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You think that will really happen here? I'm talking Montana specifically. We have been " discovered". I feel bad for young kids here that want to stay. A shitbox apartment is 1500 a month. mtmuley
I know the wages haven’t kept up with the housing so if that market needs to fall so be it. The prices for houses seems insane would be nice to see it come back to reality
I know the wages haven’t kept up with the housing so if that market needs to fall so be it. The prices for houses seems insane would be nice to see it come back to reality
Ain't happening. I got lucky on 5 acres in 2001. Built in 2006. Then the shit hit the fan. I am in construction and I built the home myself. I told the wife just keep the mortgage paid. We hung on. I may be selfish for enjoying how much my initial investment has increased, but that is what happened. Gotta love Montana. mtmuley
You think that will really happen here? I'm talking Montana specifically. We have been " discovered". I feel bad for young kids here that want to stay. A shitbox apartment is 1500 a month. mtmuley

I don't think Montana prices are going down at the low end unless a lot more building happens. That's going to take the interest rates going down, too. There are a lot of subdivisions planned, but they haven't started yet.
Ain't happening. I got lucky on 5 acres in 2001. Built in 2006. Then the shit hit the fan. I am in construction and I built the home myself. I told the wife just keep the mortgage paid. We hung on. I may be selfish for enjoying how much my initial investment has increased, but that is what happened. Gotta love Montana. mtmuley
Sad but true I couldn’t even afford my house now just 4 years later
Just trying to get it registered with a number with the FAA?

I haven’t bought a new one since the new system went in place but it used to be almost instant

It was supposed to be very quick. I checked on it because it seemed slow and that was the update I got from them.

If you have some tricks though, I’m all ears!
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It was supposed to be very quick. I checked on it because it seemed slow and that was the update I got from them.

If you have some tricks though, I’m all ears!
Will you only fly 107 or is this a recreational thing? When I flew mine it was registered and I stayed within the rules for rec pilots. Never flew it around strangers or near protected airspace. Nobody ever challenged my credentials either.
Will you only fly 107 or is this a recreational thing? When I flew mine it was registered and I stayed within the rules for rec pilots. Never flew it around strangers or near protected airspace. Nobody ever challenged my credentials either.
It’s for a spray drone and it’s over 55lbs so quite a bit of paperwork to do with it.

Some 163 probationary employees - or about 5% of the NOAA workforce dealing with fisheries - were fired last month including administrative support staff, fish biologists and fisheries management specialists, a senior NOAA employee who was among those fired told Reuters. Those roles are involved in the regulatory process, from monitoring the health of stocks to consulting on regulations for annual catch.

“It can make or break a fishery if the window of opportunity to go fishing is narrowed or shifts significantly,” said Noah Oppenheim, principal of Homarus Strategies, which advises commercial fishermen and organizations across the country.
Reuters spoke to two industry groups and 13 staff at NOAA who described impacts from Alaska to the Atlantic because of regulatory delays and job cuts.

The impact on the U.S. fishing fleet, which employs 39,000 commercial fishermen, is one example of how suspending federal government regulations and job cuts can impact broad swathes of the U.S. economy.

Bluefish tuna were overfished in the mid-Atlantic this month because NOAA did not issue the regulation to close the fishery after fishermen filled the quota in mid-January, according to two letters sent to NOAA from Bill Keating, a Democratic representative from Massachusetts.

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