Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Relax, Everything is Going to be Okay!

I can see you put a lot of thought into that reply. Hopefully you didn't hurt yourself.

@WildWill, yeah, my opinion and the markets. The market doesn't;t care what your politics are. It shows the expected results.

@Nick87. Identify the bullshit. Please keep in mind that it was supposed to be a lighthearted post - clearly taken too seriously. You were a guy that told me the economy was in the shitter in October after I said it was very strong. You feeling any different yet?
Dunno. Doesn’t sound very efficient. Wonder who will do the work?

“The Productive Public Lands Act would reactivate the resource potential of our public lands,” said Rep. Hurd.“This bill would force the Bureau of Land Management to reissue nine Biden-era Resource Management Plans (RMPs) which locked up access to viable lands throughout Colorado and the West. A reissuance of these RMPs will put us on a path to energy dominance allowing for a more secure and prosperous United States.”

I mean our dairy farmers are dealing with like a 270% tariff to ship milk into Canada I be they care
There are tariffs which impact us and tariffs that don't--we produce more than enough dairy in the states the only impact is not having access to a small portion of the market for such producers. It's less than protecting the price Canada can sell dairy than it is protecting their producers survival. US dairy--particularly in CA where dairy is a drain on water and other resources--has a history or predatory pricing--cutting prices temporarily designed to force competitors out of business, swoop in, take over markets after they leave--and raise the prices back up.

The tariffs Canada had were minimal and pale in comparison to the broad ones Trump has planned. And designed to protect their own industries potentially at risk--we do exactly the same thing, as do other countries.

In general Trump as usual isn't caring about facts or details that truly matter.
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I wonder how many of you have a PhD in economics, political science, or law. Sure seems like everyone. If you don't, then it's probably a biased opinion or regurgitate shit you saw on a biased network/media/article. We haven't come very far from people with pitchforks chasing after witches. Blind mob mentality with lack of free thinking to observe the whole situation. Both short term and long term effects. This country is still trying to recover from being completely shut down for months. Primacy vs recency. I'm no academic and don't pretend to be one. I much prefer pictures of dead animals and memes of chicks with big titts over the 10 or 15 of you arguing in every thread that comes up.
I wonder how many of you have a PhD in economics, political science, or law. Sure seems like everyone. If you don't, then it's probably a biased opinion or regurgitate shit you saw on a biased network/media/article. We haven't come very far from people with pitchforks chasing after witches. Blind mob mentality with lack of free thinking to observe the whole situation. Both short term and long term effects. This country is still trying to recover from being completely shut down for months. Primacy vs recency. I'm no academic and don't pretend to be one. I much prefer pictures of dead animals and memes of chicks with big titts over the 10 or 15 of you arguing in every thread that comes up.
I may just need to go back to the meme thread
clearly taken too seriously.
You don't say....apparently that's a one way street nobody else is allowed to drive on.

You were a guy that told me the economy was in the shitter in October after I said it was very strong. You feeling any different yet?
Plenty of work out there, unfortunately my dollar goes less and less every year especially the last four. But, no I don't feel like that's changed at all in the last 8 weeks. It sucked when the prices of things were sprialing out of control the last four years or so and it sucks now.
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I wonder how many of you have a PhD in economics, political science, or law.
Where did we hear something like this before? Oh yeah ... Covid. It turns out that you only needed a working brain to know what the experts were doing was wrong.

Don't underestimate the intelligence of the uneducated/undereducated. And ... don't have too much confidence in the experts.
Should we all judge our situation by your bank account? Regardless, you got the right guy in charge of burning it down. All the past bankruptcies prove that.
Because our government debt has just thrived in the last 50 years?
You don't say....apparently that's a one way street nobody else is allowed to drive on.

Plenty of work out there, unfortunately my dollar goes less and less every year especially the last four. But, no I don't feel like that's changed at all in the last 8 weeks. It sucked when the prices of things were sprialing out of control the last four years or so and it sucks now.
So you what do you think when he says "there will be some pain" or "period of transition" or whatever nonsense? You still ok with that? As long as he ends it "It will be great"?

