PEAX Equipment

Rifle jam and bear attack.

With a 225 grain Accubond (there is a 250 but I never used them) at 3200 fps 300 yard zero drop at 475 is about 18 inches. Drift in full value 90 degree at 20 mph is about 22 inches. No idea what he was shooting. mtmuley
He probably didn't know what he was shooting either, a load his long range buddy cooked up for him most likely.
Never a good idea. I don't load for anyone anymore. mtmuley
I do, but family only and I make sure they shoot a bunch before they get to the field.

Of course, they're good hunters and don't take iffy shots, which makes things pretty easy.
The fact that they hit the animal all 3 times means they know enough to be dangerous.

The fact that I've seen other videos of them shooting (not the particular guy in the video) also shows that some of them are pretty good shots. I don't know anything about the guy who was pulling the trigger in this. But based off the video, I'm getting the idea that the shooter was using someone elses gun who has it all set up for shooting longer range. Not a good idea. I've seen people do this where they say the rifle is good to go, here's a dope chart, and here's the ammo. Then they just go hunt and don't practice. (n)
if the shots hit actually as described in the video there's no way the bear liives that long or walks that far without major bullet failure?
If an animal takes that long to die, they weren’t good shots.
My thoughts exactly, we only have their word for it, I suspect the shots through the 'vitals' were with the pistol, a rifle shot through the lungs, it would of drowned in it's own blood way before it got close to them.
I got drawn into watching some of their other films, I'm surprised KUIU have anything to do with them.
It's been mentioned at least once, but taking those shots at a partially visible bear was a total dumbass rookie move. All three shots were bad shots, which enabled the bear to walk 500+ yards without dying. I shot a spring boar grizzly in Alaska at 200 yds on a moose kill and he went nowhere.

And that bear in the video is not 10+ feet.
It's been mentioned at least once, but taking those shots at a partially visible bear was a total dumbass rookie move. All three shots were bad shots, which enabled the bear to walk 500+ yards without dying. I shot a spring boar grizzly in Alaska at 200 yds on a moose kill and he went nowhere.

And that bear in the video is not 10+ feet.
Agreed, the shot isn't the only they stretch...
Seems like a lot of these "influencer" types have a similar MO:

They end up doing ridiculous things in the name of trying create content, which leads to poor kills, ethics, wounding, poaching, long range hunting, etc... Then they have a podcast and talk about "their journey" as a hunter, acting like experts. All the while, they're teaching the next generation of hunters bad things and disparaging the name of the millions of hunters out there trying to do the right thing
They posted an update
Do not watch this. Your eyes will hurt and this is like jaws for sharks and the beach. Always worried you are going to get eaten in a slow deliberate way. I could hardly walk in the bear woods this fall at night with bait on my back after watching that trailer.
I saw this a long time ago. Tons of bad decisions and also some crazy flukes and these folks were lucky to make it out alive. I think the video is good because it shows you what can happen in that type of situation with bad decisions.

Watched several vids by them over the years and they do a lot of questionable stuff, especially the long range shots.

Still, surprised and saddened to see Hunttalkers saying things like "I was rooting for the bear" etc. Even if it is sarcasm, that's pretty dark. Yeah i know, FAFO, but these people probably have families and I don't think u deserve to die for taking bad shots on a bear. Have some perspective.
That bear was wounded and dying, so he was moving downhill. I saw no evidence of aggression or a charge. They just happened to be in the path of the bear which was decending.
Attention seekers IMO.
Totally. That bear would have just given them a high five on his way past them had they stayed at their tripod or not finished him with their handgun.

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