Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

RIP Swiss Family Robinson

I’m actually suggesting that we support every person’s freedom of speech and association, by not rewarding companies who are attempting to suppress such freedoms. It’s sort of an anti-boycott. It may not really apply to the Disney+ situation.

@ImBillT Thank you! This is exactly how I feel about it. I haven’t seen anything I agree with this much in a while.
Oh man, you think puppies are hard? Our second daughter didn't sleep a full night for over 18 months...
When I get a couple beers in me and there are some newly weds around, I generally without being prompted going into a lecture about how once you start having kids you're life just got immensely more difficult for at least 3 years after you have the last one. I told my sister, "ok, so you're pregnant with #1, you want 2. You're life will generally suck for the next 8 years. Assuming it takes you 2-3 years to forget how terrible babies are just to decide to have the second."

Now, I've come around quite a bit on my own spawn, but it's taken years... years of no sleep, poop- lots of poop, and a constant irritating background noise that makes tinnitus sound appealing.
Amazing delivers these too. I think they’re about $0.50 a piece.
Problem is I never remember till I'm looking up at the oil pan and have that old SOB in my hand.
Oh man, you think puppies are hard? Our second daughter didn't sleep a full night for over 18 months...
My oldest is 2.5 years just started sleeping through the night sometimes, plus a 6 month old.🤣 99% of the time the wife is on it though so I really cant complain much.
When I get a couple beers in me and there are some newly weds around, I generally without being prompted going into a lecture about how once you start having kids you're life just got immensely more difficult for at least 3 years after you have the last one. I told my sister, "ok, so you're pregnant with #1, you want 2. You're life will generally suck for the next 8 years. Assuming it takes you 2-3 years to forget how terrible babies are just to decide to have the second."

Now, I've come around quite a bit on my own spawn, but it's taken years... years of no sleep, poop- lots of poop, and a constant irritating background noise that makes tinnitus sound appealing.
8 years of poop v. hunting Aug 10th - Jan

funny how that can gets further and further down the road
When I get a couple beers in me and there are some newly weds around, I generally without being prompted going into a lecture about how once you start having kids you're life just got immensely more difficult for at least 3 years after you have the last one. I told my sister, "ok, so you're pregnant with #1, you want 2. You're life will generally suck for the next 8 years. Assuming it takes you 2-3 years to forget how terrible babies are just to decide to have the second."

Now, I've come around quite a bit on my own spawn, but it's taken years... years of no sleep, poop- lots of poop, and a constant irritating background noise that makes tinnitus sound appealing.
Just a ray of sunshine you are my friend hahaha
Idk I guess everyone is different I dont see how it sucks at all. Part that's gonna suck is when they get too old to spend time with us imo. Ymmv I guess
You might have missed the sarcasm, and like I said, mine have grown on me.

But babies are capable of breaking the hardest humans. I mean it's the same shit they use in Gitmo. Sleep deprivation and loud noises you can't turn off. I've never been more dysfunctional is irritable.
I say you got a real problem if your 8 year old is still shitting their pants😉
You're doing the math wrong. After 8 years it's the second that's still doing it, they're only 5-6 which while it's rare, that makes it worse when it does happen.
You're doing the math wrong. After 8 years it's the second that's still doing it, they're only 5-6 which while it's rare, that makes it worse when it does happen.
That's why I put the winky face

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