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RFKJr on Meateater

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If I fully understand beagle's post, which I'm not sure I do completely, he did call it though. Trump wiped Joe out in the debate, they installed Harris.
While I’d rather RFK be the president, this was a good move in the end.

If you liked his exit speech you should watch the latest interview with his VP pick. It’s very compelling and terrifying at the same time. The party of “democracy” is the biggest farce this country has ever seen. But Trump bad.

Once again I will not be voting.
Can not believe in a country of 350 mil. there are no honest people who want to do good for our country.
$ rules this place.
TR is rolling in his grave.
Did you listen to his speech?

One of the most telling moments was when he contrasted how many times Ross Perox was interviewed as compared to him.
Once again I will not be voting.
Can not believe in a country of 350 mil. there are no honest people who want to do good for our country.
$ rules this place.
TR is rolling in his grave.
Respectfully, pouting about how bad it is isn't going to make it better. From his speech, "Do we love our children more than we hate each other?"
The primaries are skewed by rules and regulations so heavily towards the parties strategic decisions that they are basically loaded. The party chooses not the people. Or the peoples choices are so limited by the barriers to entry or to continue.

How on earth do we end up here again. I get what Hank is saying, I feel that both choices are terrible.
We're doubling down on bad leadership from both sides lol. Either way it's not looking to bright.
True, maybe.

The Democrats, at least, when it became known to all that Biden was way beyond his sell by date, actually did something. There wasn't time to go through a real primary process. It would have been far better if Biden would have announced he wasn't seeking a second term, year ago, or more.

The GOP is the party that has doubled down. I won't list all of Trump's flaws, they should be known by all. The irony is that he isn't really a Republican. He just used the party for his ends. For whatever reason, very few Republicans have told the world the emperor has no clothes. Those who have have forfeited whatever political future, they might have had.

I don't see the rationale for not voting, even if the choices are not to one's liking. Certainly, one would be preferable to the other.
True, maybe.

The Democrats, at least, when it became known to all that Biden was way beyond his sell by date, actually did something. There wasn't time to go through a real primary process. It would have been far better if Biden would have announced he wasn't seeking a second term, year ago, or more.

The GOP is the party that has doubled down. I won't list all of Trump's flaws, they should be known by all. The irony is that he isn't really a Republican. He just used the party for his ends. For whatever reason, very few Republicans have told the world the emperor has no clothes. Those who have have forfeited whatever political future, they might have had.

I don't see the rationale for not voting, even if the choices are not to one's liking. Certainly, one would be preferable to the other.

What has the far left used Joe Biden, the DNC, and the DOJ for?
RFK jr offered both parties the same deal to drop out for a potential cabinet spot. Harris refused to meet with Kennedy. Trump met with Kennedy in July in Milwaukee. Trump decided to take the deal because his people said the math says more Trump votes if Kennedy drops out of the race.

The Kennedy speech could have been how bad is Trump if Harris had said yes to the proposal. Kennedy has bad mouthed Trump a lot in the past year.

Kennedy sold out for a job, nothing more. He should pay back his campaign donations.
RFK jr offered both parties the same deal to drop out for a potential cabinet spot. Harris refused to meet with Kennedy. Trump met with Kennedy in July in Milwaukee. Trump decided to take the deal because his people said the math says more Trump votes if Kennedy drops out of the race.

The Kennedy speech could have been how bad is Trump if Harris had said yes to the proposal. Kennedy has bad mouthed Trump a lot in the past year.

Kennedy sold out for a job, nothing more. He should pay back his campaign donations.

Interesting that’s not how I’ve seen it at all. If you actually listened to RFK and his VP pick there’s no way they talked to Harris about joining that team. Im sure the DNC wants the public to think that tho.
RFK jr offered both parties the same deal to drop out for a potential cabinet spot. Harris refused to meet with Kennedy. Trump met with Kennedy in July in Milwaukee. Trump decided to take the deal because his people said the math says more Trump votes if Kennedy drops out of the race.

The Kennedy speech could have been how bad is Trump if Harris had said yes to the proposal. Kennedy has bad mouthed Trump a lot in the past year.

Kennedy sold out for a job, nothing more. He should pay back his campaign donations.
They all bad mouth each other right up until they need a favor or maybe a vp spot.
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