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Rifle jam and bear attack.

I'm a meat black bears,moose,deer.....shot with ''cheap'' Savage, Remington 700 and Winchester model70's all costing way under $1000. handloads,most under max loads.... heavy for caliber projectiles.....Getting as close as possible.........2 moose did require 2 latest range finder cost under $250 cdn... it always seems to end well...well for me, the critters, not so much..........
Bull fuggin' shit....

I've killed more stuff on accident than you have on purpose....that's garbage shooting and poor shots. I was standing right beside one of my best friends when he shot a similar sized brown bear at about 150 yards. Shot it behind the shoulder, bear ran maybe 30 yards and dead. With a boat paddle 338 and 250 partitions.

Sell crazy somewhere else, a properly shot animal doesn't drag itself 500 yards through deep snow.

Jump into reality.
Good God you hold yourself on a high pedestal. Did you see how much blood it lost on its way down? I can't comment on where it was hit. I didn't skin the bear. I've heard plenty of stories of mortally wounded predators running on adrenaline when they should've been dead.

I think she is using the phrases “through the front shoulder and vitals” and “through the vitals” fairly loosely. The bear covered much more ground and lasted much longer than it would have had it been hit in what I would consider to be “through the vitals.” I didn’t see the bear show any evidence of its front leg/shoulder being broken. I initially thought it was having trouble with a back leg but as it got closer that disappeared.
Maybe she's considering through the vitals a gut shot? I have no way of knowing. But it sure bled like a stuck pig. I'd agree that a good shot would put the bear down a hell of a lot sooner.
Maybe they do. But not laying in the snow, shooting uphill in wind that I haven't seen them talk about. Besides, heading out to hunt anything with the handloads he was using was a dipshit move. mtmuley
Last Fall I set up on an antelope (I know, they don't attack) at 400 and change. It's a shot I've made many times in the field over the same pack with the same rifle. As I waited for a clear shot I was laying on the cold ground. By the time the shot came, I was starting to shiver. I shouldn't have taken the shot. Thankfully it was a clean miss. mtmuley
Good God you hold yourself on a high pedestal. Did you see how much blood it lost on its way down? I can't comment on where it was hit. I didn't skin the bear. I've heard plenty of stories of mortally wounded predators running on adrenaline when they should've been dead.

Maybe she's considering through the vitals a gut shot? I have no way of knowing. But it sure bled like a stuck pig. I'd agree that a good shot would put the bear down a hell of a lot sooner.
Wrong, I just don't talk out of my ass about an animal staying on it's feet and making it 500 yards as, "good shooting, through the vitals".

You did comment on where it was hit, want me to quote you? Something about shoulder, neck, and vitals.

Carry on.....with your daydream and pretend.

Predators shot properly die just the same as anything else, seen it, lots of times.

That was poor shooting, period end of story.
Wrong, I just don't talk out of my ass about an animal staying on it's feet and making it 500 yards as, "good shooting, through the vitals".

You did comment on where it was hit, want me to quote you? Something about shoulder, neck, and vitals.

Carry on.....with your daydream and pretend.

Predators shot properly die just the same as anything else, seen it, lots of times.

That was poor shooting, period end of story.
Don't worry, take it out on me, I can handle it. I was reiterating what the chick in the video said. Having any conversation with you is a ridiculous waste of my time.
The Alaska NR prohibition worked here!

Thankfully, the 1st degree kindred AK resident Tana Grendel was present with her Idahoan sharp-shooting influencing brother, Trevor Schneider.

If she hadn’t been present to protect her brother, he surely would have died. And that is why I continue to support the Alaska prohibition on NRs hunting brown bears, sheep and mountain goats without a “guide” to protect them.
The Alaska NR prohibition worked here!

Thankfully, the 1st degree kindred AK resident Tana Grendel was present with her Idahoan sharp-shooting influencing brother, Trevor Schneider.

If she hadn’t been present to protect her brother, he surely would have died. And that is why I continue to support the Alaska prohibition on NRs hunting brown bears, sheep and mountain goats without a “guide” to protect them.
Trevor shot the bear, with the rifle and pistol...
Just because she said they made “good shots” through the vitals doesn’t mean they were actually good shots. The way you clear that up is skin that bear out and show us the different shots. Shooting a bear halfway out of a den is asking for trouble. Certainly wasn’t broadside.

