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Rifle jam and bear attack.

So when Randy missed his goat 3 times last year, you're saying he lacks the skill set? He missed 3 times at only 350 yards. With your logic, he lacks the skill set.
Don’t forget the BC moose, Wyoming mule deer, and dall sheep episodes either. Certainly not the negative comments on those episodes from the same group on here.
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I saw this a long time ago. Tons of bad decisions and also some crazy flukes and these folks were lucky to make it out alive. I think the video is good because it shows you what can happen in that type of situation with bad decisions.

Watched several vids by them over the years and they do a lot of questionable stuff, especially the long range shots.

Still, surprised and saddened to see Hunttalkers saying things like "I was rooting for the bear" etc. Even if it is sarcasm, that's pretty dark. Yeah i know, FAFO, but these people probably have families and I don't think u deserve to die for taking bad shots on a bear. Have some perspective.
Sounds like slow learners...they shouldn't be shocked when they win a Darwin award.
maybe don't take a 475 yard shot.
But it is a grizzly, what's proper etiquette in that situation?
Yet's see. Three shot's hit the bear. Never mind, it would fall on deaf ears! Shot with a 338 Ultra mag. Bullet's must have failed!
Last Fall I set up on an antelope (I know, they don't attack) at 400 and change. It's a shot I've made many times in the field over the same pack with the same rifle. As I waited for a clear shot I was laying on the cold ground. By the time the shot came, I was starting to shiver. I shouldn't have taken the shot. Thankfully it was a clean miss. mtmuley
I made a similar confession about missing a mule deer buck last fall at about 350 yards in very hard wind. I had an opportunity for follow up shots but, like you, I think by the time I squeezed the trigger I was already not feeling good about the shot. Whew, I missed! Buck wasn't anything exceptional anyway. Pretty sure I got him the next day at maybe sixty yards. He died instantly. I took a lot of heat on here for my confession. You won't get any criticism from me. Others can learn from our learning.
I made a similar confession about missing a mule deer buck last fall at about 350 yards in very hard wind. I had an opportunity for follow up shots but, like you, I think by the time I squeezed the trigger I was already not feeling good about the shot. Whew, I missed! Buck wasn't anything exceptional anyway. Pretty sure I got him the next day at maybe sixty yards. He died instantly. I took a lot of heat on here for my confession. You won't get any criticism from me. Others can learn from our learning.
No wind at all for me to deal with. Still a bad decision. mtmuley
lil 770 poke.
Jesus blessed him with that bull and sent a swarm of locust to the kill sight to punish him for the long range shot.
Cutting that thing up must’ve sucked ass.
It's been mentioned at least once, but taking those shots at a partially visible bear was a total dumbass rookie move. All three shots were bad shots, which enabled the bear to walk 500+ yards without dying. I shot a spring boar grizzly in Alaska at 200 yds on a moose kill and he went nowhere.

And that bear in the video is not 10+ feet.
Agree, and they should’ve let the bear totally emerge from the den for a more ethical and lethal shot placement. I was surprised they shot when they did due to the position of the bear and the wind.
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