swiss Family Robinson

You might have missed the sarcasm, and like I said, mine have grown on me.

But babies are capable of breaking the hardest humans. I mean it's the same shit they use in Gitmo. Sleep deprivation and loud noises you can't turn off. I've never been more dysfunctional is irritable.
If it’s possible to die of exhaustion, then on was on the edge for the first six months. The best sleep I got in a day was usually while driving.
Can you imagine when there are no books? The Bible will say whatever they want it to say once it can only be found on the cloud. The same is true for history as well.
The Swiss family book is WAY better than the mediocre movie. And no one has come to take it off my bookshelf yet.

As for the bible in the cloud, I already have moved to an iOS app for the bible and haven't been disappointed. There are already a hundred or so versions in print, so we didn't need the cloud to allow folks to do their own take. And some interesting history as to which of the many competing narratives were selected to make the first version is worth digging into too.
I have learned many things in my many years - one of them has been that very few people care about the private property rights of others, free speech of others or free markets in general when it is working against their personal preference - and "self-anointed rural conservatives" are no better than "woke urban elites" when it comes to these topics. The woke have the 1A rights to object to old movies, the anti-woke have the 1A rights to object to their objection, companies have the right to evaluate the competing noise and make business decisions about their personal property and business offerings, and in the end, free people and free markets can act as they choose. The truly American way is to let each person work it out for themselves and stop telling others what to think, feel and do. Seems like too many on each side try to manage speech and use of private property every time their "feelers" are hurt.
Well said @VikingsGuy . I get hung up on this sometimes. I think it truly stems from a moral question, but it's easy to go sideways from there based on our personal bias. The same freedoms I have allow others to do as they choose, whether I agree or not
The Swiss family book is WAY better than the mediocre movie. And no one has come to take it off my bookshelf yet.

As for the bible in the cloud, I already have moved to an iOS app for the bible and haven't been disappointed. There are already a hundred or so versions in print, so we didn't need the cloud to allow folks to do their own take. And some interesting history as to which of the many competing narratives were selected to make the first version is worth digging into too.
I agree on all counts.

The point on the Bible is not that being on the cloud is bad, it’s that ONLY being on the cloud is bad.
Good luck. In 8-10 years you’ll have a far better understanding of why I hunt alone 90% of the time.

I'm at the point where I find peace and quiet to be unsettling for the first day or so, like if I'm not hearing constant screaming, crying, or laughing then somebody must be dead, kinda freaks me out 🤣
Get woke, go broke....the future is dimming for organizations like this one - unless of course they get propped up by our government with our tax dollars (which no doubt is not far down the road).
Get woke, go broke....the future is dimming for organizations like this one
Please point to news sources to demonstrate that large companies who are reacting to "popular" push for "social justice" are going broke? Nike is at all-time high, NFL will be adding billions to TV revenues, etc. Disney is suffering due to covid loss of theaters and theme parks not PC backlash.
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I have learned many things in my many years - one of them has been that very few people care about the private property rights of others, free speech of others or free markets in general when it is working against their personal preference - and "self-anointed rural conservatives" are no better than "woke urban elites" when it comes to these topics. The woke have the 1A rights to object to old movies, the anti-woke have the 1A rights to object to their objection, companies have the right to evaluate the competing noise and make business decisions about their personal property and business offerings, and in the end, free people and free markets can act as they choose. The truly American way is to let each person work it out for themselves and stop telling others what to think, feel and do. Seems like too many on each side try to manage speech and use of private property every time their "feelers" are hurt.

I agree on all counts.

The point on the Bible is not that being on the cloud is bad, it’s that ONLY being on the cloud is bad.
I think that politicians and partisanship are a far greater threat to the Bible than the cloud. And I'm talking about the politics of those wielding it as a weapon, not the ones people think will try to ban it.
I think that politicians and partisanship are a far greater threat to the Bible than the cloud. And I'm talking about the politics of those wielding it as a weapon, not the ones people think will try to ban it.
Those trying to wield it improperly can only wield it against those who don’t know it. When it’s only existence can be altered at will, it can be wielded improperly against everyone.
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