The inability to hold any of these clowns accountable for poor decisions is why they still get views. The inability for some to think critically for themselves is why they still think this was an epic adventure rather than a self-induced cluster fudge.

As for bleeding like a stuck pig…I certainly didn’t see that. Sure blood on snow looks like a lot more than is there, but there was zero blood telling me that any one of those initial shots hit it in the vitals.
Just because she said they made “good shots” through the vitals doesn’t mean they were actually good shots. The way you clear that up is skin that bear out and show us the different shots. Shooting a bear halfway out of a den is asking for trouble. Certainly wasn’t broadside.

The inability to hold any of these clowns accountable for poor decisions is why they still get views. The inability for some to think critically for themselves is why they still think this was an epic adventure rather than a self-induced cluster fudge.

As for bleeding like a stuck pig…I certainly didn’t see that. Sure blood on snow looks like a lot more than is there, but there was zero blood telling me that any one of those initial shots hit it in the vitals.
19:30 the bear is coughing up a decent amount of blood. Could be from the lungs, or could be from the neck hit.
Are we still trying to qualify these as good shots?
At least one person sure is.

Imagine watching an animal getting shot at 400+ yards, walk down to you through thigh deep snow, leaving a sparse blood trail along the way...and still insisting they were good shots.

iTs ThE aDreNaLiNe bRo yOu wOuLdN't gEt iT!!!

That's the fairytale land we live in right now.
At least one person sure is.

Imagine watching an animal getting shot at 400+ yards, walk down to you through thigh deep snow, leaving a sparse blood trail along the way...and still insisting they were good shots.

iTs ThE aDreNaLiNe bRo yOu wOuLdN't gEt iT!!!

That's the fairytale land we live in right now.
Did you read my post? I made an observation that the bear was coughing up blood. Never said it had to be because a vital hit.
I'd agree that a good shot would put the bear down a hell of a lot sooner.
Read some of my posts you imbecile. I would think at 34 years old you would have figured out reading by now.
At least one person sure is.

Imagine watching an animal getting shot at 400+ yards, walk down to you through thigh deep snow, leaving a sparse blood trail along the way...and still insisting they were good shots.

iTs ThE aDreNaLiNe bRo yOu wOuLdN't gEt iT!!!

That's the fairytale land we live in right now.
Plus predators are extra tough compared to some wimpy plant eater
Probably the same guys who constantly brag about the B.C. of the ELD-M. Or how flat they can get 75gr mechanicals to fly.
Did you read my post? I made an observation that the bear was coughing up blood. Never said it had to be because a vital hit.

Read some of my posts you imbecile. I would think at 34 years old you would have figured out reading by now.
why are you projecting so much hate as of late, RJ?
why are you projecting so much hate as of late, RJ?
I'm really not. I thought the video was extremely forthright. They admitted they made some mistakes and were incredibly honest throughout many parts of the video. I get that the bear should've died a lot sooner, but who am I or anyone on this site to say they're lying about where the bear was hit? I wasn't there, didn't skin the bear, and can't really have an opinion on the shot placement.

I disagree with a lot of things about the video.
No need for a 500 yard shot on a brown bear
Definitely don't shoot a "pretty hot" load when you're going after dangerous game.
Don't shoot uphill.
Don't yell at a bear to try and get it to stand up. They know where you're at then.

They also admitted that a lot of these things were things they shouldn't have done. The shitty videos are the ones where they make a terrible long range shot and you see the animal limp off and they sing praise and claim they made a great shot. Then they cut to the scene where they're at the animal and taking pictures without pointing out the mistakes that were made. This scene usually takes place the next day after they left the animal for 14 hours because they know how bad of a shot it really was.

I never insisted the shots were good shots.
A stupid comment like "iTs ThE aDreNaLiNe bRo yOu wOuLdN't gEt iT!!!" is unnecessary. I mentioned adrenaline and predators so he decided to put words in my mouth.
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