Note from Chris Denham

"if ultimately i misjudged the wishes of arizona sportsmen, and in their view the end did not justify the means, then you all have my most sincere apology."

ultimately the only ones who justified this bill were the ones who drafted and sponsored it. I guess hes out of touch completely , mainly because i've yet to see anyone except the ones sponsoring 2072 that support it in any way! Azsfw "we decided" what was good for arizona-

nope not willing to forgive , the betrayal of trust !

A few people whom still favor this bill are starting to email reps. funny theyare related to the big money behind azsfw and the guides whom help guide these big money people on past hunts - we could use the help of everyone here to please contact AZ representative and legislators and do it ASAP if you are with us in this fight.

I put it to you chris , lets see a drafted letter that can be sent to the representatives stating what you've been trying to say here !! If you've truly changed sides , prove it!!
heres my letter - not my first!


In reguards to bill 2072. By now you are probably received letters, email and phone calls supporting this bill. I’d like to cover a few items.

Some say it will help Arizona economically because they plan on an expo and this will bring in the big $. We already have 2 the International sportsman expo and the on G&F puts on every yr. For free. An expo lasts 2-3 days, it will not have any real impact on jobs! They state the money will be used to help youth and wildlife and habitat programs. They do not show any guidelines on how this money will be spent other than they want all the bills paid first., and then what is left over will be divided amongst the projects. Azsfw now say administrative fees limited to 10%- with separate accountant but mention nothing of the rest of the money – they are willing to negotiate with G&F and now offer them 30% -IF they will show support for the bill- that is bribery!!

Someone has mentioned an Arizona tag for sale in another state- this is true but 100% of the funds raised goes straight to AZG&F. Just like all the present governors tag.

Most of these positive responses are from relations of the board members of AZSFW and guides - Some others are from guides who will profit from the rich guys whom buy this type of tags as they are not really hunters but pay to shoot the animal - rarely is hunting involved - No disrepect to the honest hard working hunters who sometimes use guides. These rich guys will not come and spend any money in Arizona to attend an expo or banquet – 99% are done by the guides who attend and are in cell phone contact.

The $5 raffle tags are like a bribe – the bill states they are under the G&F guidelines of killing on one spieces per yr. Everyone will have a chance at these tags. My chance maybe one in a thousand, if I’m real lucky.
But the governors, legislators tags are not limited to one kill per yr. So this means the rich guys- the ones who can afford to spend the big money, can buy all the tags they want and kill multiple animals all yr long. While some of us wait yrs or may never be drawn to get an antelope or a bighorn sheep tag. They will have a private hunting paradise here in Arizona. The price of these tags will always be for those with fat wallets. They stand a one in5 or 10 of being able to buy all they want. Most will have a 100% chance of buying several!

AZSFW has decided what is best for Arizona and they truly believe that G&F and the sportsmen and women of Arizona do not know how to take care of the wildlife nor do they have adequate programs. They do not have the voice of Arizona’s sportsmen. Since the first attempt to push this bill thru they have lost a number of organizations because they never communicated the full extent of this bill. I know you have received numerous emails from these organizations- even the RMEF have spoken against this bill. Hunters from other states are joining the ranks of those opposed to this bill.

Please see and know that Susane Gilstrap’s only interest is to line the pockets of AZSFW – who pays her and Alan Hamberlin’s is to hunt whenever and where ever he wants - he’s spend over ¾ million dollars on guided hunts and governors tags. These people will say anything and do anything to accomplish this task.

We the average Joe hunter will never be able to afford the premium governors, legislators tags but should be appeased by the $5 raffle tags.

Please I hope you will take the advise of G&F and listen to the sportsmen and woman, along with the organizations who do not want this type of corruption to be part of Arizona’s hunting heritage. Let G&F continue to control the tags, – they have voted unanimously against bill 2072!

I TRUST you to see the truth and do the right thing for Arizonians.
Stop any bill like 2072 from trying to sell my public tags so a private organization can profit from it.!

This bill is about Corruption - Control - GREED

Thank you
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I want to thank Mr. Denham for posting his statement on this forum. While I may not agree with someones stance or opinion on a subject, I respect their right to have their own opinion. Mr. Denham took a beating on this forum, yet came back to answer his critics. Also, I want to thank everyone for their contributions to this forum; it really opened my eyes to what was taking place. Thyis is a wonderful place for information sharing.

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