Because our government debt has just thrived in the last 50 years?
How about our assets? Please measure the liabilities AND the assets.
Should we all judge our situation by your bank account? Regardless, you got the right guy in charge of burning it down. All the past bankruptcies prove that.

I think you might be on a streak! I think you should write Trump a letter. That'd be a better use of your time!

@SAJ-99 please re-read the title of this thread and the first post. It's going to be okay.
So you what do you think when he says "there will be some pain" or "period of transition" or whatever nonsense? You still ok with that? As long as he ends it "It will be great"?
I'm not sure, I can't predict the future like some here. Didn't even vote for the guy, don't blame anyone who did though, given the alternative. I'd be more upset with the democratic party than anyone else if you don't like the guy being in office. They gave him the election on a gold platter.
Sometimes when I do my little check in on these threads or see all the political posts I think to myself.....
Imagine if these people spent half of the time they do on the internet doing something productive like a side hustle, volunteer work, or some type of productive contribution to society.

Side hustle - more money in your pocket - you wont care what's going on in the economy.
Volunteer work - rewarding, inspiring, helping local community or "conservation" - creates positive ROI for many.
Coach, lead a group, start "thing".

The bottom line is 99% of your time, energy, brain power, and input regarding these topics on this page isnt going to change the other person's mind.

Alright let's see if I can get ahead of responses.

"I already do all of that." - Good job. Pat on the back for you.
"More money means more taxes." - My guess is you're still ending up net positive, so....
"This is my escape and I just like arguing with random stranger on the internet." - Seek therapy.

That is all <3
Stay grouchy.
Should we all judge our situation by your bank account? Regardless, you got the right guy in charge of burning it down. All the past bankruptcies prove that.
Guess more to my point is people complain the evil orange guy inherited all his money. But also lost all his money going bankrupt which is it? But 90% of people on both sides made a career out of being in government where instead of going bankrupt just printed more money. Idk I guess this class I’m stuck in for the next few days is a college credit class maybe I’ll be smarter on Friday
I wonder how many of you have a PhD in economics, political science, or law. Sure seems like everyone. If you don't, then it's probably a biased opinion or regurgitate shit you saw on a biased network/media/article. We haven't come very far from people with pitchforks chasing after witches. Blind mob mentality with lack of free thinking to observe the whole situation. Both short term and long term effects. This country is still trying to recover from being completely shut down for months. Primacy vs recency. I'm no academic and don't pretend to be one. I much prefer pictures of dead animals and memes of chicks with big titts over the 10 or 15 of you arguing in every thread that comes up.
Cmon man! It might be that some individuals haven't recovered from Covid but the economy sure did, thanks to an administration that didn't muck things up more than anything they did. And I think it's more than fair to say we thought we had the pitchfork stake burning thing stamped out, but for Trump and MAGA folks thats their jam!
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Cmon man! It might be that some individuals haven't recovered from Covid but the economy sure did, thanks to an administration that didn't much things up more than anything they did. And I think it's more than fair to say we thought we had the pitchfork stake burning thing stamped out, but for Trump and MAGA folks thats their jam!
Since Covid houses in Montana have gone up like 87% I’m sure my grunt will enjoy life in his apartment since he won t be about to afford a crack house
Guess more to my point is people complain the evil orange guy inherited all his money. But also lost all his money going bankrupt which is it? But 90% of people on both sides made a career out of being in government where instead of going bankrupt just printed more money. Idk I guess this class I’m stuck in for the next few days is a college credit class maybe I’ll be smarter on Friday
The businesses he ran declared bankruptcy, not him personally. I have never complained about him being rich or a member of the lucky-sperm club. I may have pointed out the his rate of return on his wealth is pretty shitty and he has lived a life completely disconnected from most of those that vote for him. I'm not mad about that, just mostly find it a curious glimpse of human personality. None of that matters as to the path of this country. Some people want to stick their head in the sand and wait to evaluate in 10 years. It may be too late by I said, it may be more of a boat analogy.

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